You will soon know why. 4. Fin. Beat the Business Strategy Game. Can you tell us more about the strategy you had ? It will be very helpful for us and will be very grateful Do you still have your upload reports of all your years ? Weve heard countless horror stories of students not taking the BSG seriously and failing the course as a result. For only $35, get instant access to the Business Strategy Game Guide. Emerging on top of this simulation can be quite a challenge. Well some Industry Champions have such an easy time winning because the people theyre going up against simply didnt care about the BSG. PS: I left a comment, but I did not see it and thus retyped. If youd like an overview of the content we publish, take a look here, and if youre interested in Glo-bus, start here. A celebrity endorsing your product offers a big boost to product awareness, helps a brand penetrate new regions thus acquiring new market shares, and can drive up sales. Furthermore, I spent all my cash on hand for dividends and stock repurchase to increase my ROE and EPS as much as possible. Select +2% for the Percent Change in Competitive Impact of All Other Factors from Previous Year. However, if you want to do it more precisely, note down each industrys percentage change over the years and use this number instead of the +2%. Similar to the branded production, try out the different values to see which combination will give you the lowest Average Production Cost value for your plant and hence, the highest profits. But my profit is still a little bit low for a second place, guess my price is too low and I need to cut some of my expenses, right? So I run into problem again! is it because I need to add capacity? How would you like to acquire every secret I have about the Business Strategy Game? I guess because i grew too fast last week, this weeks net profit is negative (I didnt make any adjustment yet). Purchasing capacity is 20% cheaper than building new capacity on your own. That being said, when you go with the strategy explained in my post, you will have maximized profits. Learn tips & tricks, from a BSG Grand Master! If you demand for branded production is met, put everything else into private label to make sure you dont have unused capacity. There is a huge difference of learningHow To Winand learning the basics of the game. Strategy and Execution is your shield and sword for Conquering the Industry. Worst case, all the demand is already satisfied in your region before your shoes at a certain price is being considered. For this blog post, I will concentrate on the high-quality + low model strategy. If you will not be able to get a return on your investment over the remaining period, it might be a good idea to forego the upgrading process. Beat the Business Strategy Game. Ive created this website as a final project for an online marketing class (and to help me pick up an extra bar tab a month.) Using Game Strategies to Get Ahead in Business - CEO Hangout So regardless of what decision year youre in, how bankrupt you are, or if your company is dead last right now you can SUCCEED in the Business Strategy Game by following my SIMPLE tips, advice, and strategies. The decision is due tonight I am so nervous but the performance score so far looks good. Thats a relief. They have all changed by +2%, just as you plugged it in. congrats on your success! According to the change, you can estimate the next years average industry internet price and plug it in. Be objective in your approaches from the beginning of the simulation right to the end. Whether a member is suggesting a different. . The company that offers the lowest price will sell all its supply first, followed by the company with the second lowest price offered, and so on. Economic Stages Part Three Riding the Recession, Glo-Bus Quiz 1 and Glo-Bus Quiz 2 Answers, New Glo-Bus Cameras and Drones Simulation, Instant Download,Email Support &Forum Access. Here, you will plug in your previously calculated regional total sales volume for each region. It didnt matter how competitive they were, how motivated they were, or whether they were Industry Champions. It will be, trust me. No worries, it will be easier after the first few years. thank you:). The worst thing that could happenis you follow one of these guides to save a few bucks, to implement the strategiesThe Whole World Seesand end up LOSING the Business Strategy Game which may result in a low grade and possibly re-taking the class! As I played the game, I discovered that I could use some fairly simple math to massively increase my game score. Two of the most important things to do here are analyzing your competition and optimizing your values. Always keep that in mind when formulating your strategies and leave room for adjustment where necessary. Members of the team should have skills and strengths that serve to complement each other for a perfect working synergy. In the first years, the estimate of the industry average might be a little off the +2%. The profits of controlling the industry will help you win the business strategy game. BSG Guide - How to Win the Business Strategy Game The same accounts for your Change in Annual Base Wages and Incentive Pay values. Thanks a lot! And I would not build another plant, rather increase capacity in the plants that you already built. First, set your Number of Models to 50, as determined earlier at the Sales Forecast page. While your regional sales volume for the internet segment is a good estimate, the estimates for the wholesale segments are not. My guide follows the rule highest net profit is key to success. I am currently dominating my industry, and closing in on the top 100 list! Make sure the celebrity is suitable in the geographical region you want them to endorse your shoes. Period. Select from a pool of diverse individuals who will bring in different opinions and perspectives to the team. you can SUCCEED in the Business Strategy Game by following my SIMPLE tips, advice, and strategies. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or feedback, click on my name below and Ill respond to you as quickly as I can. I will just adjust it first and see what happens, thanks a lot:). This will lead to greater visibility for your company and thus a boost in the image rating. Learn a little more about the theoretical concepts behind the game in our Free MBA course. Hi Yvonne. 7 Winning Tips and Strategies for the Business Strategy Game (Bsg (In Y11, I did the 5-year loan with 12,000k (7% interest). However, it will also decrease your ending cash. In this section, you can upgrade your plants. Is your strategy also works for my situation? The Capitalism series is widely regarded as the best business strategy game series ever created. The information is these guides is laid out, and displayed, in such a way . It almost worked TOO WELL. When coming up with a CSR initiative, ensure that the budget can be sustained over time without burdening the company. So far I have only build a 1000 EA plant and additional 500 NA plant. This is where consumers get the best quality of footwear at the lowest possible price, therefore ensuring value for their money. Created Oct 30, 2013 Restricted 753 Members 5 Online Moderators Moderator list hidden. After you have done this for both the N.A. You will soon know why. Hi, Im glad to hear that it helped! It is not. So when looking for advice on how to win business simulation games, the first one you should give them is to take the time to learn the effects of marketing, R&D, logistics and finance on one another and leave thinking in silos behind. This is very helpful. Again, trying out different combinations and optimizing net profits is key for these values. Do you have any suggestions? Like I explained in my blog post, do everything that is necessary to increase and maximize your net profits. This means, you have a channel conflict, meaning that your Retail Outlets number will decrease in the next year and less retailers are willing to sell your shoes. I was thinking about building a LA plant because I took the majority of private label there last year. Here's a free video of things to watch out for while you are running your shoe company and competing in the BSG. If not, see what positive percentage yields the highest profit for you. It is definitely around 1.2 though and I recommend starting off with this value. My direct competitor is now selling 8 stars with more than 400 models in wholesale so I think i will be at a even better position selling 50 models. You will get the hang of it after the first few decision rounds as it is always the same procedure. You have to dissect your competition and forecast their every move. Your competitors are most likely looking for this information too. If you have your AP price set to e.g. It sometimes works. Beating the Business Strategy Game About the Guide. In the Private-Label Production field, use all your remaining available capacity, even overtime. Order now. It makes sense; the more ads you run, the more your celebrity endorsement will be seen and the more effective it is. However, after 3-4 years, your competitors will settle and changes will be more predictable. If not, I dont see the need to purchase equipment in order to make more shoes until the demand begins to encroach upon my shoe making capacity. A quick e-mail to your inbox. Order today and you will beprivyto every secret, technique, tip, support, and help I can provide you with thatwill surely secure your SUCCESS and VICTORYas a Business Strategy Game Player. More than often they drone on and on about BSG, to the point, its barely relevant toimpress you with abunch of words. You will need those numbers later on. (0 for both stock issues and stock repurchase). With our strategy in mind, I would recommend addition capacity to already existing plants rather than constructing a plant in a new region. This is my personal procedure that has led me to become Grand Champion and nothing on the web can compare to my precision perspective of BSG. You want to setEthics Training / Enforcement to All Employees and Workforce Diversity Program to Yes. If you find capacity available for purchase, I would always directly purchase it. While +2% might now always be spot on, I have made the best experience with it so far. Tips for Lowering Cost and Other Recommendations For Winning the Business Simulation Game Toggle the advertising spending to see the lowest cost at which the company can achieve the desired market share. Look over the shoulder of a Business Strategy Game Grand Champion and see how he pulled off his overwhelming victory. honestly i started with 150 models at 6 stars and went to 200 and 7 stars, 8 in private label. These are the tools you need to win BSG. You are playing the BSG but do not want to read the 35-page Players Manual? I see this every semester, and you dont want it to be you. I highly recommend starting below with my free tips guide. And it is pretty difficult for other teams to see what you are doing to them before it is too late. and A-P plant, focus on your Total Branded Production Needed to Achieve Year XX Sales Forecast section on the lower half of the page. as I described in my post, Id go with the low models, maximum profit strategy as it is easy to follow and you determine the market. like should I just follow your tips through all because I kind of get on a bad start. Every game in the Business Strategy Game starts out the same. So having understood what the image rating of a company is based upon, how can you improve it? You basically determine and run the market. Im an excel and math geek and started to break the game down and understand it on a deep level. I recommend having a pen and piece of paper next to you so you can write down your net profit and compare when plugging in different values. The image rating of a company is the way it is viewed as a brand, The image rating of a company is usually based on. By employing the best cost strategy. Sorry for the late reply.. Been starting my new job and working a lot lately. The ULTIMATE Business Strategy Game (BSG) Guide Tutorial - 2022 Free shipping will most likely not increase your profits. Learn how to set your prices right by orchestrating your branded market efforts with my intense market advertising and a retail support campaigns that will ensure company stability for years to come. So if one of your markets is not satisfied or prices are high, I would built capacity to attack this market and sell a lot of shoes for a cheap price, to guarantee you the lowest price so that you sell all your offered shoes. If for whatever reason you arent satisfied with the guide, return it anytime for a full refund. Switch between different advertising budgets to see which strategy will be the most cost-effective to capture the target market at the best price. Here are a few things to give you confidence in us: Our guide & coaching took every customer to 1st or 2nd place utilizing the guide. Same with all the other values, like I described in my blog post And then use all your remaining shoes for the private label market. This means, without increasing your superior material or enhanced styling / features, you gain 1 star. Those that are already playing the BSG Online and are going bankrupt and/or are dead last. You said that the internet price should be 40% above wholesale. 1. I dont know why the game suddenly changed your numbers but I recommend using every last bit of your capacity. Paying dividends will increase your stock price and your ROE. Here, you are treated like a star. Were at the middle of the pack and wanted the best strategy to move up the ranks. Hence, keep track of the industrys internet price and how it changes. sales volume estimate. I suggest you upgrade your browser. However, keep in mind that your regional endorsement value should not be higher than 400 in any region. Here are factors to be considered before picking a celebrity. Yes, its not too late yet to follow through with my tips. My group and I are about to complete year 17 for the game. I am having trouble getting my company back into the positive ending cash after taking out a loan. On BSGTips, we have an email service and forum to handle any support issues you may have. You might have the highest profits with 0 advertising budget. Do you know why is that? To boost earnings per share (E.P.S) you can use the cash at hand to retire and repurchase any outstanding shares. This decision page deals with your plants. Thanks! Having an increased S/Q rating and lower prices boosts the image of the company positively. We had a bunch of copycats in practice year 12, but nobody has figured our profit-maximizing, low-cost strategy, and now theyre pursuing higher models in the real game. Choosing the correct financial approach, among other things, made a huge difference. You can either take out a 1-year, 5-year, or 10-year bank loan. 6 Effective Business Simulation Games Teaching Strategies This is extremely easy and if thats all you want, then grab The Ultimate BSG Solution right now and guarantee your success. I'm back with this updated video full of helpful tips so you can tackle the. Same for your superior material. During the entire simulation process, it is important to keep tabs on the company intelligence reports (C.I.R) and the company operating report (C.O.R) The C.O.R will give you insights into plant investments, labour statistics as well as data on plant capacity. However, do not forget to calculate your possible additional expenses for your celebrities. You will also receive a copy of Currency Made Simple. I suggest to go for maximum profits. Hence, it should be your goal to price your shoes lower than everyone else and take their market share so that other companies will not sell any private-label shoe in this region. After you have found the right price, click the Save Decisions button. Also, I suggest not decreasing your dividends. Set your price to whatever maximizes your profits. Be in it for the long haul From this highest whole dollar amount, I plug in every possible value around it and find the price that yields the highest net profit. Emerging on top of this simulation can be quite a challenge. Hence, try to keep your internet price at least 40% higher than your wholesale price. Embedded in the magic numbers is a reinforced long-term money-saving strategy that will save you money every year forever! If you have any questions, feel free to come back and ask them. Using this as a base strategy has yielded good results in my experiences. Explanation of the Four Main Strategies of Business Strategy Game with their strengths and weaknesses based upon the Strategic Map, Detailed execution processes for each of the decision screens to produce enlightened results which answer questions, Discover how to become efficient in branded production, the best way to market your shoes, and which upgrades are absolutely ESSENTIAL for your given strategy, Three Year Plan rules simplified to attain the highest score your company can achieve, Business Strategy Invitational Insights for those who want to become Business Strategy Game Grand Champions, Academically proven for positively influencing new Business Strategy Game students to overcome the challenges of starting their company off on the right foot. Dont be fooled by cheap imitations by common Industry Champions thatgloss over the obvious. While those two values do not change your S/Q rating, they will change your net profits. Like I already said in my previous post, the most important thing is to toggle each and every value and pay close attention to your net profits. So what are some of the qualifications you should be on the lookout for when picking your team? Thank you so much! Also, I am concerned about the prices strategy; the group who is in the first place has the plan of highest S/Q rating (7) with 200 models and lowest prices. Heres What You Get in The Ultimate BSG Solution Monster Package: The Ultimate BSG Solution Guide was written by an old established BSG Grand Champion. It took me years to learn this and it would take you years as well but,I know you dont have years. Anyone need help with BSG? : r/businessstrategygame - reddit My question is what if I decreased the pay dividends to $0.15 from $1.00? "In terms of scope and comprehensiveness, it has no equal in the world of business . I prioritize building additional capacity and purchasing plant upgrades. That summer, I played in the Business Strategy Game Best Strategy Invitational (BSI) and won that as well. Some students even let it ride without making ANY decisions for years! The Models Offered estimate seems pretty fair and you do not have to worry about it. On this page, you will optimize your entries and toggle each value until your reach the maximum profit possible for each entry. Play with your numbers around and tweak them to generate maximum net profit. at least one of the two teams has an S/Q of 8* and low prices so far (yes, they are in first place for now) what do you think we should do?. Here are some of the best tips for accelerating your business. The value that yields the highest profit value is the one you want to go with for this decision round. Hi, thanks for the great strategy! However, I would recommend not taking out any loan if possible. After you have done this, play around with the values for Wholesale Price, Advertising Budget, Rebate Offer, and Retailer Support (increase/decrease by 100s only, as everything else makes no sense). Dave Mar Otherwise you will not sell any shoe either. PDF The Business Strategy Game - California State University, Northridge Its not too late to do that yet. I am a Business Strategy Game Grand Champion. I never really watched my EPS or credit rating (ofc credit rating should be a B at least). And you said I should only add capacity onto existing ones instead of building a new one in LA right? What I like about my strategy is that you do not necessarily have to keep an eye on your competitors. Personally, I would do a higher SQ to start things out while you are building capacity to match the low quality-high model approach. Hence, you will only focus on the two following decisions that are worth their money as they increase your image rating the most. I have encountered two successful strategies so far: medium-quality shoes (S/Q rating of 5-6 stars) paired with high number of models (250-350 models) and high-quality shoes (S/Q rating of 8-10 stars) paired with low number of models (50 models). The business level strategy used can be replicated by anyone and is so brain-dead simple that you are destined to win if you apply these techniques. The first time I played, I did exactly what you are doing: researching the internet. By clicking on the Purchase Capacity button, you can see whether someone else did the mistake and sold capacity. Thank you! In this blog post, I will run you through everything important that you have to know about the BSG and how to win it. Login Scroll Down Your browser does not support the video tag. I would like to ask about the Pay Dividends. My stupidness did not know that I should not pay dividends while Im in LOAN mode. This is because your competitors are adjusting and trying to find their strategy. In the upper left box, you have available sources of additional cash. Celebrities will enhance your marketing efforts and help you sell more shoes. How did your 2nd decision go? To improve the financial standing of the company it is a wise idea to employ the balanced scorecard to determine the strategies that will boost the companys competitiveness. Also do you know the cost of building additional capacity. Business Strategy Game (BSG). Do you have any tip/tricks on - reddit Written by an Undefeated Business Strategy Game Grand Champion. So, play around and find the best combination for your given S/Q rating that yields the highest net profit.
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