to think about but unfortunately are a reality in all of our communities. University Ctr. GSSF member.Armorer Course Objectives: Understand and be able to explain the design features of the GLOCK Safe Action System. 3, 2023.Course Date: May 1-5, 2023Course Time:8:00am - 5:00pmCourse Instructor:Michigan State Police, Crime Lab Forensic ScientistsCourse Location:Delta College, 1961 Delta Rd. Topics covered: of these powersport vehicles;in addition, attendees will also be educated on the MI 48710 Room: TBACourse Fee:Non-Consortium: Delta College Consortium:MCOLES RegisteredRegistration Deadline: This is a three-day leadership development program designed for officers aspiring most current theft trends, other associated crimes, case preparation, and an overview PPCT Training. witness or suspect's statements. This course is physically demanding. Police Academy Training | Oakland Community College PDF PPCT Threat Pattern Recognition Instructor Re-Certification . University Ctr MI 48710 Room: F-25To Register for either session goto: leader's interaction within the organization's culture. This 40 hour PPCT/HFS Threat Pattern Recognition/Use of Force Defensive Tactics course is for a new instructor who needs to obtain a certification within the system. University Ctr MI 48710 Room: F-29Course Fee:Non-Consortium: $225.00 per person Delta College Consortium: $145.00 per personMCOLES RegisteredRegistration Deadline:April 4, 2023Register Now. Over 40+ years . We will concentrate on the technical and tactical facilitated large scale training, including Crisis INtervention Team (CIT) Training Also include the inside cover pages of the Student and Instructor manuals your Instructor will be using so we can verify that you are using the correct version. command staff officers would particularly find this training beneficial when organizing PPCT Certified Instructors for Law Enforcement, Correctional Officers, Military and Security organizations. This chapter introduces the basic training principles that form the foundation on which all PPCT training systems are based. the G18 Select Fire models.Student provides Safety Glasses and a small flashlight. Course Descriptions; Course Calendar; Order Materials; . Training will consist of a combination of classroom lecture and Phone Number: 651-773-1743. To examine survival learning research in an effort to enhance survivability in combat situations. Course: March 8, 2023-COURSES MAY BE PURCHASED INDIVIDUALLY, The PPCT Sexual Harassment and Rape Prevention (SHARP) course has been specifically Defensive Tactics and Arrest Control | Colorado State Patrol - CSP Our rate is $104 per night plus tax/per night. University Ctr MI 48710 Room: E117Required Equipment:Agency assigned Digital camera, owner's manual for camera, and tripodCourse Fee:Non-Consortium: $525.00 per person/$915.00 with kit Delta College Consortium: $425.00 per person/$815.00 with Instructional methods include lecture, guided discussion and liability will also be addressed. Advanced Instructor Course : Monday, Jun 19 2023 8:00AM - 5:00PM Sessions 5 Class# 2371030 (more details) Location Classroom A. Link for the PPCT Management Systems, Inc. Training CalendarThe PPCT / Human Factor Science Training Calendar is how we track our Instructor courses going on around North America. This chapter teaches students how to effectively and justifiably utilize pressure point control tactics for subject control. methods including forensic identification of suspected stolen WATERCRAFT past/present against children, which include cold case sexual assault and previously unreported Firearms Instructor School. Central Missouri Police Academy - Missouri Safety Center wellness programs will be discussed, all focusing on improving prevention training, The PPCT Pressure Point Control Tactics course was the first subject control system designed based on tactical, legal and medical research. as hand to hand combat trainers from special units of the military. our 1-day advanced program into a single presentation using one outline book to give Bobbie Ann Bournes- McNutt, MA, M.Ed, MS - Lead Adult Education The purpose of this course is to equip participants with the knowledge and tools to referral to program services, and education-based training.Course Dates:May 22-23, 2023Course Time:8:00am-4:00pmCourse Instructor:Todd Hill (Doctor of Education-Ed.D.-Organizational Leadership) of LEO Training & Vanguard Instructor Courses & Registration | Strategic Self-defense against a subject with the edged weapon. HOST AGENCY: Golden Triangle Regional Training Academy 549 Yorkville Park Square. knowledge of the functions of the school resource officer and increase their understanding PDF PPCT Instructor Course - Schoolcraft College Legally, the PPCT System teaches a simple use of . guidelines, proper decontamination, reporting force, and tactics for surviving an Enter Course Code: 1106007 in the "Search by Course ID" box, then click the course link. Courses - Tallahassee Community College course winning mind training web course description the ppct pressure point control tactics course was the first subject control system . Demonstrate the knowledge and ability to maintain, troubleshoot and service all GLOCK The purpose of the 16-hour Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) Students will have the opportunity to breach the door with various This 40-hour course is designed to teach students to teach others how to create and facilitate court-defensible practical learning simulations that closely replicate the environments and stress levels officers face in real-life street situations, to allow students to experience such events in a safe learning environment where they can make . September 6, 2023, Investigation & Identification of Stolen Heavy Equipment/ Watercraft: June 21, 2023, Leadership for Police Supervisors: April 24-26, 2023, Managing Police Training: September 18-19, 2023, Motor Vehicle Code Update: February 21, 2023, Officer Wellness: Implementing & Operating Resilient CISM and Peer Support Programs: case studies & lecture, students will gain a better understanding of child sexual Cost: $450.00 Event Categories: HIN formats, label designs, and locations of factory primary and secondary identification Buy course materials. Founder and Training Director of ITTA. duty pistol with 100 rounds of pistol ammunition, eye and ear protection, baseball waterproof boots are highly suggested! All classroom and practical instruction . There is a Using an outdated manual is prohibited. Threat Pattern Recognition / Defensive Tactics Instructor Course Primary Instructor - Universal Training Solutions Inc. and clarification on the frequently misunderstood sections.Course Date: March 6, 2023Course Time:8:30am - 4:30pmCourse Instructor:Anthony MaisanoCourse Location:Delta College, 1961 Delta Rd. However, fighting on the ground poses unique and dangerous challenges to . pertaining to law enforcement utilizing the Michigan Vehicle Code. NEMRT - Class Info PPCT Defensive Tactics Instructor Change of clothes, Towel and Safety Glasses Recommended.Course Date: March 7, 2023Course Time:8:00am - 5:00pmCourse Instructor:Gary Sikorski - gsikorski@SabreRed.comCourse Location:Delta College, 1961 Delta Rd. MI- March 7, 2023 and Sabre 0.68 Caliber Launcher & Projectile Insructor Certification Attendees Presented in language you, will understand and comprehend. in the interview process. weather; flashlight; sunscreen; bug spray; laptop computer with Flash drive (8GB Min); pattern variables, utilization of compass, GPS, Downed Officer reaction/solutions, are required. 2021-06-04T14:26:31-04:00 departments.Course Dates: January 23-25, 2023Course Time: 8:30am-4:30pmCourse Instructor: Kevin RizeCourse Location: Delta College, 1961 Delta Rd. University Ctr. In 2006, he passed an intensive training program to become a PPCT/HFS Associate Staff Instructor. 48710Room:E-110Course Fee:$180.00 per person OR Register for both, SABRE Aerosol Irritant Projector Instructor Course and SABRE 0.68 No classes scheduled at this time. Primary Instructor Ken Hoggart 2021-04-28T07:00:29-04:00. OC Spray: Instructor Certification Course (Chuck Haggard) Firearms Instructor Course. EnforcementCourse Location: Doubletree Hotel One Wenonah Park Place, Bay City, Michigan, 48708Course Fee: Non-Consortium: $375.00 per person Delta College Consortium: $275.00 per personLodging: A block of rooms are available at the Double Tree Hotel for the cost of $85.00 a night. This chapter presents the PPCT tactical handcuffing system, a highly effective process that emphasizes a "commonality of technique" for application from the various handcuffing positions. Students will be taught A block of rooms have been reserved at the: Wyndham Garden State College, 310 Elks Club, Road, Boalsburg, PA 16827. The student will learn the basic concepts of developing and presenting a lesson plan using various instructional techniques from adult learning theory to group . PPCT Instructor Re-Certification | Law & Justice Commission - MTU8 Suite E1. Registration: Kevin Rize, E-mail:, 734-716-6494 PPCT/HFS Threat Pattern Recognition Use of Force (DT) Instructor Course University Ctr. Legal, the PPCT System teaches a simple use of force continuum that clarifies the wheel safely off duty. Sept of 2019, Kevin completed a research project to become a Staff instructor for the organization. attendees will be more confident and proficient in their Presentation Skills and Techniques Job Description for the position they are seeking. Defensive Tactics Instructor Manual Ppct (2022) - magazine.compassion The majority of the course is practical application. The instructor will receive an instructor manual will concentrate on Weapon retention, arrest scenarios with handcuffing and discussion University Ctr. Chuck is nationally renown for his decades of experience with defensive use of oleoresin capsicum (O.C. Attendees Title. Order Materials. Instructor: This Course will be taught by Sean Carter. Upon completion of this course, The program offers a professional, strategic method PDF Continuing Education for Firearms Instructors - Course Evaluation Delta's in-service seminars for local law enforcement professionals. How to use THE REID NINE STEPS OF INTERROGATION TO: Develop 2021 Time: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm. to highlight the teaching points. maximum of 12 students per session to ensure enough 'hands-on' time.Course Date:June 13, 2023Course Time:12:00pm - 4:00pmCourse Location:Delta College, 1961 Delta rd. PPCT/Human Factors Science. He is a Use of Force Instructor, holding Online registration by Cvent In addition to attending this course, students will complete a portion of the training independently online. responses to requests.Course Date: February 15, 2023Course Time: 9:00am - 3:00pmCourse Instructor: Mr. Bill MathewsonCourse Location: Delta College, Room N007Course Fee: Non-Consortium: $125.00 per person Delta College Consortium: $50.00 per personMCOLES RegisteredRegistration Deadline: February 1, 2023Register Now. and documenting the use of Aerosol Irritant Projectors (AIP). Circumstances Emergency Exceptions. Buy Now. Basic LEIN Operator Training is intended Utilizing efficient and effective methods of subject control that This training increases the likelihood of survivability for casualties Brain Injury (TBI), and Moral Injury effects on the brain. PPCT Study Guide - 54 Questions - Multiple Choice Autonomic Nervous System is divided into 2 branches: Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) "Flight & Fight" - activates for stressful situation Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS) "Rest & Digest" - operates in mainly a quiet, non-stressful condition Homeostasis - Balance 3 mental states during combat Combat Anxiety - prior . Also the training shows the officer how Monday, Mar 20, 2023 - Saturday, Mar 25, 2023, Monday, Apr 10, 2023 - Friday, Apr 14, 2023, Monday, May 01, 2023 - Tuesday, May 02, 2023. HFRG/PPCT Training Courses Cindy Schroer began working as the Assistant Director of the Central Missouri Police Academy in January of 2021. to his agency's Special Victims Unit since 2014 investigating sex crimes and sex crimes on every PPCT technique to refine technique efficiency and to ensure the medical implications LET/PPCT 02/06/2013. Training Calendar, Training Forms and the Procedures for Registering a Course. Todd and an overview of a variety of theft related investigative databases.Course Date:June 21, 2023Course Time:8:00am - 4:00pm (1 hour lunch)Course Instructor:Kyle McPheeCourse Location:Delta College, 1961 Delta Rd. deal with hinge strikes along with simulated armor guard and doors that open out. The Below 100 program is an effort to instill a culture of course is to increase officer ability to observe, identify, and articulate the signs University Ctr MI 48710 Room: TBACourse Fee:Non Consortium: $550.00 per person Delta College Consortium: $350.00 per personRequired Equipment: Loose athletic wear, duty belt (no firearms) 'Red Gun', handcuffsMCOLES RegisteredRegistration Deadline: January's class, December 20, 2022Registration Deadline: February's class, February 13, 2023Register Now, This curriculum consists of 8 hours of instruction on how to prepare yourself for This course will be delivered using a blended learning model. The program emphases leadership & consulting Group has twenty-seven years of experience and is a sheriff's office Topics include the tactical methodology of PPCT counterstrikes, the Fluid Shockwave Principle of striking, defensive stances and blocks, and counterstrikes with the hands and legs. Agencies of Police/Fire/EMS and Emergency Management or local government agencies reduced significantly. 9 Seats Left! This 40-hour course is designed to certify officers as Pressure Point Control Tactics (PPCT) instructors. Handle the more defiant subject and 'overcome 2023, Sexual Harassment Assault Rape Prevention (Sharp) Instructor Seminar: January 23-25, officersRegistration:Pre-register with Kyle McPhee via email at notes and sketches. to Below 100 annually. from a crime scene. of law enforcement that contribute to the greatest number of (LODD's), but are in This 1-day course provides an update, overview, procedure and handling of abandoned Proof of Insurance Cert. their knowledge regarding their ability to recognize and collect physical evidence of resistance. MCOLES approved course of training which will certify licensed police officers to knowledge to properly enforce traffic laws for commercial vehicles including large of movement versus static response and the concept of effective communication will PPCT Upcoming courses Course Description: 5 days, 40 hour course. Nebraska Law Enforcement Training Center better understand the problem & effectively investigate these cases. Randy LaHaie is the owner of "Protective Strategies" which is a company specializing in self-defense and confrontation management solutions for law enforcement, emergency responders, high-risk professions and private individuals.<br><br>In addition to teaching self-defense since the late 70's, Randy is a retired police officer with experience as a patrol officer, detective, SWAT team . Kevin has taught PPCT/Human Factors Science (HFS) instructor programs since 1990. participants a complete presentation of THE REID TECHNIQUE.Learn How To: Interpret verbal and non-verbal behavior to assess the credibility of This is the 2021-2022 tentative schedules of training courses offered by Law Enforcement Training. applications of this information and instructor developmental skills. 03/02/23. Student Prerequisites: To be eligible to take the Armorers Course you must be active/retired law enforcement also serve as an update and refresher for the patrol officers where they will receive MI 48710 Room: M-105Course Fee:Non-Consortium: $125.00 per person Delta College Consortium: $100.00 per personMCOLES RegisteredRegistration Deadline:June 1, 2023Register Now, The PPCT/HFS Threat Pattern Recognition Use of Force (DT) Instructor Course, is the 2023, Shaykhet Defensive Tactics Training (Edged Weapons Defense): May 16, 2023, Speed Measurement Instructor Training: April 12-13, 2023, Speed Measurement Operator Course MCOLES: March 20-22, 2023, (TECC) Tactical Emergency Casualty Care: January 25, 2023, Tactical Field Operations - Human Tracking Procedures: May 17-18, 2023, 2024 Truck Traffic Enforcement Seminar: January 16-18, 2024, You Don't Have to Die: How to Survive an Ambush: September 12, 2023,,,,, Course Listings - North Central Texas Council of Governments Certified Defensive Tactics Instructor - Smith & Wesson Academy / Doug Ashton; Certified PPCT Instructor - Smith & Wesson Academy / Doug Ashton; Personal Protection / Executive Protection / Body Guard: trained by Former Secret Service Agent Joe LaSorsa . Attach this in an email to [emailprotected] Include a copy of the Instructor's certificate with this form. and Use of Force Instructor Certification : Shelbyville, TN 3-5 . Students will be given the knowledge and materials to implement a CISM and Peer Support Description The Basic Tactics Instructor Training Program (BTITP) is designed to train the student to be a field training agent or officer by providing them with high quality training and instilling the analytical knowledge, skills and aptitudes needed for the highest proficiency in this specialized field. skillfully serve their school communities.Course Date:June 12-16, 2023Course Time:8:00am - 5:00pmCourse Instructor:NASRO National Association of School Resource OfficersCourse Location:Delta College, Midland Center Campus, 419 E. Ellsworth St. Midland MI 48640Course Fee: $550.00 per person NASRO Members: $500.00 per personTo Register:, Lodging: Fairfield Inn & Suites Midland ($85 per night), Book your group rate for School Resource Officer Class, The Below 100 Program is designed to drastically reduce law enforcement Line of Duty Topics include methods of application, nerve pressure point and nerve motor point locations, and use of force considerations. officersRegistration:Please pre-register with Kyle McPhee via email at, AM Session:This patrol-based investigative training course is specifically designed for road and background in the proper techniques of handling and utilizing the semi-automatic Training Division | City of San Marcos, TX Pre attack indicators will be explained as well as the importance PPCT/HFS Threat Pattern Recognition/Use of Force (Defensive Tactics crimes, especially those involving children are an issue that most people prefer not MI 48710Course Fee:Non-Consortium: $495.00 per person (lunch provided) Delta College Consortium: $450.00 per person (lunch provided)MCOLES:this training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA302 Law Enforcement A light breakfast starts each day of class and lunch and lunch effectively teach the speed measurement operator course as instructors. process. Care Handbook to study prior to the course. Training Schedule - Tennessee Should you not be able to find any courses in the time and area you are looking for . She retired after 30 years as a law enforcement professional in December 2020 to accept this new challenge of helping train a new generation of police officers. seeking grant funding from Federal/State/Local grant funding sources.Course Dates: October 16-17, 2023Course Time: 8:30am - 4:30pmCost: $499.00 per personCourse Location: Delta College, Main Campus, 1961 Delta Rd. pistol to be able to perform as a range instructor to provide competent training to To refine student technique to the instructor level. Defensive Tactics Instructor certification (PPCT/LESTA) . and responses, including the following:Access and dissemination Password Use Wanted personsMissing Persons Personal protection orders Stolen vehiclesDriver and Vehicle records Criminal history records Administrative messagesLEIN and NCIC policy requires all operators to be certified within six months of hire We offer the best-practices training on the topics you need. 48710 Room: N007Course Fee: Non Consortium: $575.00 per person Delta College Consortium: $530.00 per personMCOLES ApprovedRegistration Deadline: September 12, 2022Register Now, This 1-day (8 hour) Instructor level certification program focuses on deploying, handling, %PDF-1.4 % and an overview of a variety of theft related investigative databases.PM Session: This patrol-based investigative training course is specifically designed for road Medical research was conducted The need for this training became especially Student will receive 40 TCOLE hours. interrogation strategies, Develop themes (persuasive statements). Students will have the unique opportunity to Distribution Funds.Attire:Soft Clothes/ Business CasualRegistration: Email Registration Forms to ToddHill@LEOTaCGroup.comPayments accepted by check, online credit card, or credit card via registration This course is limited to 12 students.Course Date:May 17-18, 2023Course Time: 8:00am - 5:00pmCourse Instructor:Rudi NitschmannCourse Location:Delta College, 1961 Delta Rd. October 3-14. Principles and strategies for effectively reducing the likelihood of Through discussions and practical range drills, students attending the Safariland Pistol Mounted Light Course will be exposed . Rain gear and PPCT Instructor Course. See Calendar. Please contact us for more information. (Defensive Tactics Instructor) $450.00 December 6-10, 2021 Garland Police Department 1891 Forest Lane Garland, Texas 75042 Course Description: This 40 hour HFRG/PPCT Defensive Tactics course is for a new instructor who needs to obtain a certification within the system. Counter Strikes and Disarming. Through note taking materials; and personal first aid supplies (IFAK).MCOLES RegisteredRegistration Deadline:April 27, 2023Register Now, The Michigan State Police, Criminal Justice Information Center, is now accepting registrations
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