What about the accounts? I just couldnt convince myself to do it., He is not alone. PROSECUTOR: By now, there have been 34 casualties. They cultivated the soil in line with your orders and had nothing to eat. . Ceauescu's speech of 21 August 1968 - Wikipedia I am now talking to you as simple citizens, and I hope that you will tell the truth. You were so impertinent as to cut off oxygen lines in hospitals and to shoot people in their hospital beds. . ELENA CEAUESCU: I will not answer. For example, George Ciampa, an 89-year old D-Day veteran refused an invitation to meet with President Obama at the White House. The collapse of the narrative doesnt happen in a single big step, but through an accumulation of small, personal, often innocuous refusals. Military base Trgovite - December 25th 1989. I am talking to you as simple citizens at the least, as simple citizens, and I tell you: I am the president of Romania. It must be cleared up whether Ceausescu wants to, should, must or can answer at all. They wanted to separate the people from the army. Elena and Nicolae Ceasescu state: Well, you told us about it. PROSECUTOR: In the same way he refused to hold a dialogue with the people, now he also refuses to speak with us. Like a jalopy falling apart on the road, dropping a screw here and a spring there, the Obama administration is gradually shaking itself to pieces. You held monologues and the people had to applaud, like in the rituals of tribal people. PROSECUTOR: Yes, but you are paying the mercenaries. PROSECUTOR: You claim to have taken measures so that every peasant is entitled to 200 kilograms of wheat. Elena answers: The intellectuals of this country should hear you, you and your colleagues. Watch the exact moment when a brutal dictator realizes the - DeadState You held monologues and the people had to applaud, like in the rituals of tribal people. Because of the crimes they committed against the people, I plead, on behalf of the victims of these two tyrants, for the death sentence for the two defendants. He answers: I am the president of Romania, and I am the commander in chief of the Romanian army. ELENA CEAUESCU: We will not sign any statement. They are shooting at children; they are shooting arbitrarily into the apartments. It doesnt happen as one big wave. The details are known. Elena answers: The intellectuals of this country should hear you, you and your colleagues. In the wake of growing tension over an uprising in Timioara in which thousands were reportedly killed, Ceauescu decided to give a nationally televised speech before a crowd in Palace Square (now known as Revolution Square) in Bucharest. You are guilty of these offenses even if you do not want to admit it. The final speech of the prosecutor follows: PROSECUTOR: It is very difficult for us to act, to pass a verdict on people who even now do not want to admit to the criminal offenses that they have committed during 25 years and admit to the genocide, not only in Timisoara and Bucharest, but primarily also to the criminal offenses committed during the past 25 years. PROSECUTOR: So far, they have always claimed that we have built this country, we have paid our debts, but with this they bled the country to death and have hoarded enough money to ensure their escape. What defamation, what provocations! Elena and Nicolae Ceauescu must be held fully responsible for this. Sudden realizations are like a crash; its not the fact of deceleration that is fatal so much as the suddenness of it. In 1947, we assumed power, but under completely different circumstances. PROSECUTOR: Let us now talk about the accounts in Switzerland, Mr. Ceauescu. Elena keeps whispering to him. And today you are acting in the same megalomaniac way. PROSECUTOR: But not of our army, you are not the commander in chief of our army. ALISON SMALE December 21, 1989. The video- shown live on Romanian television-- shows his confusion and consternation and the barely audible comments. Making use of Marxist-Leninist rhetoric, he delivered a litany of the achievements of the "socialist revolution" and Romanian "multi-laterally developed . Within hours Ceauescu was beseiged inside the Central Committee building by irate crowds. Watching the "Video of Ceausescu's Last Speech" on the Making the History of 1989 website, a speech which Nikolae Ceausescu made on 21 December 1989, I was curious to see what the disturbance was that so rattled Ceausescu because by the end of the speech it appears a semblance of order had returned. Rebranding Christianity for $3.99, or why the truth shall make you free And so should such reports chill one to the bone. One of the first acts of the new leadership was to place the security forces, the dreaded Securitate, under control of the army. A horse or a hearse? The people only received 200 grams per day, against an identity card. The entire intelligentsia of the country ran away. What do you think? Sections in italic type are from Austrian television comentary: NICOLAE CEAUESCU: I only recognize the Grand National Assembly. It can go on for a long time shedding parts, but eventually the axle falls out. The process usually follows this path. No one can deprive me of these functions. Are they the people, or are you paying them? NICOLAE CEAUESCU: No, we will not sign. Behind The Facade Of The Ceausescu Regime - Rferl.org I am a member and the chairwoman of the Academy of Sciences. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: Her scientific papers were published abroad! Because of the crimes they committed against the people, I plead, on behalf of the victims of these two tyrants, for the death sentence for the two defendants. This gang will be destroyed. He answers: I am the president of Romania, and I am the commander in chief of the Romanian army. Then he is treated like a normal citizen. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: I do not recognize this court. At that moment Elena says to Nicolae: Forget about them. But by then there was nowhere to hide. I am a member and the chairwoman of the Academy of Sciences. PROSECUTOR: This is how you worked with the people and exercised your functions! CEAUSESCU: No, the people are fighting for freedom and against the new forum. The final speech of the prosecutor follows: PROSECUTOR: It is very difficult for us to act, to pass a verdict on people who even now do not want to admit to the criminal offenses that they have committed during 25 years and admit to the genocide, not only in Timisoara and Bucharest, but primarily also to the criminal offenses committed during the past 25 years. The balcony where Ceauescu delivered his last speech, taken over by the crowd during the Romanian Revolution of 1989 The speech was typical of most of Ceauescu's speeches over the years. Defendant, if you had no accounts in Switzerland, will you sign a statement confirming that the money that may be in Switzerland should be transferred to the Romanian state, the State Bank. Tax experts say the best it can do is withhold the penalty amount from any tax refund due. No one can ask Bergdahl, since he is now reported as being unable to speak to anyone including his family. Dressed in a black Persian lamb hat with matching coat collar, Ceausesecu, 71, was . CEAUSESCU: Nu recunosc nici un tribunal in afara de Marea Adunare Nationala. It gave no further details. From the archive, 23 December 1989: Celebration as a nation emerges from the dark, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. I am the president of the people. Centralized regimes may seem to collapse suddenly, yet in reality they have been coming apart for a long time. Then follows the reading of the indictment. This is our home. We have sufficient data on this period. Tell us! Richard III of England rode into Bosworth Field relying on his ally Baron Stanely to come to his aid. Thousands of workers were bused into the square under threat of being fired. The National Salvation Front is now our supreme body. The Land of Green Plums, Mller, Herta 9780312429942 | eBay Romania's dictator Nicolae Ceausescu's final speech (executed Ceauescu's final speech is a speech delivered by Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceauescu on 21 December 1989. PROSECUTOR: Mr. Chairman, we find the two accused guilty of having committed criminal actions according to the following articles of the penal code: Articles 162, 163, 165 and 357. We are all equal. The video- shown live on Romanian television-- shows his confusion and consternation and the barely audible comments. Wilson Center Digital Archive Ceausescu answers: As I said before, the people are fighting for their freedom and against this putsch, against this usurpation. The entire intelligentsia of the country ran away. We have ensured an apartment for every citizen through corresponding laws. Paper is patient. The Securitate had hidden food reserves on which Bucharest could have survived for months, the whole of Bucharest. The prosecutor wants to find out on which basis the trial can be continued. , Now career military personnel are speaking out through gritted teeth, insisting they speak for active-duty personnel who cannot talk without being punished. Nicolae Ceausescu LAST SPEECH english subtitles 2/2 - YouTube Why did you make the peasants starve? The court notes that the investigations have been concluded. Nobody has opened an account. KGB technicians and agents made one of the most brilliant moves and played a recording of whistles and protests through installed speakers in the square. No, no, he says. One of the fundamental defenses of a democracy is the truth. His security guard appears, disappears and, finally, hustles Ceausescu off the balcony. ALISON SMALE December 21, 1989. What happened was that he was misled by Centralized Information. His 1936 mugshot at age 18 still haunts the internet. Ceauescu was finally cornered in a small town, where he and his wife were subjected to a summary trial, taken out to the courtyard and shot. Ceauescu's final speech is a speech delivered by Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceauescu on 21 December 1989. No one was shot. And you might perhaps have achieved the understanding of the Romanian people if you had now admitted your guilt. I am now talking to you as simple citizens, and I hope that you will tell the truth. You, as a scientist, did you know about it? Tell the people that I will answer all their questions. At that moment Elena says to Nicolae: Forget about them. Please make a note that here it has been stated that all legal regulations have been observed, that this is a legal trial. I will only speak at the Grand National Assembly. Sections in italic type are from the austrian television comentary: NICOLAE CEAUSESCU: I only recognize the Grand National Assembly. We have sufficient data on this period. PROSECUTOR: And who heads Securitate? I have no statement to make, and I will not sign one. PROSECUTOR: The Grand National Assembly has been dissolved. In response, the two laugh, and she says: We do not stay abroad. The Idiot Vote: The Democrats Core Constituency It is simply an accumulation of multitudes ignoring the official line bit by bit and thereby gradually placing themselves unwittingly in opposition to it. The prosecutor turns to Elena: You have always been wiser and more ready to talk, a scientist. , the former US ambassador to Syria, has effectively accused the Obama administration of abandoning genuinely pro-American rebels in Syria thereby allowing the ascendance of al-Qaeda. Military base Tirgoviste - December 25th 1989. No one can deprive me of these functions. However, why are your programs not implemented? Shattered Sword: The Untold Story of the Battle of Midway The court notes that the investigations have been concluded. ELENA CEAUSESCU: We will not sign any statement. They not only killed children, young people and adults in Timisoara and Bucharest; they allowed Securitate members to wear military uniforms to create the impression among the people that the army is against them. I ask the chairman of the prosecutor's office to read the bill of indictment. PROSECUTOR: That is to say, as a deputy prime minister you did not know about the genocide? At the beginning, Ceauescu claimed that it is a provocation to be asked whether he was sick. However, they will be indicted, and a sentence will be passed on the basis of the new legal system. Free elections would be held as soon as possible, and independent media would be established. Nicolae Ceausescu - Last Speech, Trial and Execution - YouTube What may happen of course, is that like a frog slowly being boiled in a pot, the process happens so slowly that people arent aware of it themselves. Nicolae Ceauescu (Romanian pronunciation: [nikola.e tea.uesku]; 26 January 1918 -- 25 December 1989) was a Romanian Communist politician. The mighty Law of the Land is exposed as all bark and no bite; a fine they cant enforce. These two defendants procured the most luxurious foodstuffs and clothes from abroad. Tell the people that I will answer all their questions. He had been falling for a long time, and proved the last to know. PROSECUTOR: We now have another leading organ. The Defence Minister, General Vasile Milea, was said to have committed suicide although it is equally possible he was shot by a member of the Ceauescu retinue. I will not answer any more. PROSECUTOR: Well, Mr. Sections in italic type are from Austrian television comentary: "Stenographic transcript of meeting of the Executive Committee of the Central Committee of the Romanian Communist Party," August 17, 1968, History . The destruction of buildings and state institutions, undermining of the national economy, in accordance with Articles 165 and 145 of the penal code. After an outage of transmission of Romanian television, the speaker announces the verdict in the trial of Elena and Nicolae Ceauescu is death sentence. The notorious programme of razing villages in the countryside would be halted. I have nothing to do with them. And I also do not recognize the counsel for the defense. PROSECUTOR: Mr. Chairman, we find the two accused guilty of having committed criminal actions according to the following articles of the penal code: Articles 162, 163, 165 and 357. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: I do not recognize this new forum. The prosecutor cites all academic titles she had always claimed to have. All strategic points in the country were said to be under the control of the people. PROSECUTOR: So far, they have always claimed that we have built this country, we have paid our debts, but with this they bled the country to death and have hoarded enough money to ensure their escape. They are speaking about injustice, ineptitude and impeachment. PROSECUTOR: Why do you think that people are fighting today? However, they will be indicted, and a sentence will be passed on the basis of the new legal system. CEAUSESCU: Her scientific papers were published abroad! One moment Ceauescu was in total control of Romania, determined to crush his enemies. Not a single shot was fired in Palace Square. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: I will not say anything more. Ceauescu answers: As I said before, the people are fighting for their freedom and against this putsch, against this usurpation. Transcript of the closed trial of Nicolae and Elena Ceauescu, https://en.wikisource.org/w/index.php?title=Transcript_of_the_closed_trial_of_Nicolae_and_Elena_Ceauescu&oldid=6470911, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. CEAUSESCU: I do not recognize you. The great Ceauescu escape attempt came after it had become clear that most of the army had gone over to the people. They were even worse than the king, the former king of Romania. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: No, we had no palaces. PROSECUTOR: Please, make a note: Nicolae Ceausescu refuses to cooperate with the court-appointed counsel for the defense. This shows again how false the charges are. CEAUSESCU: I will not answer. This is not possible. Furnish proof! Powered by Omeka, Roy Rosenzweig Center for History & New Media. As the crowd becomes more unruly, Ceausescu becomes more confused and he begins arguing with the unseen hecklers. PROSECUTOR: Note the following: the defendant refuses to sign this statement. They used to fetch people from orphans' homes or from abroad whom they trained in special institutions to become murderers of their own people. CHIEF PROSECUTOR: Esteemed chairman of the court, today we have to pass a verdict on the defendants Nicolae Ceausescu and Elena Ceausescu who have committed the following offenses: Crimes against the people. COUNSEL FOR THE DEFENSE: Even though he -- like her -- committed insane acts, we want to defend them.
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