Oh My Papa - Colonel Cassandra Moore : Fallout: New Vegas One cannot work for both Yes Man and Colonel Moore for this quest. Hoover Dam garrison commanderRanger (formerly)Queen of Hearts It is possible that the player character will not be able to initiate dialogue with Elder McNamara if one is in between Still in the Dark and Eyesight to the Blind. Speak to Troike and mention Cachino. The title of the quest is a reference to a song of the same name performed as an instrumental by trumpeter Eddie Calvert in the UK and as a vocal by Eddie Fisher in the US. So after fixing Oh My Papa I went and freed Anders (which I had done successfully earlier on a save I ended up reverting from due to the Oh My Papa bug) and after saying I'd cut him down nothing happened. Rewards In this case, Colonel Moore will ask the player character to protect President Kimball, but Ranger Grant will not respond to any attempts to talk, therefore the quest cannot be completed. Convince Papa Khan to sever the alliance. Find Regis evidence that Caesar will annihilate the Great Khans. During the daytime, Talk to Papa Khan. Bring the history book back to Papa Khan. After activating the self-destruct sequence with the password, the Courier will instantly gain a Vilified reputation with the Brotherhood. fallout: new vegas oh my papa colonel moore bug. Find Regis either in the longhouse or in his tent and follow the conversation. Overview fallout: new vegas oh my papa colonel moore bug Either way, when you arrive, seek out the longhouse on the compound, where the Great Khan leadership is located. . Speak to their leader, Melissa, and talk a bit about the Legion. Exhaust all chat options. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Follow him in and wait until around 2 am while sneaking with a silenced weapon (or melee), reverse pickpocket an explosive, or use the. Whatever her name is.) Do this while inside the Great Khan longhouse, with Papa Khan also present. This thread is archived. A way to fix this issue is to open the console and type. Talk to him and present him with the ledger, which will convince him once and for all that the Legion-Great Khans alliance is simply not going to happen. To fix this on PC, open the console and type: To fix this on PS3, just after entering "Hover Dam Visitor Center" from the "Elevator to Hoover Dam Power Plant 01" (where Colonel Moore has to be), go straight to Grant or behind him. The player will still get NCR fame and no evil Karma. Talk to the Followers of the Apocalypse about the Great Khans. Otherwise, NCR Infamy will be awarded. Return to Colonel Moore and report that President Kimball has safely left. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Talk to Regis about convincing Papa Khan. This side quest can be, in a word, complicated. My For The Republic Part II quest updated, and told me to talk to Colonel Moore, then it marked that as completed, and dulled the writing. I didnt have one. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Find Regis evidence that Caesar will annihilate the Great Khans. Halfway through the quest, one may be randomly attacked several times by two recruit legionaries who say "Karl sends his regards" if one fast travels to and from the Red Rock location. This page was last edited on 22 February 2023, at 19:39. Either way, the Great Khans will proceed to kill Karl, and the optional objective will be completed. Visit, If one assassinates Papa Khan and has not yet completed. With nothing left to do, use the in-game wait system to . If the Great Khans agree to help the NCR and one has not spoken to Colonel Moore about it, then the Khans and NCR may fight each other. Waiting until late at night will cause several Brotherhood paladins to spawn at which point a player character with even a moderately high Sneak skill can pick one of the paladins' pockets to acquire a keycard to the bunker (no Karma loss will be suffered). If one does not steal the key, they must pick the lock on the final door, which requires a Lockpick skill of 100. The next person you're looking for is a woman named Melissa, and unfortunately, she's nowhere near Red Rock Canyon. There are several different solutions. Oh My Papa - Fallout: New Vegas Wiki Guide - IGN "Oh My Papa" won't start, Regis leaves the shack but - reddit Be warned that all the Omerta thugs will turn hostile and attack the player character. From here convince Troike to help take down the Omertas. Hey there, everyone. Convince Jack and Diane to speak out against Caesar. After leaving the bunker, the bunker will explode and there is a chance that there will be five paladins waiting to kill the player character before they can return to Colonel Moore. Trophy Oh My Papa/For the Republic Part 2 Help! : r/fnv - reddit WHERE IS Colonel Moore?! - Fallout: New Vegas setobjectivecompleted 136166 20 1 From here one can attack Papa Khan in the longhouse. Hoover Dam sends enough electricity west to light every city and major settlement," but actually she says "It's a position of some strategic importance to the NCR. Stay near the back until a suspicious character dressed as an, As the president arrives, one can persuade the guard (Speech 50) to go onto to the vertibird pad. Another option is to wait until the afternoon, Papa Khan can be found in the outhouse behind the longhouse. Talk to Regis about the Khans' allegiance. Tell him you're interested in convincing him to sever his ties with Caesar's Legion, but for the time being anyway, he won't hear of it. I don't care if I have to use the GECK, FNVedit, console commands, save editing, etc as long as I can finish this. Find a way to disgrace Karl in front of Papa Khan. Two options to choose from will appear in a message box, one stating that the player character has no good relations with NCR and the other, that they do not care what happens to Kimball. This has happened to me on the PC before Oh My Papa is a notoriously buggy quest and I think I was able to fix it with console commands but you might just be SOL if youre on console, What command did you use, Im having thsi same bug with pc. this tactic becomes viable due to the fact that while the self-destruct sequence is active the Brotherhood will not fire upon the player character since they are still disguised as a scribe. They're posted at a unique location to the north of Red Rock Canyon, called Red Rock Drug Lab. With the Legion Slave Ledger in-hand, there's nothing left to do but to return to Red Rock Canyon with your evidence. If the first leg of the quest is bypassed (by talking to secretary Liza O'Malley) and speaks to the receptionist directly, a bug may be introduced making it impossible to complete this quest. Putting on a Stealth Boy before talking to the paladin at the entrance will mean he initiates a dialogue with the character anyway. An easy way to avoid this is to ignore Yes Man completely, therefore preventing him from triggering the quest before it is desired by the Courier. You can easily walk there if you haven't been there already. No previous reputation with the Brotherhood, https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/File:FNV_DennisCrocker_MessageFromColonelMoore.ogg, use the code on the self-destruct terminal. The Vault - Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Oh how wrong I was. Tag skills is buster edwards wife june still alive Find Regis evidence that Caesar will annihilate the Great Khans. Ref ID Fallout: New Vegas - Oh My Papa Side Quest Walkthrough By Henry Moore Published May 23, 2022 Learn all the ways in which you can complete this important mission. If Colonel Moore dies, the whole NCR will become permanently hostile with the player character, regardless of the circumstances involving her death or the player character's reputation with the NCR. Regis spawned outside again but this time he gave me the quest. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Completing this portion of the quest will earn the Courier Legion infamy, although possibly not enough to be demoted to shunned status. A new option will appear, where the player character can formally request that the Khans break off their relationship with the Legion. When speaking to a member of the NCR, they will mention Colonel Moore has accepted the Brotherhood of Steel's offer to aid them in battle, even if the player character has not yet spoken to her about it. And after I did the small dialogue I istantly deactivated it. Another option is to simply kill all members of the Great Khans in and around the encampment. Both at Cottonwood Cove and the Fort, even if you've already been there and completely cleared its occupants, still be on the lookout for stragglers. Unfortunately, Red Rock Canyon is one of those few locations on the map that don't have an easy springing-off point. Head right, where one can find McNamara, who is the easiest to steal from. There is a way around this on the pc. Bring evidence of Karl's plan to Papa Khan. Location If one cannot pass the Speech check, the third dialogue choice regarding past inspiration sends the player character to the Followers. Ultimately, Moore is well aware of her own greatest virtue as a soldier: she gets results, and her superiors care about that more than anything else.[6]. I suspect this may have been the solution all along but I was too busy freaking out over him ignoring me the first time to ever consider just walking inside and back out again. Fixed: Release in which this issue/RFE has been fixed.The release containing this fix may be available for download as an Early Access Release or a General Availability Release. Human I am completely unable of locating Colonel Moore in the Hoover Dam Offices after nearing completion of 'Oh My Papa'. Cassandra Moore I completed the ambassador's quests but never reported to Colonel Moore. Eventually, Troike will suggest using thermite to destroy the Omertas' weapons cache. This author has not credited anyone else in this file, This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points. Bring the history book back to Papa Khan. Assassinate Papa Khan without being detected. Failing that then maybe try gaining reputation with them through other missions and see if that helps. Pretty Pretty Horsies: A History of the Mongol Empire. Choosing to fight him will be easy if one has two companions. Next you can either pass a speech check with Jack or if you completed diane's quests and rescued anders they will aide against the legion. Also, note that certain higher up Brotherhood members (i.e. While looking at Grant, press the, If the player character already received the quest. 5 ST, 6 PE, 6 EN, 5 CH, 5 IN, 7 AG, 5 LK There is no third option to back out and try to save him later. This can potentially cause For the Republic and Don't Tread on the Bear to fail. Find the Brotherhood of Steel chapter in this area and deal with them. Complete For the Republic, Part 2 Oh My Papa is barely functional. Did you get the journal from the footlocker, read it, then exhaust all chat options with Karl? Previously I've always been able to strong arm my way through it via console commands but since Regis won't add it to my quest log I can't manipulate it with console commands. Kings' GambitFor the Republic, Part 2Oh My PapaHow Little We KnowThe House Has Gone Bust!Still in the DarkYou'll Know It When It HappensEureka! How To Start Oh My Papa The Fast Way: Assassinate Papa Khan The Long Way: Convince The Advisors Convincing Papa Khan Convince Melissa to speak out against Caesar. the options are as follows: Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. GECK race 001206FE However, the. Pacer will come to his room to take some drugs and he'll die because of a heart attack. Finding it organically is virtually impossible. I am currently doing Oh My Papa and I need to talk to her about a Great Khans/NCR alliance. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I think I bugged "Oh my papa" : Fallout: New Vegas The Version table provides details related to the release that this issue/RFE will be addressed. Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:20 pm. setobjectivecompleted 136166 20 1 setobjectivedisplayed 136166 25 0 setobjectivedisplayed 136166 26 1 set vstoryeventkhans to 2 There will be a forced conversation with Regis. Cassandra Moore appears only inFallout: New Vegas. Disable Cerebral Interface: Disconnects Mr. House, but keep him alive and practically brain dead. By passing a Speech check (75), one can reveal Karl's real thoughts of the Khans in front of Papa Khan, which leads to Karl's death. Accepting his offer begins the quest. The thermite is ignited using the detonator on the wall near the door to the weapons cache. I still completed the quest though so if he just wants to hang out on a cross for the rest of the game that's fine by me. However, this can be countered by killing Clanden, or by talking to Colonel Moore who will ask about the Courier's progress with the Omertas. Hoover Dam offices Travel to the Hidden Valley bunker at Hidden Valley. They hide behind rocks at the bottom of the hill to the longhouse. Halfway through the quest, one may be randomly attacked several times by two recruit legionaries who say "Karl sends his regards" if one fast travels to and from the Red Rock location. Obtain the support of Papa Khan's four advisors. The quest marker shows me that she is in her office but I have been there maybe 10x and she is. As a side quest. I couldn't get the Khan to leave his room like.ever. during my play through. Talk to Regis about convincing Papa Khan. I talked to him, still on the cross, and he goes "Thanks so much for getting me down from there!". Oh My Papa quest line is bugged still. Investigate the Omertas, and stop them if their plans oppose the NCR. Solve the NCR's problems He will be in the room sleeping, standing, or working on his computer. She considers years spent in their ranks as the best of her life, doing something important and with the freedom to do it as she saw fit. Obtain the support of Papa Khan's four advisors. When people need something really important done, they come to me. BUG: Weird bug where a computer w/ a black screen that looks similar to your pip-boy will completely block your view when trying to aim and pick a lock. You'll Know It When It Happens fallout: new vegas oh my papa colonel moore bug Colonel Cassandra Moore is the commanding officer of the NCR Army forces stationed at Hoover Dam in 2281. Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. Immediately after House has been dealt with, all Securitrons in the Lucky 38 will become passive, this also means that Jane will no longer be able to be interacted with and any Snow globes currently in the player's inventory will be nonredeemable. Follow him in and wait until around 2 am while sneaking with a silenced weapon (or melee), reverse pickpocket an explosive, or use the. Cassandra Moore | Fallout Wiki | Fandom Karma Two of the people Regis mention are Jack and Diane (yes, this is a rather obvious John Mellancamp reference). No I'm playing out both The House Always Wins and Wild Card: Side Bets at the same time. If the Courier has not interacted with the Brotherhood of Steel, they must go through an orientation by convincing Dobson, a ranger in an adjacent bunker to leave, or enter the bunker with Veronica in their party. However, if The House Always Wins II or beyond has been completed, then one elects to kill Mr. House for the sake of the For the Republic questline, Do not interact with Jane or Mr. House himself at any point before opening the antechamber door. I've poured over the wiki and a dozen different posts on reddit, No Mutants Allowed, Game FAQs, and even Yahoo Answers. Talk to Colonel Moore about a Great Khans/NCR alliance. Fallout: New Vegas - Oh My Papa Side Quest Walkthrough - TheGamer Pages that were created prior to July 2022 may be from the Fandom Fallout wiki. There will be a forced conversation with Regis. A marker will say to go directly to the stage after talking to Moore. A neutral reputation can enable the. Fixes the bug where not talking to the secretary girl at the embassy causes the quest to be uncompleteable. is buster edwards wife june still alive. At this point, back up. In that case you have to use the slave ledger to persuade Regis. Wipe out the Great Khans at Red Rock Canyon. Affiliation Speak to Papa Khan in the longhouse, then talk to Regis, who is sitting next to him. [Non-game 2], As such, any solutions that do not involve exterminating the Khans, the Brotherhood or the Kings will earn her ire; particularly if they include forging an alliance and/or peace. Do this while inside the Great Khan longhouse, with Papa Khan also present. His keycard can be stolen when he is sitting in his chair. This will automatically fail the "You'll Know It When It Happens" quest. Return to Colonel Moore with confirmation of the alliance. To obtain Jack and Diane's trust, one only needs to convince one of them. A neutral reputation can enable the. Oh My Papa was the bane of my damn existence. It is possible to only kill the named characters in the bunker to complete this quest. This will allow the player character to set the bunker to explode (the knights who were supposed to be confronted but avoided by going around the crates will no longer be outside when escaping). Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. Voice actor When you finally stumble upon this tiny, obscure location, you'll encounter a trio of Great Khans who are waiting for an illicit drug shipment from the NCR. This portion of the quest leads the player character through How Little We Know, Colonel Moore will inform the Courier about the Omertas and sends them to find out why they have been so silent lately. Pretty Pretty Horsies: A History of the Mongol Empire, https://fallout.wiki/index.php?title=Oh_My_Papa&oldid=4012990, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. This is contradictory to in-game legionaries, who are some of the shortest NPCs in the game. This quest is still available for if one has or is planning to join the Legion; however, while the quest does not grant Infamy for Caesar's Legion, there are still consequences for completion, such as not receiving support during. If Cassidy is a follower then she will talk to the Watkins in the room, when she is distracted the player character can swipe his card. And yes I read the journal and talked to everybody. Hardin can be found to the left of this room in one of the three bedrooms. Return to Colonel Moore and report that the Brotherhood will support the NCR against Caesar's Legion. This is the only way to fix the glitch and continue with the NCR. This will enable you to progress in this quest. Getting "You'll Know When It Happens" from Yes Man BEFORE getting it from Colonel Moore, will force one to play the rest of the game as a Wild Card rather than working for the NCR. This bug can be bypassed altogether on PC by entering. Given by Usually, I dispatch one or more rangers to see these things through, but I'm a little shorthanded at the moment. What exactly does she say when you speak to her? set vstoryeventkhans to 2, setobjectivecompleted 140c3a 95 1 Legion armor can be used without problem up until one enters the drawbridge to the inner camp. Has your reputation with the NCR changed? Talk to Papa Khan about breaking the alliance. Note: If one chooses to help usurp McNamara, they will be unable to broker a treaty. Convince Regis to speak out against Caesar. (1) Convince Jack and Diane to speak out against Caesar. Are you on For the Republic?
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