The Sun conjunct Mars synastry aspect is excellent for all kinds of mutual goal-achieving. This means that if they have children, one or more of these children are very likely to have the sign of their parents Sun Sign prominent in their birth charts in some way. Synastry aspects can work very well to help people get to know each other and learn about each other. I noticed this and would compliment her. Thank you. The Sun also holds our ego and our sense of self-worth. Gottcha Janay. They tend to share a sense of purpose or destiny that helps them stay together. Synastry:SunConjunctDescendant Medusa has a story that people want to change. Synastry:Mercury-JupiterAspects She seemed to be asking for compliments for her beauty. The relationship will be dominated by the man, but the woman can play a protective maternal role. The key problems lie in the fact that the "Plutonian" strives for self-expression no less than the "Solar"; as a result, clashes proliferate. Something else i find interesting is i am the only person who has darkish curly hair in my family!!! This is where the Sun in one persons chart impacts the Sun in another persons chart. I mean, woman. Sometimes situations arise when the Lunar feels downed by excessive Solar who responds by considering the Lunar weak, indecisive and pessimistic. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. Stay away. I understand the tease factor is when Medusa is conj a planet or point, however, I trying to work out how the square from her operates. The House that this conjunction falls in each persons chart will also color the meaning of this aspect. I have no idea if she still has my info and Id rather not be around to find out if it goes that direction. Where Athena cursed Medusa, for either breaking her vow of celibacy, or because she was raped. Though it can be a positive transit, it highlights our areas of self awareness we need to work on such as overconfidence and extreme egotistical behavior. This version of the Sun opposite the Moon synastry brings out childhood memories of the mans relationship with his mother. The Sun conjunct Venus synastry relationships are considered ideal in the field of business, especially if the business is related to art. While the two may or may not get along, they will have the same strengths and weaknesses. xoxo. It can also cause some conflicts and problems if not understood. Januarystorm Well-known member Oct 13, 2018 #2 Re: Asteroid Medusa in synastry When I read this article, I could kind of relate to Medusa but I dont know how. Opposites attract! Sun-Mercury Aspects In The Synastry Chart - Tea & Rosemary It isnt a relationship that will die out easily, so there can be enough energy to accomplish just about anything. Medusa (149) Conjunct the Ascendant I have seen this one in action and it is not pretty. However, as the relationship progresses, there can be many ego clashes in the relationship. ( Pay Per Sit=$50.) It is easy for you to be together because you do not have to explain yourselves to one another. You feel understood, appreciated, recognized, and affirmed by one another. They show you energize and support each other. True communication can manifest itself on many levels as each partner has the necessary qualities to balance the other. This Sun trine Mars synastry aspect usually means that both partners want physical touch and attention a similar amount. What do you think, T? Because I dont think Im all that great or attractive, Id scorn them for falling for me as a result of not being able to see unattractive sides of me. Sometimes, this couple has totally different needs concerning timing. Shes actually very humble about her beauty. She would call them names and put them down. Moon-Sun Synastry: Opposite, Square, Conjunct, Trine, Sextile Politically correct women dont like how the Asteroid myths portray women. It is highly unlikely that these people can match each other in temperament, as well as in basic life principles and worldview. YEA, this will come to pass in my opinion, so dont do anything you cant get out of like get married, buy a house, go into business together etc. My boundaries have always been weak, but I am going to counseling to improve in that area. The Sun in the partner's first house of a synastry overlay creates a familiar feeling between the two of you. Trust your partners; they are as attracted to you as you feel drawn to them. My hair is very curly ringlets just like medusa i also have a very dark type of gaze. Each partner may be motivated to do slightly different things, but they are able to respect each others interests. Appointments are a (Pay per Set =$25.) I did not say it but thought, Why do you act provocatively sexy and then get angry when men respond? I watched this drama but did not say anything. Synastry:Mercury-SaturnAspects Venus-Pluto conjunct in synastry also indicates financial exploitation. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. let me ask you this, do you kind of resent them that they are attracted to you, like scorn them? All of them would take me an entire chart to do but Nessus conj the DSC is a tendancy to attract or be attracted to abusive men. It just feels natural. I was seeing a guy with heavy medusa in his natal chart and he played the role of Medusa just like any women would. She made a point to show her beautiful hair to Athena. These two are not good advisors for each other, however. The Sun and the Moon work in a way similar to the yin-yang duality. They may have the same goal but, due to past experiences, each has a different idea of how to get there. This is complicated with the Sun conjunct the Sun. Its no surprise that when it lines up with the Sun in your birth chart, theres a lot of attention on you! This couple is on the same page when it comes to their sex life, too. Jupiter is generous and trusting towards the Sun person, and the Sun person vitalizes the Jupiter person. This transit can bring about an inflated sense of confidence and ego due to ones accomplishments in life. I am not proud of it, particularly considering where it led later. Venus Conjunct Pluto Synastry - What It Means For You This is a lovely aspect if you need to work or accomplish something together. During this time you will be thrust into the spotlight. Sun Conjunct Venus Synastry: Relationships and Friendships Explained :/, Thanks for letting me know, Deja. There can be distinct ego wars between you, especially if you are around each other often. If it is conj YOUR NN, it will be a major life theme, K. I have Medusa conjunct Venus and Chiron. Art thou pale for weariness My boyfriends medusa is exactly conjunct my Moon in saggi and exactly opposite my Eros/his Psyche in Gemini. With Lie and Medusa, I think it would make them more powerful and hence more troublesome. I can suppress those traits. The two may be too much alike to be able to get along with each other. Totally lures men into her web, by being a complete tease, then rejects and bad mouths them, for asking her out, after she throws herself at them. At the same time, the Solar tends to be more active and influential. Together, you feel you are going somewhere. LOL!! Maybe, you have jealousy from other woman due to your gifts. Had an ex whose Mars conjuncted my Medusa. The Lunar considers the Solar insensitive and unbearable while the Solar considers the Lunar easily changeable, gloomy, and lazy. Well, if it is conj a personal planet like Mercury, you would,but if it is conj the NN or another person, you will be that way with them. Both partners find their egos getting triggered often; they then react to the other in an impulsive or angry manner. If you have the Sun conjunct Mars synastry aspect, youre physically compatible with your partner and have similar energetic levels. Copyright [the-year] [site-link] | This website is intended for entertainment purposes only. Both individuals are able to boost each others careers and make excellent business partners. Synastry:Venus-NorthSouthNodeAspectsBetweenTwoCharts If two people have the same Sun sign, the influence of this aspect will be present. sun conjunct sun synastry - Astrology Anonymous Our readers support us. The Mars person specifically feels sexually attracted to the Sun person, but there is definitely physical compatibility in general. As discussed above, signs tend to run in families. With the Sun square Mars synastry aspect, there is a lot of physical and sexual attraction, especially at first. She did lure.Then,she would demean the men that responded. The Sun also holds our ego and our sense of self-worth. I love you and hope you write to me to say hello or to ask questions. Awww Would you like to re tell it again so we have it here, in the Medusa article? They dont overstep when their partner is doing something important; they probably arent overly needy in these areas. I think you may be in denial that you urge men on and then reject them. This could cause conflict, especially if they live together or even spend a lot of time together. I have medusa in my first house making no major aspects yet i feel like i embody this asteroid. Synastry:Mercury-MercuryAspects I dont think Id resent them, but maybe scorn a little, but in a different sense. Mainly physical, lasted about a month. You two make wonderful travel companions. Best Marriage Aspects in Synastry [Everything You Need to Know] - Review42 Hi gorgeous Ami Thanks. With Sun conjunct Mercury synastry, you may also have a similar sense of human and way of talking. The roots of the disagreements are often emotional (this is especially true for the Lunar). This astrological relationship is considered as one of the easiest synastry aspects to experience. My Casanova conjunction my echo conjunct my descendants. Squares create energy, so there may actually be a stronger magnetic pull with this Sun square Mars synastry aspect than with others, like the sextile. This version of Sun conjunct Moon synastry symbolizes a woman-dominated relationship. I think it was as simple as that. This type of the Sun square the Moon synastry causes difficulties as the partners try to achieve their instinctive identity. by Ryan Hart | Updated on October 1, 2022 | Post may contain affiliate links. All in orbs of 1 degree. Medusa, in the myth, turns the amorous gentleman to stone. Lets hope she consented to Poseidons seductions. With the Sun opposite the Moon synastry, the creative, energetic principle opposes but still attracts the family, passive principle. My heart goes out to you! I am digressing badly. Sun Conjunct Ascendant Synastry: Validation and Soulful Connection. She decided to pursue someone else after that month. If the Solar is a natural leader, this synastry turns out better (for example, if it is a relationship between a director and an actor). You have both affection and passion in the relationship. What might this mean? The Sun is an important planet when it comes to synastry. Work to express this aspect in a motivational or sexual way rather than through anger or aggression. The Sun conjunct the Sun is easier in a friendship relationship than it is in a romantic one. For a man-woman couple, the most favorable type of this synastry (in the sense of minimizing the number of disagreements) is when the man is the Solar personality and the woman is the Lunar one. I never wanted to be responsible for causing another pain, although sometimes it is inevitable. Synastry:Venus-MarsAspectsBetweenTwoCharts I thought this men chaser in me was attributed to my Eros in Aries. Venus conjunct the Sun makes you popular and sociable. I wonder if its because medusa conjuncts my mercury, but I also have Sappho conjunct Mercury, and (Lilith, Uranus, Adonis, Astarte) trine my mercury. Care should be taken not to try to knock each other down with blows to the ego. I have Venus square Mars, Mars square Neptune, and Venus opposition Neptune making a T-Square. There are significant disagreements on financial, business, and pedagogical (in relation to the upbringing of children) issues. There is prolly some other asteroids there to that add to this. Lol, Can you relate to the medusa strory? Chances are you both have Sun Conjunct Sun in your birth charts. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. And as the expression of a singular soul, it is an energy that is rare and unique. The Sun conjunct the Moon synastry embodies a natural principle of polarity between creative and perceptual factors. Yea, Valentine would make you full of love so this would hamper the Medusa. However, you share the same flaws and weaknesses as well as the positive qualities, and you may find it difficult to be with someone who so clearly exhibits the very things you like least about yourself. This aspect strongly influences your romantic relationships, attracting love, affection and admiration from others. If the man can take on a role that reflects the strength of the woman, this aspect can be the basis for a compatible union. You probably react to each othervery defensively. An important factor is the Signs in which the Moon and the Sun are located even if they do not form a precise aspect. Under the Sun square the Moon synastry, the energy principle is in conflict with the family principle, and the severity of these differences depends on other aspects. The inner self of the Sun person is very similar to the persona of the Ascendant person. Lets just say communication opened again off and on over the next several years, as is wont to happen between people when they wind up reconnecting. In the natal, this person will be an awful user of men. SHE may appear to be your friend but may hurt and punish you for loving her. Thank you for being up front with me. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. As a result of this, each can help the other to grow and develop, but friction can easily arise in this process. HmmmChiron is at the midpoint of my IC and mercury, all in my 4th house with Chiron opposite uranus by 1 degree in my 10th house. The Basic House Rulers23 Simple Steps for Beginners. *5 appointments is standard per week with a pay per sit. I have medusa connuncts Eros Is it bad? Proverbs 15:31 . That is the long and short of it. I think you are a natural astrologer, Tina. That finds no object worth its constancy? You enjoy a similar conversational flow. The woman feels that she is burdened with a double role: beloved wife and mother, which she may not like at all. There can also be sexual difficulties, especially with timing. The Sun opposition Mars synastry aspect means that these partnerscan have a passionate sexual relationship, but ego clashes can get in the way of this. The Solar actively takes the initiative and the role of a leader, if other aspects do not contradict this. Ive seen that energy play out with my own eyes! Find Top Doctors who perform Dry Eye Surgery Conjunctivo chalasis Would any of that explain it? Although the two of you have many basic differences in your personalities, you are, nevertheless, attracted to each other and intrigued by each other. I think half of them were just glad I seemingly had a bit of luck in the romance department and was out of their hair for awhile. If one or both people have planets in Leo, Aries, Sagittarius or Aquarius (or possessing these signs), then there is a good chance that Sun Conjunct Sun will be present in this relationship. Both partners often feel defensive, which may kill their attraction to each other. You can gain a deeper understanding of your self-identity and purpose in life when you understand the workings of meaningful relationships. They want to change what is to what they want it to be. Synastry:MoonNorthNodeAspects Much depends on how these planets are aspected for each partner in their natal charts. Ultimately, if you have this Sun trine Mars aspect, you are relaxed and in tune with your partner. Im satisfying my own ego. The couple will likely be diplomatic, attractive, charming, and well adorned. Theres two versions to the Medusa myth. They are comfortable expressing their sexual needs to each other without judgment. I respect you have courage to face yourself. Think about your best friend or your soulmate. The timing in the relationship might feel off. They tend to share a sense of purpose or destiny that helps them stay together. The Sun square Mars synastry aspect can indicate competition between the couple. People with this bond are creative, courageous, intelligent, and energetic. I have Medusa square Sun. Although it may be pleasantly challenging at times, and especially at the beginning of your relationship, the need to defend ones basic personality can be draining. A sign is thirty degrees, so this is over half of the sign. Synastry:SunUranusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts For example, if your Sun is in an Air Sign and your parnters Moon is in an Air or Fire Sign, then even without their obvious aspect you can expect a harmonious relationship. My medusa conjuncts my boyfriends sun exactly. Mars-Sun aspects will definitely give you some insight into your relationship, but take these descriptions with a grain of salt. It trines my ASC by less than 6 degrees. She was vain about it, but she was young and didn't know any better than to flaunt her beauty in front of an older woman, whose beauty was waning. The Sun conjunct Sun can also be tricky to interpret in synastry because it usually involves a complex entanglement between Mercury and Venus in the two charts are well. Most people are familiar with the Sun in astrology. "I want to welcome you to my website. What is your opinion on this? With the Sun conjunct Mars synastry aspect, both people probably get energy just from being around each other, but too much energy can be a bad thing. This transit can bring about desires for travel, vacations or getting out of town. At any rate, Medusa had beautiful hair. Most people have quite a few struggles but they are different for different people. In the Sun conjunct Mars synastry relationship, its easy for either person to get super defensive. She had Medusa conjunt the ASC. You probably have similar ways of expressing yourselves sexually, although this is only one aspect of many placements when it comes to physical compatibility. Mars-Sun Aspects In Synastry | Tea & Rosemary It also shows your compatibility in energy levels, time spent together, and sexual preferences. Asteroid Picks-Medusa(149) - My Christian Psychic What do you think of medusa, asteroid lilith, dark moon lilith and chiron conjunct mercury (scorpio, in 4th house)? I have made Medusa asteroid picks. This can be quite a draining aspect in a long-term relationship. I have seen friendships and other relationships with Sun square Sun contacts suddenly fall apart over what appears to be (from the outside looking in) a simple disagreement about different temperaments. In synastries between people who have much in common, this is almost always a very positive synastry. Unlike most other oppositions, the Sun opposite the Moon synastry is usually beneficial for marriage if other aspects support it. This harms the relationship greatly. The Sun conjunct Sun aspect describes the type of twinship emotional, mental or spiritual that can exist between two people. Today the orb is 0 degrees and 41 minutes. The Sun conjunct Venus in synastry is an extremely positive aspect. The Sun Conjunct Sun relationship is generally one of creative cooperation, with a growing sense of intimacy. This Sun trine Mars synastry aspect indicates a mutually supportive, well-balanced relationship. Synastry:Venus-PlutoAspectsBetweenTwoCharts I will see someone who is flaunting her sexuality but then bites men when they respond. I was wondering if you could help me? When one person wants space the other person needs attention, then this dynamic swaps. <3. However, over time, both partners can start to feel annoyed by virtually everything about each other. How to Tell if a Pisces Man is Falling in Love with You? In opposite-sex couples, the Sun-Mars synastry provides strong passions, jealousy, partiality, and subjectivity in the relationship. Why It's So Hard to Sue Doctors for Sexual Assault in Utah ProPublica If the relationship is purely psychological or emotional, it becomes very complex and confusing. It is easy for you to be together because you do not have to explain yourselves to one another. Your relationship is dynamic and energizing. Increased verve comes with an increase in responsibilities. They may find themselves wondering what they saw in the other. How would Medusa Conjunct Asc exact work in synastry? That is a whole lot. In this instance, the two people will feel incredibly alive and energetic when they are together. These discussions are based on the synastry aspects between the Sun in their two charts. I think Ive waxed quite poetically about this one before, but yes, it was quite incendiary in the end. Did I seem more like a Medusa tipe of girl in his eyes? With the Sun sextile Mars synastry aspect, there is an opportunity to create an exciting and motivating relationship. Mutual striving for creative activity allows them to successfully join forces in solving various problems. Related:Venus-Pluto Aspects In The Natal Chart. You have to SEE the chart in people. The Mars person will be both defensive and angry. Statements that begin with you should must be avoided, because they only serve to make the partner defensive. If so, just try to deal with it as best as you can and be as kind as you can. I wonder if all these myths are sad because life is sad. Acceptance and understanding needs to be worked on in order for the relationship to survive. The Sun conjunct Sun in synastry is easy to spot, but it can be complicated to interpret. He will abuse her but it will be more hidden but it will come out in time. Synastry:SunSaturnAspectsBetweenTwoCharts This means that there is a high incidence of this aspect between family members, which can account for quite complicated connections between them. They never seem abusive when I first start dating them. You respond to each others needs automatically, whether these needs are physical or emotional. You enjoy each others company and get along well. You always lift me up. At that time, they will tend to focus on all the things that they have in common, and there will be a lot of them. With guys I have a crush on, the tone of my voice becomes a little sexual and they feel it too. You must learn how to express yourselves and your needs without attacking the other person. The Sun conjunct Venus will tend to amplify and exaggerate the emotional tendencies and moods of those who have this aspect in their charts. Their inability to see through a persons character is a turn off for me and that would make me want to kinda look down on them. In the presence of a number of other significant factors, this aspect may well form a . Thank you for your feedback.