Chandra's efforts have been recognized with a 2006 NSF CAREER award, the 2008 CRA-W Anita Borg Early Career Award (BECA), and the 2008-9 UCSB Academic Senate Distinguished Teaching Award. Jennifer Jacobs, Sumit Gogia, Radomir Mech, and Joel Brandt. Hy th li sau. TikTok; Twitter; Instagram; LinkedIn; This collection of links will get you to a load of information and resources you may find helpful while you're here. David Young Press, 1989), explored the relation between the imaginative experiences of literature and history. 0000007219 00000 n Ken is on the editorial board of the Journal of Organised Sound and advisor to the Electroacoustic Music Studies Asian Network (EMSAN). She was Chief Scientist of the Program from 1998 to 2003. Gerald Jacobs received a B.A. Graduate Students | Chemical Engineering - UC Santa Barbara 0000003807 00000 n 0000004438 00000 n In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Denver, Colorado, USA, April 2017. Office: ED 3230 Design and Tailoring of Alloys for Additive Manufacturing. Born in 1945, Clarence Barlow obtained a science degree at Calcutta University in 1965 and a concert pianist diploma from Trinity College of Music London the same year. Connect With UC SANTA BARBARA. Her research examines ways to diversify participation and practice in computer programming by building computational tools for art, design, digital fabrication, and craft. In line with this vision, ECG builds new computational tools that enable artists, designers, and engineers to integrate core computational affordances with their own knowledge and practices. He is interested in expanding the ways in which people interact with computers. He was the lead DSP developer for Ableton Live, authoring an array of sound processing algorithms that are now used in music production across the globe. Dr. Cabrera's current research in interactive distributed computation is directed towards tackling the diverse complex issues around computational workflows in scientific research through the merging of human-computer interaction, literate programming, and multimedia display. Jennifer Jacobs is Assistant Professor in Media Arts and Technology and Computer Science (by courtesy) at the University of California, Santa Barbara. My research lab investigates . This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. RE Touch Lab - Director and Principal Investigator. Her research has been presented at international venues including SIGGRAPH, DIS, CACM, Ars Electronica and CHI, where her research has received multiple best paper awards. Professor Jennifer Jacobs. Hybrid Practice in the Kalahari: Design Collaboration through Digital Tools and Hunter-Gatherer Craft. and B.F.A from Hunter College and the University of Oregon respectively. 0000003695 00000 n 0000054815 00000 n His book, Microsound (2001, The MIT Press) presents the techniques and aesthetics of composition with sound particles. 0000005074 00000 n Previously, heworked at the Harvard Microrobotics Lab and the ETH Multi-scale Robotics Lab. Jennifer Jacobs is Assistant Professor at the University of California Santa Barbara in Media Arts and Technology and Computer Science (by courtesy). In this talk, I argue that by developing methods to integrate computational production with manual and physical making, we can dramatically expand the expressive potential of computers and broaden participation in computational production. Jennifer Jacobs, USA, is Assistant Professor at University of California, Santa Barbara, in Media Arts and Technology, and director of the Expressive Computation Lab. Students will be assigned weekly readings drawn from Fine Art, Computer Graphics, Computational Design and Human Computer Interaction texts.Students are expected to complete the required readings and a reading reflection slide by Wednesday at 6pm, as well as engage in group discussions in class on Thursday.Students should also leave comments on at least 2 other reading reflection from their . With Dr. Joseph Tilbian, he developed the Stride programming language aimed at simplifying development for interactive embedded and heterogenous systems. hb```b``b`a``cad@ A6 daxP`Bca4 R@9Tjx5n$_L]r0:G\KE. Cyborgs and Space. Her first book, Assistant Professor (Computational Craft and Haptic Media), Jennifer Scalzo 0000001534 00000 n 0000004076 00000 n Early life and education. A researcher at MIT (1980-1986), he also worked in the computer software industry for a decade. He has been working on the Makrolab, a project that focuses on telecommunications, migrations and weather systems research in an intersection of art and science from 1997-2007, the Interpolar Transnational Art Science Constellation during the International Polar Year (project 417) and is currently coordinating the Arctic Perspective Initiative art/science/tactical media project focused on the global significance of the Arctic geopolitical, natural and cultural spheres together with Matthew Biederman. Much of her work involves developing and using spatial simulation models to integrate data from multiple field-based monitoring studies in order to generalize results to larger watersheds. Dr. Jacobs is a faculty member at UC Santa Barbara in Media Arts and Technology and Computer Science (by courtesy). Copyright 2023. With over 20 years of research experience in audio and digital signal processing, he was a long time contributor to the Csound language and developed the widely-distributed Csound development environment CsoundQt. Regents of the University of California. 320: 1983: Cone-based vision of rats for ultraviolet and visible lights. His composition Clang-tint (1994) was commissioned by the Japanese Ministry of Culture (Bunka-cho) and the Kunitachi College of Music, Tokyo. Office: ED 3243, Mathematics Jennifer Jacobs - Assistant Professor - University of - LinkedIn At UCSB he functions as professor at MAT, the Music Department (as Corwin Endowed Chair and Head of Composition) and the College of Creative Studies. His publications include several articles in journals and a book on 20th century music theory. Dr. Cabrera worked for more than six years as a professional sound designer and audio engineer and has taught at the undergraduate and graduate level in three countries. trailer <<4D7E78DE4B274649907D09471A97BDD3>]/Prev 346937/XRefStm 1555>> startxref 0 %%EOF 1333 0 obj <>stream Rooms 2024 and 2005, Elings Hall. Art, Electronic Theater or Performance Jury. 0000002325 00000 n 0000001761 00000 n From 2014-2015, she was a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation wellbeing research fellow at the Media Lab. Her research lab investigates ways to support expressive computer-aided design, art, craft, and manufacturing by developing new computational tools, abstractions, and systems that integrate emerging forms of computational creation and digital fabrication with traditional . UC Santa Barbara Alumni. 2020. Her research and teaching encompass environmental media, the history and theory of electronic media, game studies, science and technology studies, and sound studies. Journal of Experimental Biology 204 (14), 2439-2446, 2001. Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies. Jennifer Jacobs - Google Scholar In 1994, when he started his Voice of the Shuttle Web site for humanities research, he began to study information culture as a way to close the circuit between the literary or historical imagination and the technological imagination. In 2000, he joined the Stanford Graphics Lab where he did research on real-time rendering and computational photography. Publications | Pollock Research Group - UC Santa Barbara Jennifer Mary Jacobs - Home She is the founder of Uproot, UCSB's first BIPOC art coalition. Santa Barbara CA 93106-9490. Research Director CREATE, and Media Systems Engineer, AlloSphere Research Group. Jennifer Jacobs researches ways to support expressive computer-aided design, art, and manufacturing by developing new computational tools, languages, and systems that integrate emerging forms of computational creation and digital fabrication with traditional materials, manual control, and non-linear design practices. Tobias Hllerer. University of California Santa Barbara Elings Hall Room 2215 Santa Barbara, CA, 93106 Research Interests . Faculty-led research groups exploring research areas within computer science and its interdisciplinary applications. His work was exhibited internationally at multiple biennales and festivals (Venice, Gwangju, Brussels, Manifesta, Johannesburg, Istanbul), at the documenta X in Kassel, several ISEA exhibitions, several Ars Electronica presentations and major museums, such as the P.S.1 MOMA, New Museum of Contemporary Art, ICC NTT Tokyo, YCAM Yamaguchi, Van Abbemuseum and others. Monica Scafide His artistic works have exhibited at some of the most prominent cultural venues in the world. We're sorry but personalwebsite doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Jerry Jacobs | Psychological & Brain Sciences | UCSB, Science (Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physics) A composer of primarily electro-acoustic works, her music has been performed throughout the United States, Europe and Asia. 0000000016 00000 n Department of Film and Media Studies, 2018 Social Sciences and Media Studies Building. Trained in computer science, design, and fine art, Jacobs received her Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technologys Media Lab and completed her postdoctoral research in the Computer Science Department at Stanford University. Trained in computer science, design, and fine art, Jacobs received her Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technologys Media Lab and completed her postdoctoral research in the Computer Science Department at Stanford University. 0000002849 00000 n MAT594X - Facebook; Instagram; Vimeo; Linkedin . He holds joint appointments with the Department of Art and the Media Arts & Technology graduate program at the University of California Santa Barbara, and was appointed as Co-Director of the Univerisy of California system-wide Institute for Research in the Arts in 2009, where he is coordinating the art/science Integrative methodologies initiative. Recently published from Univ. Legrady's artistic works have been supported by awards from the Creative Capital Foundation, the Daniel Langlois Foundation for the Arts, Science and Technology, the Canada Council for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts, and a John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship in Visual Arts in 2016. In addition to this research, McCray is starting a new pilot project which considers the interaction between scientists, engineers, and artists during the first three decades of the Cold War. Undergraduate Research Fellow, Black Studies & Sociology, 2019-present. Our goal is to create human-machine systems that extend the body and the mind, leaving us free to learn, to create, to think and to feel (Clynes and Kline. Office: ED 3262, University of California, Santa Barbara In 2000 she began the creation, design, and development of a Digital Media Center within the California Nanosystems Institute. Lecturer. 0000001180 00000 n We create new hardware and software interfaces that allow practitioners to combine computational abstraction, automation, and generativity with direct-manipulation, manual control, and physical materials. George Legrady, Distinguished Professor of Digital Media. RHESSys is designed to provide science-based information about spatial patterns of ecosystem health and vulnerability in terms of water quantity and quality. 0000000696 00000 n In 2016 he was awarded the Giga-Hertz Prize by the ZKM, Karlsruhe, and Sudwest Rundfunk, Baden-Baden. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. University of California, Santa Barbara. In line with this vision, ECG builds new computational tools that enable artists, designers, and engineers to integrate core computational affordances with their own knowledge and practices. PDF JENNIFER JACOBS Updated: Oct 21st, 2019 - Massachusetts Institute of Santa Barbara, California 93106-4160. He studied organ performance, composition and architecture in Lisbon. From 2009 on he is the one of the series editors of the Arctic Perspective Cahiers series (Hatje Cantz and API). He co-directs the "Four Eyes Laboratory" conducting research in the four I's of Imaging, Interaction, and Innovative Interfaces. Jennifer Jacobs: Connecting Art and Technology and B.F.A from Hunter College and the University of Oregon respectively. Jennifer Jacobs - UC Santa Barbara People | Four Eyes Lab - UC Santa Barbara Chandra Krintz is a Professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). Assistant Professor He taught electronic music composition at Harvard University and sound synthesis techniques at the University of Naples Federico II. Her projects have been exhibited internationally, in venues such as The Walker Art Center (Minneapolis), Banff Centre for the Arts (Canada), The New Museum (New York), The Swedish National Public Art Council (Stockholm, Sweden), and the Biennial at the Whitney Museum of American Art (New York). 1306 0 obj <> endobj xref Major: Black Studies & Sociology. Her work is in the permanent collection at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. 20+ "Jenny Jacobs" profiles | LinkedIn Nadya Peek, collaborator Jennifer Jacobs receive NSF award to research Donate to the Lab. Specialties: computer vision, human-computer interaction, multimodal/perceptual interfaces, gesture recognition. He is the creator of Artsmesh, a macOS application for live networked music performance. In 2004, he began researching a new method of sound analysis that is the analytical counterpart of granular synthesis called dictionary-based pursuit (DBP). Jennifer Jacobs, Joel Brandt, Radomir Mech, and Mitchel Resnick. She completed a masters of science in the High-Low Tech group and an MFA in Integrated Media Art from Hunter College. He is also the director of the MAT Systemics Lab, located in Elings Hall. Department of Art Associate Post Doctoral Research Fellow We envision a future for computational production where software and hardware tools are truly shaped by the people who use them. Specialization: Data visualization, computation & photography, interactive media art installation, mobile robotic multi-camera imaging. Her research has been presented at international venues including SIGGRAPH, DIS, CACM, Ars Electronica and CHI, where her research has received multiple best paper awards. More broadly, she works on ways to enable art and design professionals to leverage their domain expertise to quickly and effectively develop personal software tools. Faculty & Staff | UC Santa Barbara Professor The visualization is scheduled for operation until 2019, with approximately 30000 items checked-out per day resulting at this time, in a collection of over 90 million datasets. His 2005 CD/DVD album POINT LINE CLOUD was re-issued by Presto!? From 1994-2010 he was a member of the International Academy of Electroacoustic Music in Bourges, France. Her recent work focuses on progamming language and runtime support for cloud computing. Verified email at - Homepage. Professor Tague is currently modeling the impacts of climate change on stream-flow patterns in the western United States and examining how urbanization alters drainage patterns and associated biogeochemical cycling in watersheds in Baltimore, Maryland, and Southern California. MAT provides a great opportunity to explore this domain". Since then, Jennifer had been continuing to work on her "JMETHOD" brand, as well as teaching classes through "Ladder Teams" platform . He is the recipient of many prizes for his work, including the 2001 Golden Nica Prize at Ars Electronica together with Carsten Nicolai for their work, polar, and the UNESCO Digital Media Prize for Makrolab in 2004. Whilst articulating highly fluent theory, he has practiced, producing beautiful ethereal architectures that flux and shimmer as his algorithms run their designed logics. Her work is discussed in numerous books, for example, in "Internet Art" by Rachel Greene and "Digital Art" by Christiane Paul (Thames and Hudson). She also received an M.F.A. A new revised edition of The Computer Music Tutorial (MIT Press) is scheduled for publication in Spring 2023. Fostering an inclusive environment where students from all backgrounds can achieve their highest potential. He is currently writing a new book about "visioneers" - people who used their technical expertise to promote visions of a more expansive future made possible by the technologies they studied, designed, and promoted. During the series of World projects, he has installed several communications mapping and interception systems and projects and his research led him to map the command and control communications networks and response during the Srebrenica genocide. Single-Subject (SST, Secondary) Content Supervisors: English-Language Arts . in Electrical Engineering in 1998 in the area of electron-beam lithography. Her research examines ways to diversify participation and practice in computer programming by building computational tools for art, design, digital fabrication, and craft. Faculty | The Gevirtz School (GGSE) - UC Santa Barbara His book Composing Electronic Music: A New Aesthetic (Oxford University Press) appeared in 2015. ECL's objective is to foster the development of expressive computational tools for art, design, and engineering. 0000055655 00000 n Department of Art. MIT selected her as an EECS Rising Star in 2018. Jennifer Jacobs - Fitness Staff - LA Fitness | LinkedIn 0000001375 00000 n Jacobs received a BA in English Language and Literature from Iowa State University in 1993. Jeremy Jacobs Jeremy Jacobs. We need to make computers accessible to all people in all situations. Providing UC Santa Barbara alumni a place to network and connect with fellow Gauchos; mentor and recruit students and young alumni; advocate for the UC system on a local, state or federal level; and much more. 0000132293 00000 n JENNIFER JACOBS - Wellness Fitness & Nutrition - Instagram Office: ED 3206, World Language (Spanish) She was recently given the Creative Capital Award, the LACMA Art + Tech Lab Grant, the Steve Wilson Award from Leonardo, the International Society for Art, Sciences, and Technology, Carolyn Glasoe Bailey Foundation Art Prize, and the Craft Futures Grant from Center for Craft. Click Here to Login with UCSB Net ID. Dr. Cabrera is adjunct faculty in the Media Arts and Technology Program at UC Santa Barbara and received his PhD at Queen's University Belfast under the direction of Dr. Gary Kendall, a pioneer of computer music and spatial audio digital signal processing. As part of her research, she has conducted craft and technology workshops around the world. Assistant Professor of Media Arts and Technology, University of California Santa Barbara. Jennifer's research is situated within the context of teacher education. Media Arts and Technology. S lng "Trch dn bi" bao gm trch dn trong cc bi vit sau y trong Scholar. Meet Our Team | Kate Farms | Plant-Based Nutrition Formulas Jennifer Jacobs - UC Santa Barbara He is former Media Arts & Technology department chair (2013-2017). Professor Expressive Computation Lab website: Her research has been presented at leading human-computer interaction research venues and journals including UIST, DIS, SIGGRAPH, and, most prominently, at the flagship ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), where she received two best paper awards and one best paper honorable mention award in the past four years. 0000000016 00000 n The culmination of her design is the AlloSphere Research Laboratory, a three-story metal sphere inside an echo-free cube, designed for immersive, interactive scientific and artistic investigation of multi-dimensional data sets. UC Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, California 93106 (805) 893-8000. Jennifer Jacobs is a Ph.D. candidate at the MIT Media Lab in the Lifelong Kindergarten Research Group. Dr. Kuchera-Morin is a composer, Professor of Media Arts and Technology and Music, and a researcher in multi-modal media systems, content and facilities design. Website: The Expressive Computation Lab (ECL) is a research group within the Media Arts and Technology Department at the University of California Santa Barbara directed by Prof. Jennifer Jacobs. Connect. Gerald H. Jacobs - Google Scholar He recently received the NSF CAREER Award, the NASA Early Career Faculty Award, and the Packard Fellowship. Julie Estabrook 805.893.3412 Office: ED 2218, History-Social Science In the same year, the founded the technology branch of Projekt Atol called PACT SYSTEMS where he developed one of the first Global Positioning Systems based participatory networked mapping projects, the Urban Colonisation and Orientation Gear 144. All artwork and text on this site are the exclusive copyrighted works ofthe artist or author. "Computation shapes the way people make things," said Stanford Computer Science researcher Jennifer Jacobs to a crowded room in Elings Hall during a Media and Art Technology seminar last week. We couldn't do it without you, our amazing faculty and staff members. He initiated and in 1986 co-founded GIMIK: Initiative Music and Informatics Cologne and served as chair for thirteen years. Cc bi vit sau y c hp nht trong Scholar. Professor Her group has recently developed and released AppScale - an open-source platform-as-a-service cloud computing system that implements the Google App Engine (GAE) APIs and that facilitates next-generation cloud computing research. In his role as CREATE Research Director he leads interactive distributed computation research and development at the Allosphere Research Facility. In 2010-11, he shared a Collaborative Research Fellowship from the American Council of Learned Societies with Cyrus Mody (Rice University) and Mara Mills (NYU) which will help support the writing of this book as well as a new project on "high tech intellectuals". Research in HCI, with focus on AR/VR, InfoVis, 3D displays and UI, Computer Vision, contextual and social computing. Since 2017, he is a research fellow at the Institut des mines-telecom ParisTech, Paris, France and the iCinema Lab, at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. Tim Dewar MS Massachusetts Institute of Technology 4312 Bren Hall, UC Santa Barbara . He completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Stanford University, where he also earned his MS and PhD in Mechanical Engineering. He has also posited a new "Soft Babylon," a theoretical stance which posits that our digitized architectural palette is causing us to create a wired Situationist city, while we struggle with some of the massive paradigm shifts that our era will and must face. Her research has been presented at international venues including SIGGRAPH, DIS, CACM, Ars Electronica and CHI, where her research has received multiple best paper awards. My idea of a perfect meal: One that is shared with family, friends, or loved ones. I am strangely not a huge fan of capers. In 1988 he was Director of Music of the XIVth International Computer Music Conference, held that year in Cologne. She holds a doctoral degree in Curriculum, Instruction, and Teacher Education from the University of Florida. degree at University of Vermont and a Ph. 0000003926 00000 n Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. My particular expertise in this area is vision-based interfaces, using computer vision as an input modality: tracking, recognizing, and modeling people and their activity. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Seoul, Korea, April 2015. M. Arch+Certificate of Specialization in CAAD (Computer Aided Architectural Design), Ohio State University, Professor (specialties: Media and Virtual Architecture, Transvergence, TransArchitecture). Santa Barbara, CA 93106. Jennifer Richard (Jacobs) Marketing Manager - Aortic & Peripheral Vascular Health, Australia & New Zealand at Medtronic Greater Sydney Area. In particular, we investigate the design, engineering and study of human-AI integration through novel interfaces, interactions, tools and systems focusing on skill acquisition, task guidance and creative collaboration.