Restitution plus a fine of up to $150,000. Cal. 1-1162.21. Tex. Ann. Illegal influence between legislators or between legislators and governor. N.H. Rev. Stat. Stat. Class B misdemeanors are punishable by a fine not to exceed $1,000. Gov't Code Ann. Or. Rev. Demanding or receiving a bribe. 11, 1201. Sentence of between 10 and 20 years. Ann. 102.02 & Ohio Rev. Ann. 14:140. Official misconduct. Ann. 1665.Knowingly violating conflict of interest provisions is a public offense punishable by between 1 and 5 years or by a fine of no more than $5,000, or a sum equal to any direct monetary gain derived in connection with such violation whichever is greater. Colo. Rev. 6-5-110. tit. Bribery. Ann. Ann. Penal Law 80.00. Violations of conflict of interest provisions are punishable by 2/3 vote of the legislature in a manner determined thereby. 454, 1; Acts 2002, 1st Ex. Ann. Code. N.J. Stat. Failure to disclose a conflict of interest is a civil offense, punishable by not more than $500. Ann. Tex. Penalty includes term of imprisonment for not more than 6 months, plus no more than double any gain to the defendant or loss to the victim caused by the crime. The range of penalties includes censure, removal from office, permanent disqualification from holding any state position, restitution, decades in prison, and fines up into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. 9A.68.010. ALEXANDRIA, La. Ann. 576.040. It is unclear whether Harpin faced any disciplinary action prior to Thursdays indictment. 4903. Term of imprisonment not to exceed 10 years. Ann. Stat. 5 Ill. Comp. Stat. willfully, then shall be guilty of a felony punishable by a term of imprisonment between 2 and 10 years. Ann. Punishable by a term of imprisonment of 9 to 36 months, (Ohio Rev. 13-1-196. Ann. For instance, failure to submit a statement of economic interests may result in removal from a ballot as a candidate. Stat. 1-100. Conn. Gen. Stat. Knowingly make a false statement in a required financial disclosure. Ann. 18.2-439. Official misconduct, which also results in forfeiture of office. Minn. Stat. A person convicted of bribery shall be punished by a fine of not more than $5,000, or by imprisonment of between 1 and 20 years, or both. Ann. /Contents 50 0 R 18-113. This table is intended to provide general information and does not necessarily address all aspects of this topic. 532.060. Ann. Legislator soliciting or receiving a bribe. York and DeMoss were both shown in the violent arrest video, along with Trooper Chris Hollingsworth, who died in a car crash in September 2020, according to the Ouachita Parish Coroners Office. Stat. Ann. Acceptance of compensation for past official behavior. Code Ann. 534.030. 162.425. Get free summaries of new opinions delivered to your inbox! 0000026830 00000 n Ann. Receiving prohibited gifts or gratuities, and trading in public office are both misdemeanors punishable by between 1 year and 3 months in jail and a fine of between $50 and $1,000, or both. Punishable by fine of up to $5,000. Misuse of public money, if $5,000 or less. False reports for violations of the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act, and may include up to a $5,000 if he or she intentionally obstructs or interferes with an investigation or intentionally makes a false, frivolous, or bad faith allegation. Maximum penalty of 2 years imprisonment and a $4,000 fine. 102.99. Dehon was arrested on charges of malfeasance in office and aggravated battery, Port Allen Police Chief Corey Hicks told news agencies earlier in April 2021. 18-1.3-503. Anyone convicted of malfeasance of office will have a felony conviction on their record. Ky. Rev. /Prev 97816 N.Y. 67-16-12. 946.17. Ann. Misuse of information. Improper interest in public contracts. Ann. Ann. 68B.32D. Wyo. 33 L.P.R.A. 0000001460 00000 n 53a-161c. Code Ann. Results in forfeiture of public office or employment. 39-16-404. Thecriminal justiceprocess works separately from commissions and committees to impose punishments for wrongdoing. 8-13-725. Malfeasance in Office: Foulcard was the mayor of Jeanerette from 2013 until 2019. Deficient or false filings, which includes a penalty of up to $100 per day not to exceed $1,000 total. A south Louisiana police chief facing five counts of malfeasance in office surrendered to authorities Tuesday and was later released after posting $25,000 bond. Wash. Rev. CNN has reached out to the indicted officers for comment. Codified Laws 22-12A-7. N.D. 21-6804. Ann. 9A.68.020. Ann. Code Ann. 218A.950. t | 3 76-8-202. 33 L.P.R.A. 4694. 70, 2-119. Stat. /E 42256 Stat. Abuse of public trust, aka self-dealing, if the value of the benefit is between $500 and $5,000. 53a-41. Designation of insurer on a public contract. 105.478. 730 Ill. Comp. 939.50. Penal Code Ann. 2C:43-6. Stat. 218A.965. N.D. You could also be required to pay any lost money the state suffered due to the offense. (KTVE/KARD) - The Louisiana Department of Safety and Corrections says they have arrested four officers on charges of Malfeasance in Office. Ann. Ann. Ann. 430/50-5. 4898. 42.20.070. 4883. Va. Code Ann. Me. Giving or accepting gratuities for an official function. Use of official positions to secure or create privileges, exemptions, advantages, or treatment for himself or herself or others in contravention of the public interest. Stat. Ann. Code Ann. False swearing in official matters. Or. 35-44.1-1-3. Cell: (504) 373-4624. Stat. Utah Code Ann. 17-A, 609. In addition to other penalties provided by law, a fine of up to $10,000 or three times the amount failed to be reported, unlawfully contributed, expended, gave or received may be imposed upon conviction for each violation. 38-510. 939.51. Ann. Miss. and Cons. N.Y. 18-4704. Idaho Code Ann. Maximum penalties are a fine of $25,000 and 6 years imprisonment. Ann. Abuse of the public trust if the value of the public money or property at issue is $100,000 or more, and results in disqualification from any public office. 21-6003. Conn. Gen. Stat. Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:134 - Malfeasance in office :: 2019 16.1-10-08. 11.56.124. Public servant's prohibited interest in public contracts. Pattern of official misconduct, if one of the acts is a first or second degree crime. 18 Pa. Stat. 534.030. 9 G.C.A. Sentence of imprisonment between 2 and 5 years. Ann. 18 Pa. Stat. Code Ann. Rev. Non-felonious misconduct in office (e.g. Sentence of imprisonment not to exceed 12 months. Threats and other improper influence, if the actor threatened to commit a crime or made a threat with the purpose to influence a judicial or administrative proceeding. Ohio Rev. Abuse of public trust, aka self-dealing, if the value of the benefit is $25,000 or more. Ann. Ann. 161.625. Stat. Stat. 420/2-104. Ann. Terms of imprisonment vary. A district attorney said Tuesday that a grand jury charged each officer on Monday with one count of malfeasance in office. Fla. Stat. and Cons. RS 14:134.2 - Malfeasance in office; tampering with evidence . Mich. Comp. Interfering with legislative process. Ann. Maximum term of imprisonment of 6 months. Special privileges from public utilities. Del. Ala. Code 13A-5-7. Del. Punishable by a fine of no more than $25,000. Ann. Chambers of the legislature may imprison any person who interferes with the legislative process for contempt. 8-13-735.Violations of ethics standards all subject to restitution and reprimand by the State Ethics Commission. tit. Miss. x\n?x X|FA} -\ ]$H*`}Gd:uT.COEMTO{|@[tKYR]{rmz|W| XD- S']|cTn2`bxrai/Mm}h>W Ell =E?WeYWc{vY";}'zCsS`YP_.c_xipg8BH2Q?!E3sD/,2a| ~ Ann. Ann. 14:138. Official misconduct. Penalty includes term of imprisonment for not more than 10 years or less than 1 year and 1 day. Rev. The indictments mark the first time charges have been brought in Greenes death. Ann. Gen. Laws Ann. Codified Laws 3-16-7. Trading in special influence. Code Ann. Ann. 4694. Kan. Stat. Not all ethics violations are treated equally. Minn. Stat. I feel bad for the people here in Louisiana. Mo. Bribery or receipt of a bribe. Ark. Stat. Delay in complying or violation of a commission order, punishable by a civil penalty of $5,000 maximum, or triple the amount at issue, whichever is more. 53a-35a. Legislator holding a prohibited interest or in certain contracts, which results in forfeiture of office. 420/2-103. 45-7-401.Violation of nepotism law is a second degree misdemeanor punishable by $50 to $1,000 fine and imprisonment for no more than 6 months. Rev. Stat. 6.666. Negligence in the performance of duty if damages to public property do not exceed $10,000, plus restitution. Stat. Criminal use of office or position punishable by maximum $500 fine and imprisonment of 6 months. 193.130. Mont. If more than 30 days late, commission issues a warning. 0000026355 00000 n Rev. Rev. 11.56.100 & 11.56.110. Rev. Cent. 21-6002. Ann. N.C. Gen. Stat. Fraudulent alteration of a bill or resolution before or after passage. Louisiana v. Thompson :: 2017 :: Louisiana Supreme Court Decisions Or. 61 0 obj Code Ann. Tex. 21, 382. Stat. If guilty of violating one of the ethics provisions in Ariz. Rev. Code Ann. Ala. Code 36-25-27. Soliciting unlawful compensation is a felony punishable by imprisonment for no more than 10 years, a fine of not more than $5,000, or both. 6.731. Delegating powers for profit. ch. Code Ann. Aggravated: 2 years. Any violation of the Corrupt Practices section of the chapter on Elections unless a penalty is otherwise specified. Rev. Corruption by (actual, not the threat of) harm against a public servant. Ann. Embezzlement of property received by virtue of office or employment if $100,000 or more. 102.07 & Ohio Rev. Stat. Technical violations of disclosure requirements punishable by a penalty not to exceed $50. Cal. Ann. Ann. Utah Code Ann. Maximum sentence of 15 years. Additionally, employees may be subject to reprimand, probation, demotion, suspension, or discharge. Aug. 15, 2011; Acts 2016, No. /Type /Catalog Ann. Cal. Stat. Misdemeanors are punishable by 6 months imprisonment or a fine not exceeding $1,000, or both. 14:118. tit. 721.1. Ghost employment. Stat. Rev. Ann. 21-6005. Gov't Code Ann. Stat. Idaho Code Ann. Knowingly or willfully soliciting or accepting a gift from a lobbyist, principal, or person acting on behalf of a lobbyist. Ann. Stat. But video released two years after the May 10, 2019, incident shows officers kicking, punching and using a Taser on Greene before he died in their custody. The most severe consequences are normally reserved for cases of bribery involving large sums or similar types of intentional violations of ethics or anti-corruption laws. Any knowing or willful violation of the provisions of the Code of Ethics. Haw. Ann. Code Ann. 12.33. 18 Pa. Stat. 1-22-7. Ann. 80.50. Ann. Failure to disclose a conflict of interest. Misuse of information. Conn. Gen. Stat. Alteration or mutilation of property, including documents, under the control of a public officer or employee. Code Ann. Punishable by imprisonment between 20 and 2 years and fine of no more than $10,000. Codified Laws 22-6-1. State Ethics Commission may impose civil penalties for violations of the procurement code of not more than $1,000 for each procurement in violation of the code. Penal Law 496.02. 17-A, 605. Stat. Public corruption profiteering subject to penalties of $500,000, $25,000, or $75,000 depending upon severity, or three times the value of any property involved in the crime. Fla. Stat. Fraudulent alteration of an enrolled copy of any bill or resolution. Results in forfeiture of public office or employment. S.C. Code Ann. 0 Code Ann. Ann. Dual employment violation punishable by civil penalty of $50 per day. Five law enforcement officers involved in the May 2019 death of Black motorist Ronald Greene have been indicted on state charges by a grand jury in Union Parish, Louisiana. Stat. Tex. His family has said state police initially told them Greene died in a car crash after a police chase. >> 11.56.120. This undated photo provided by the West Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's Office, in Louisiana, shows Officer Nolan Dehon III. 21-8-304. 19.59. Ann. Note, however, that enforcement provisions relating to campaign statements or reports are subject to Va. Code Ann. Ark. 17-A, 607. Failure to report a bribe. Mass. Misuse of public funds also results in disqualification to hold public office. Punishable by term of imprisonment not to exceed 6 months. Wis. Stat. Ann. 9A.20.021. startxref Code Ann. Me. Maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment. Ann. Punishableby sentence of imprisonment of up to 6 months. Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:134.1 - Malfeasance in office; sexual conduct prohibited with persons in the custody and supervision of the Department of Public Safety and Corrections Current as of: 2021 | Check for updates | Other versions Terms Used In Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:134.1 Minn. Stat. Negotiations incompatible with the discharge of public office, if attempted and obtained. Trading in public office and political endorsement. Stat. 17-A, 1301. Ann. 558.011. Buying and selling offices. Ark. Ann. Ann. Wis. Stat. Ohio Rev. Okla. Stat. Conn. Gen. Stat. Member of the legislature soliciting employment with a state department or institution, punishable by between $100 and $1,000 and a term of imprisonment between 1 and 5 years. 5-4-201. 651:2. Laws Ann. Penalty for a gross misdemeanor at maximum is 364 days and a fine of $2,000. Utah Code Ann. 33 L.P.R.A. Ky. Rev. N.M. Stat. 5-52-101. Union Parish Deputy Chris Harpin was indicted on three counts of malfeasance in office. Ann. Ky. Rev. Bribery. Abuse of office, if the value of the benefit is $5,000 to $500. 576.020. Ann. Utah Code Ann. ch. Ann. Violation of conflict of interest prohibitions relating to public investments is a misdemeanor punishable by no more than 6 months imprisonment, a fine of no more than $750, or both. Improper disclosure of bid or proposal. 1108. New Roads mayor indicted on counts of malfeasance in office Fine of between $1,000 and $10,000 or double the gain from the commission of the offense, whichever is greater. Improper influence. Ala. Code 13A-10-82. Punishable by term of imprisonment between 3and 5years. Performance of duties before taking oath of office is a misdemeanor, punishable by maximum $500 fine and imprisonment of 1 year. S.D. Fraudulent alteration of enrolled copies. Stat. Acceptance of a bribe. And every state does things in its own way. Unlawful interest in a public contract. Threats to influence official or political action. Misuse of confidential information. 572.034. Mitigated: .33 years. Rev. Use or disclosure of confidential information by a public official, member, or employee for financial gain punishable by a maximum fine of $5,000 and 5 years imprisonment. Ann. Maximum sentence of life imprisonment. Code Ann. Ky. Rev. Violation of conflict of interest provisions subject to censure and civil fine of no more than $10,000 and removal from office. Bribery, which results in removal and permanent disqualification from public office. 218A.915. Laws Ann. Third degree felonies are punishable by a term of imprisonment not to exceed 5 years. 17-A, 608. N.H. Rev. Stat. Code Ann. Attempt to provide a pecuniary benefit for bribery. Thomas faces 20 years in prison and $40,000 in. Williams, 40, entered the no contest plea on the malfeasance charge as part of a plea bargain by 18th Judicial District Attorney Tony Clayton's office in exchange for the plea on the felony charge. Punishable by fine of up to $2,500. N.M. Stat. Stat. 218A.955. Stat. Colo. Rev. Because the facts of each situation may vary, this information may need to be supplemented by consulting legal advisors. 33 L.P.R.A. Ann. Maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment and a $20,000 fine. 8-13-780. 76-8-404. Ark. The two terms may be used interchangeably in some circumstances but they are not the same thing. 522.050. Ann. 3 V.I.C. endobj tit. Stat. Bribery. 268A, 9.Corrupt gifts, offers or promises to influence official acts punished by a fine of no more than $100,000 or by imprisonment not to exceed 10 years, or both. 9 G.C.A. Colo. Rev. Penalties include a fine of not more than $500 and imprisonment for not more than 6 months. Tex. 97-11-53 & 97-7-55. 2C:27-12. Mo. Laws Ann. Embezzlement and fraudulent conversion, punishable no more than $50,000 or 3 times the value embezzled or converted, and imprisonment for no more than 20 years, unless less than $100 embezzled, in which case max penalty is $1,000 and imprisonment of no more than 1 year. 730 Ill. Comp. Stat. Ann. Term of imprisonment not to exceed 5 years and a fine of between $750 and $7,500. The sentencing range is up to 5 years in prison or up to a $5,000.00 fine. 102.99. 18-1354. 9 G.C.A. 521.050. Sentence of imprisonment not to exceed 1year. 13-702. 35-44.1-1-5. Ann. Kan. Stat. Or. Code Ann. Punishable by a term of imprisonment of 6 to 18 months, (Ohio Rev. Punishable by imprisonment between 8and 15 years. Ann. Fla. Stat. Wis. Stat. He faces a May 5, 2021, termination hearing before the Port . Bribery is punishable by imprisonment for not more than 10 years, a fine of not more than $5,000, or both. 53a-148a. Four Angola officers booked on charges of Malfeasance in Office Ann. Unlawful interest in a public contract if the value of the contract is over $50, (N.M. Stat. Haw. Promising to use or withhold from using official influence or vote for any thing of value. Wyo. 534.040. 218A.975. Violation of the statutes relating to gifts. 2929.14) and a fine of not more than $10,000. Misuse of confidential information. 2C:30-3. 4 attempted malfeasance in office; to provide that convictions for attempted 5 malfeasance in office may be set aside; to provide relative to expungement of records 6 of arrest and conviction for attempted malfeasance in office; and to provide for 7 related matters. Stat. Ohio Rev. 6.737. Rev. Ann. Presumptive penalties include $2,000 to $500,000 and 2 to 6 years imprisonment. Fraudulent alteration of bills. Ann. 12.1-13-01. Code Ann. Colo. Rev. Alaska Stat. Bribery. Stat. Ann. 6.797 &Ky. Rev. 838.021. << Fine not to exceed $5,000, plus restitution or double any pecuniary gain from the violation. Fine of no more than $10,000 or double any gain from the offending conduct. 35-44.1-1-4. Oppression under color of office. Okla. Stat. Stat. 49 0 obj Tex. Rev. 31-18-15. Tex. 18-8-404. 39-16-404. Ann. Ann. 558.002. 12.55.135. Ann. 42.20.040. Code. /Parent 44 0 R Ohio Rev. Utah Code Ann. Ann. Ann. Bribery in the second degree (value of bribe is over $5,000). Stat. Official misconduct in the second degree. Stat. Code Ann. 722.1 & Iowa Code Ann. Public investment fraud. Troopers say Greenes death was caused by crash-related blunt force chest trauma that resulted in a fractured sternum and ruptured aorta and said they used force for their own personal safety and for the safety of the public, according to court documents. 9A.20.021. Ann. Official misconduct in the first degree. Code Ann. Code Ann. In addition to other remedies provided by law, a violation of the Public Ethics Law shall be grounds to void any state action taken based on the violative act or acts. Ann. Neb. 5-4-201. stream Ann. Ann. Mont. Punishment for a Class D felony includes a term of imprisonment between 1 and 4 years, and a fine of not more than $5,000, or both. 39-16-402 & Tenn. Code Ann. Ark. 19.58 & Wis. Stat. Carl Barkemeyer is a Malfeasance in Office defense lawyer in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Mo. Ann. Legislative misconduct, i.e. Ann. Ohio Rev. 14-B:10. 273, 1. Ann. 5-4-201. Violations of the Code of Ethics for Lobbyists, if benefit derived is over $1,000 in value or for a subsequent violation of the same provision. 811, 1, eff. Fines for class C felonies of not more than $15,000, plus no more than double any gain to the defendant or loss to the victim caused by the crime. Ky. Rev. Ann. Greenes mother, Mona Hardin, told CNN that she was on cloud nine Friday following the indictments until she was told that two of the indicted officers had been placed on administrative leave. Idaho Code Ann. 5/5-4.5-50. Former White Castle Mayor gets three-year sentence on malfeasance charge Stat. 14:134 :: RS 14:134 Malfeasance in office - Justia Law Stat. Fine not to exceed $2,000. . 18-8-403. 11-7-5. Dozens of ethics-adjacent criminal penalties with varying fines and maximum terms of imprisonment are listed at Miss. 76-8-106. Iowa Code Ann. Bribery penalties include a term of imprisonment of no more than 10 years, a fine, or a monetary penalty of twice the benefit received from the bribe. and Cons. Retaliation for past official action. His bond has been set at $25,000. Alteration of proposed legislative bill or resolution. Ann. Ann. Disclosure of confidential information provided to the government. Legislators, public employees, and other public servants may face severe consequences for violating the public trust. Code Ann., Crim. 5-4-201. Colo. Rev. Ann. 74-406. Ky. Rev. 21-6005. The range of penalties includes censure, removal from office, permanent disqualification from holding any state position, restitution, decades in prison, and fines up into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Knowingly failing to serve civil process when required by law. Unlawful benefit from public office. 721.10. Code Ann. 532.060. Former state trooper pleads guilty in district court Ann. Ann. Ann. Me. Me. S.C. Code Ann. 16.1-10-04. Kan. Stat. Penal Code Ann. Stat. Mo. 720 Ill. Comp. 102.99. For a violation where a penalty is not otherwise specified. 18-8-407. 730 Ill. Comp. Ann. Ann. Ky. Rev. Ann. Penalties for class A misdemeanors includea term of imprisonment for not more than 1 year. Mo. 30-24-2. Sentences of imprisonment for misdemeanors are based on guidelines that vary based on various factors, and is provided at N.C. Gen. Stat. Mich. Comp. Ann. Ann. Utah Code Ann. N.J. Stat. Rev. Willful and knowing disclosure of information made confidential is subject to administrative sanction. Unlawful compensation for assistance in public matters. Code Ann. Code Ann. Stat. Kan. Stat. tit. Mont. Me. Soliciting or receiving improper compensation, which also shall result in disqualification from public service for 7 years. Conflicts of interest prohibitions. Even though it was a small victory, we are still left heartbroken trying to pick up the pieces, added Alana Hardin, another sister. 11, 4205. N.J. Stat. Code Ann. /Names << /Dests 32 0 R>> Code Ann. Stat. N.M. Stat. In addition, criminal penalties for violating the Code include fines of between $100 and $5,000 or imprisonment of up to 1 year, or both. Stat. Former RPSO corrections deputy convicted of malfeasance in 2019 - KALB 15.308. 49.30. First violation of the Regulation of Conflict of Interest and Lobbying statutes. Stat. Stat. 128, 6; Acts 2010, No. Okla. Stat. 2C:27-12. Knowingly submitting to a governmental entity a false or duplicate claim for expenses. 5 Ill. Comp. Improper interest in a public contract. \ c . 643:2. 14:132.Filing false public records punishable by no more than 5 years, a fine of not more than $5,000, or both, plus restitution. Stat. Louisiana State Police still make and break their own laws. Ga. Code Ann. Kan. Stat. N.D. State Ethics Commission may institute a civil action in district court, or refer a matter to the attorney general or a district attorney, for a violation of the Financial Disclosure Act. 61-5A-9.Misuse of confidential information, prohibited representation, and practicing before a board, agency, commission or department shall constitute a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment up to 6 months and a fine of up to $1,000. 193.140. 5-405. Embezzlement by officers. 21-6002. Private interest in a public contract. Appeal court confirms conviction of suspended Lafayette Marshal Brian Code Ann. Sess., No. Utah Code Ann. 35-50-2-6. Code Ann. Kan. Stat. 2C:27-9. 903.1. Haw. Knowing misrepresentation or omission of facts required to be contained in a financial interest statement. 14-91. Ark. 1-100. Ann. 21-6005. Code Ann. Mo. Soliciting unlawful compensation. Penal Law 496.04. 97-7-1 et seq.Offering or receiving things of value intended to influence a public official is a felony, punishable by imprisonment up to 10 years and a fine of up to $5,000, or both. Stat. He has been placed on administrative leave following his indictment. Stat. Ann. Ann. Ohio Rev. For example, a state's statutes may not require that a legislator be removed from office for engaging in nepotism, but the offender may still be removed from office if provided for by some other policy or procedure not covered here. 21, 307 & Okla. Stat. Knowingly filing a materially false statement or willfully concealing a material fact in filing the statement is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined no more than $1,000 and imprisoned for no more than 1 year. Bribing is punishable by imprisonment in the state prison for two, three or four years. Misuse of public records and files. N.J. Stat. Ann. Ann. Code Ann. Ariz. Rev. Ann. Cent. Yorks attorney, J. Michael Small, told CNN in a statement that he is convinced that a fair minded jury in Union Parish will find Trooper York not guilty of all charges., He added: There will be no plea bargaining., After the indictments, Louisiana State Police Superintendent Lamar Davis said in a statement: Any instance of excessive force jeopardizes public safety and is a danger to our communities. The family is seeking damages for all medical and funeral expenses. Official misconduct. Each house of the legislative assembly is empowered to punish, by imprisonment, as for contempt, a person who is guilty of one or more of the following: knowingly arresting a member or officer of the house or procuring such member or officer to be arrested in violation of the member or officer's privilege from arrest; disorderly conduct in the immediate view of the house and directly tending to interrupt its proceedings; refusing to attend and be examined as a witness either before the house, any committee thereof, or before any person authorized to take testimony in legislative proceedings; giving or offering a bribe to a member or attempting to menace by corrupt means.