Sermon . Part 2: The Truth from God, John 7:37-39 Study Guide: What's the Deal with Jesus? If you took that job you would functionally be a slave. Gods peace gives us comfort in the midst of our tears. If we are faithful in the place where He has called us, then He is better able to lead us to another place of calling if He so chooses. . We abide in Christ now, so that when he appears with all his holy angels and all the armies of Heaven, we wont be frightened. Let him not become uncircumcised. However, for this reason I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show all longsuffering, as a pattern to those who are going to believe on Him for everlasting life. 17-24). a. 1) God put us here. And for those of us who have already trusted Him, lets walk as a faithful Christian in the place of life where God has called us to Himself. b. What does that mean? 19 For neither circumcision counts for anything nor uncircumcision, but keeping the commandments of God. Paul could have given the very same theological reason for this position as he did in verse 19. We will have confidence when Jesus Christ returns. 1 Corinthians 7:17-24 A Sermon By Scott Lindsay We are continuing this morning in our study of Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians, picking up at verse 17 of chapter 7 and working through to verse 24 of that same chapter. Gods presence enables us to abide in whatever assignments we have. We will pervert Paul's teaching and miss his intention if we take the sentence, "Let the uncircumcised not be circumcised" (verse 18), and make it an absolute prohibition of cultural adaptations. Again, there is no point system. Rather, the Jewish follower of the Jewish traditions who came to Christ was encouraged to remain in the cultural traditions in which he was called, and to live faithfully for Jesus in it. Picking Your Fights - 1 Corinthians 9:1-23. In other words, don't make such a big deal out of whether you are circumcised or not, or whether you are white or black or red or Swedish. Paul's first application of the principle is not to vocation, but to circumcision and uncircumcision. First, I believe we should learn to be confident in Gods call for us. In verses 17-24, we see that Paul applies this principle to all of life. Never mind. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 7:17-24 Single And Whole Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on May 30, 2018 | 5,574 views This sermon deals with the reality that every single person is a whole person. "Were you a slave when called? 7 Now concerning the matters about which you wrote: "It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman." 2 But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband. Don't let that be a care to you; but, even if you can become a freedman, rather make use of (your present position)." When Paul says in verse 17, "Let everyone lead the life . Likewise, Paul also said, Was anyone called while uncircumcised? New practices and habits begin to be embraced. Ill show you where Im going to be getting these terms from. 2. Or to put it another way: How you do your job is a big part of your obedience to Jesus. Has anyone been called in uncircumcision? Amen (1 Timothy 1:12-17). The people group that God assigned you by your birth is in no way a hinderance to believing the gospel and following after the call of Jesus Christ to believe in him. Then and only then may circumcision (as Paul implies in Romans 2:25) and other cultural distinctives become beautiful, in a very secondary and derivative way as expressions of the obedience of faith. Gods Calling Transcends Horizontal Assignments 24 and are . Zacchaeus became a new creation by faith in Jesus. Is this fulfilling my personal goals and aspirations? They might be translated slightly differently in your Bible, but we are going to go with the words that ESV has since thats what Im preaching from. I have to ask for the illumination to understand the objective teaching of scripture, does that line up with this situation? Should the believer pull out in order to keep pure? The word that occurs in each statement of the principle and nine times altogether in this paragraph is the word "call." Thats not what Im saying.The Bible talks about how husbands should relate to wives, but the Bible doesnt tell Jacob how he should relate to Allison. This was meant for all of Gods people in Christ. (All Scripture is taken from The New King James Version, unless otherwise indicated). Why You Should Preach This Book. One of the problems in the church at Corinth was the uncertainty about how faith in Christ should affect the ordinary relationships of human life. Do not be concerned about it; but if you can be made free, rather use it. Please place your trust in Him. Let him not seek to remove the marks of circumcision. 1 Corinthians 7:17-24 Scripture Sermons 5 Series 1 Live as You Are Called 17Only let each person lead the life 3 that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him. What do we mean by this? In verse 23, Paul said, You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men. And that is the true condition of a new creation in Christ, whether they are a slaves or freedmen. There were people that were preaching that in order to be a Christian you had to first be circumcised. These are our assignments, the relationships that God has given us to live in. Wherever you are now, reject a consumers mindset where you just want to take and instead embrace a servant mindset. What matters in life and in eternal life is staying close to God and enjoying his presence. Paul has already made that case in marriage and singleness, then in circumcision and uncircumcision. We can remain our situations because we abide with God. 18 Was anyone at the time of his call already circumcised? 23 You were bought with a price; do not become bondservants of men. The point is: when you are called into the fellowship of Christ, you gain a new set of radically Christ-centered priorities; so much so that if you are a slave, it should not cause you to fret. Stay where you are and obey God. God's revealed will for you (the only will you are responsible to obey) is your sanctification (1 Thessalonians 4:3), not your vocation. In 1 Corinthians 7:8, And a woman who has a husband who does not believe, if he is willing to live with her, let her not divorce him. 1 corinthians 7 17 24, Sermon series on 1 corinthians 7 17 24, Sermon series about 1 corinthians 7 17 24. Lets have enough confidence in Gods call upon us to trust Him in it, and to let Him use it, and to even thank Him for it. We are to walk as faithful followers of Jesus in whatever place of life it is that God has called us to Himself. 1 Corinthians 7:22, ESV This is my rule in all the churches. Trending: The Cost of Discipleship. The third word is calling or called, and we see this all over this passage. For 33 years, he served as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Apollos then went to Achaia (of which Corinth was the capitol) where he gave a powerful witness to the messiahship of Jesus (Acts 18:24-28). Are we doing this in response of faith and the obedience to Jesus Christ in whatever circumstance we find ourselves in? 1 Corinthians 7:17 Sermons: Only, as the Lord has assigned to each one, as God has called each, so let him walk. Do you see how he praised God for it? Let Him make you into a new creation. That speaks of the total transformation of our inner self. By Leslie Holmes on February 28, 2023 15 Outstanding Quotes To Recharge Your Preaching Here now the word of the Lord from 1 Corinthians 7:1-9. 20 Each one should remain in the condition in which he was called. I think we have a great example of this from the Bible. But their husbands or wives had not done so. Paul intended this to be a fundamental principle for all people who have put their faith in Jesus Christ and have become new creations in Him. Let him not seek to remove the marks of circumcision. In whatever place of life we were in, at that time when we were called by God to place our faith in Jesus and trust Him as our Savior, we are to remain there as if with God. Hes talking about this calling about what Jesus has done and a calling to believe that what Jesus has done is for me.Let me read you what the Westminster Larger Catechism, Question 67 defines the effectual call as it looks at all the places this word is used in scripture. Most Popular. Then Paul turns in verses 2123 to apply his principle to the issue of whether one is a slave or a freedman. John 5:19-29 Study Guide: Jesus Gives Life, John 5:30-47 Study Guide: The Scriptures Point to Me, John 6:22-40 Study Guide: I am the Bread of Life, John 6:41-59 Study Guide: Jesus Addresses the Skeptics. Look carefully at that phrase as God has distributed to each one. Paul is a very unfashionable thinker and, therefore, eternally relevant. It will transform and transcend everything else you do. Now we need to see how Paul applied this principle in his day, and what it means for us today. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:22-24. You must be white in order to be approved." And Paul's answer is: You don't need to abandon your vocation if you can stay in it with God. Is yours a menial job? a- Paul at this time is single. Was anyone at the time of his call uncircumcised? We wonder if life would be greener somewhere else, but Christians have this additional element where we are thankful for the green pastures that our good shepherd has led us. Bible > 1 Corinthians > Chapter 7 > Verse 17 Library Free Downloads eBibles 1 Corinthians 7:17 Therefore, when Paul says in 1 Corinthians 7:17, 20, and 24 that we should remain and live with God in the state in which we were called, he means: Remain in the state you were in when you were converted, when you were drawn by God into believing, loving fellowship with his Son. Were on a mission to change that. Dont be anxious about your assignment in life. This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief. For many of us that may mean turning over a new leaf tomorrow morning. Its important to remember that when someone comes to faith in Jesus, it wasnt only thenat that momentthat God had begun to work in their lives. This is my rule for all the churches. 18 Was any man called when he was already circumcised? Respond to Gods effectual call through faith in Jesus. Paul went on to tell them that, if their unbelieving husband or unbelieving wife resented their new life in Christif they hated their faith so much that they did not want to stay with them any longerthen the believer should allow that unbelieving spouse to go. Do you remember the story of Zacchaeus the tax collector in Luke 19? To every person. You should be able to say to your position, "Never mind. in which God called him," and when he says in verse 24, "In whatever state each was called, there let him remain with God," he is referring to a divine call by which we were drawn to believe in Christ. Those arent even the right questions to ask.Instead we need to ask how do I serve Christ and others here, right now in these relationships, in these circumstances that God has put me? There is no clear objective rule on this. Paul had planted the church in Corinth on his second missionary journey ( Acts 17:16-18:17 ). This calling is the Holy Spirit's pull into fellowship with Christ. Now concerning the matters about which you wrote: "It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman." 2 But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband. For he who is called in the Lord while a slave is the Lords freedman. Podcast: Play in new window They are new creations. One of the most amazing and encouraging verses in the Bible is 2 Corinthians 5:17. How can I love the Lord God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength and how can I love my neighbor as myself wherever I am?What this passage teaches us is that we cannot search for satisfaction in what we are doing, but in how we are doing what we are doing. Let him not seek to remove the marks of circumcision. Were not automatically required to move out of our neighborhoods. We dont need to find an island that we can settle in and populate that is just for Christians, sealed off from the rest of the world. Even here thats not quite what Paul is saying. And then, Paul went on to give us another illustrationthis one having to do with social structures. Part 1: Is He the Christ? The innocent believer is not bound to the deserter. Never mind. Putting the two applications of Paul's principle together, the teaching seems to be this: Obeying the commands of God (v. 19) and enjoying his presence (v. 24) are so vastly more important than what your culture or your job is that you should feel no compulsion to change your position. Gods Calling Transcends Vertical Assignments There was a monk whose name was Brother Lawrence who wrote a booked called, Practicing the Presence of God. 1 Corinthians 5:1-13 Study Guide: The Sin of Tolerance. He used circumcision and slavery as illustrations to describe God's sovereignty over the social and religious barriers of his day. Do you notice how he was able to say how thankful he was for his calling? We say, white is beautiful, black is beautiful, red is beautiful, yellow is beautiful; therefore, don't try to switch cultures. Once we are made new on the inside, things begin to change on the outside. This is absolutely imperative to grasp lest we create a new legalism. We need to remain in the same calling in which we are calledunless and until God calls us to another place of life. Thats because its a manifestation of Gods providential work in our lives. Bethany Bible Church Sunday Message; January 27, 2019 from 1 Corinthians 7:17-24. It doesnt give you a point system; its not one of those teen magazines where you can fill out the quiz and get a point score answer to find out who your perfect mate is. But the next things that Paul goes on to talk about in verse twenty through twenty-three are vertical boundaries. I know what God has called me to be to my family and I know that this job will take time away from me which will cut into the way that I should be loving my family and the way that I should be serving in my church and my neighbors. What matters is whether we are being encouraged and humbled by the presence of God. First Corinthians 7:17-24 expands on Paul's rule of thumb: that Christians should remain in whatever situation they were in when they came to faith in Christ. You would work gruelingly long hour. Christians are prone to this too. *"This date is an approximation of when this sermon was delivered." THE text does not say that time is short. English Standard Version Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him. When you serve your master, you are not serving him, but the Lord. They are made brand new on the inside. And to a certain degree, that new inner life also has an impact on the outer life. 1 Corinthians 7:17,20 But as God hath distributed to every man, as the Lord hath called every one, so let him walk. He could have said, "For being a slave is nothing, and being a freedman is nothing, but keeping the commands of God is everything." The word of God for all us "success seekers" is this: Take all that ambition and drive that you are pouring into your upward mobility and pour it instead into a spiritual zeal to cultivate an enjoyment of God's presence and obedience to his revealed will in Scripture. "A man's mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps" (Proverbs 16:9). The Sermon below tackles about the Biblical teachings about marriage, marital relationship and divorce. So, the first thing that Paul talks about are these honorable assignments between different people groups. Paul has already used this word a few times and its good to look back and see them. Are you single, married? Any date. This calling from God is different, on the one hand, from our vocational "calling" and, on the other hand, from the general call to repent that goes out to all men. Acknowledging God in every moment of every day in prayer. The time may come when we may do something different, as long as it is lawful and properly available. You would be functionally a slave, yet what an honorable position working for that great politician. Likewise, he who was free when called is a bondservant of Christ. But if you can gain your freedom, avail yourself of the opportunity" (RSV). Pray with me. When you are called to Christ, even as a bondservant you dont belong to your master but to the Lord. Any duration. The main point of my message this morning can be stated as a declaration and as a prayer. John 7:1-13, 40-52 Study Guide: What's the Deal with Jesus? As theyve had to search the scriptures and see the various principles and how the light of Gods word shone into their lives by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. That would have been a true statement. Having discussed the principle of staying in the God-ordained relationship of marriage when you become a Christian, Paul now discusses this principle in two other connections. I have to think about the specifics of that in relation to who I am and who she is. Either waywhatever the cultural or social situation we are called in, we are to do as Paul says in verse 24. 1 Corinthians. If you were converted as a Jew, don't try to become a Gentile. Thats the most important thing. (All Scripture is taken from The New King James Version, unless otherwise indicated). You would not work whenever you please, but you would work at the pleasure of the president, every moment of your life. Let him not be circumcised. Let him not be circumcised. If a Gentile man became a believer in Jesus the Jewish Messiah, he himself did not have to then become Jewish. Rather, he simply meant that in terms of a saving relationship with God through Christ, those things are not what is important. The reason a person can say, "Never mind," even though he is a slave, is this: verse 22, "For he who was called in the Lord as a slave is a freedman of the Lord." Now, notice that later on in verse twenty-one, God doesnt prohibit slaves from leaving their circumstances. Brethren, let each one remain with God in that state in which he was called (vv. This is the rule I lay down in all the churches. In light of the glorious heavenly calling that we have received, our earthly circumstances are in fact rather unimportant. We are located at the top of the intersection of NW 185th Avenue and Germantown Road. "The lot is cast in the lap, but the decision is wholly from the Lord" (Proverbs 16:33). Sometimes we start to ask, what if my good shepherd wants me to go to a greener pasture? NOTE: Paul was separated unto Christ from his mother's womb but not saved until the Damascus Road Galatians 1:15; Acts 9. It was all for a glorious purpose. 18 Was anyone at the time of his call already circumcised? He showed Zacchaeuas love and mercy; and He even went to Zacchaeus house for dinner. Now, dear brothers and sisters; how do we apply this principle? Let him not seek circumcision. If you are married and you have an opportunity to divorce your spouse and go after someone else, the Bible tells you that is sin and you may not do it. We are anxious about so many things, but our Heavenly Father knows that we need all of these things. Jesus Is Wounded By The Dividing Of Church Contributed by Lay Man on May 28, 2015 . When Jesus said in Matthew 22:14, "Many are called, but few are chosen," he referred to the world-wide call of the gospel which many people hear and reject to their own doom. Text: Romans 4:1-5, 13-17. 1 Corinthians 7:17-31. This is a very unfashionable teaching in contemporary western society, because it cuts the nerve of worldly ambition. To what degree should the outside be changed? Now; Paul doesnt just merely state this principle to us. Rather, we are to walk as a faithful Christian in the very place of life where God has called us to Himselfand to let Him use us there, in that place, as His witnesses for Christ. God had providentially called them from within that particular relationship in order that He might use them as a witness to their unbelieving husband or unbelieving wife. As a Jewish man, he would never have been indifferent to the covenant sign that God gave to his ancestor Abraham. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 Study Guide: Such Were Some of You, 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 Study Guide: Bought With a Price, 1 Corinthians 7:1-9 Study Guide: The Beauty of Marriage, 1 Corinthians 7:8-16 Study Guide: Approaching Difficulties in Marriage, 1 Corinthians 7:17-24 Study Guide: Living the Life God has Given, 1 Corinthians 7:25-40 Study Guide: Christian Singleness, 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 Study Guide: When You're 100% Right and 100% Wrong, 1 Corinthians 9:1-23 Study Guide: Surrendering Your Rights, 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 Study Guide: Run to Win the Race, 1 Corinthians 10:1-14 Study Guide: A Way Out of Temptation, John 17 Study Guide 2: Sharing in Community, John 17 Study Guide 3: Sharing in Mission, John 17 Study Guide Part 4: Growing in Christ, 1 Corinthians 10:14-11:1 Study Guide: Glory to God in All Things, 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 Study Guide: Because of the Angels, 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 Study Guide: The Lord's Supper, 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 Study Guide: Spiritual Gifts for the Common Good, 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 Study Guide: One Body, Many Members, 1 Corinthians 13:1-8 Study Guide: Love Never Ceases, 1 Corinthians 13:8-13 Study Guide: When the Perfect Comes, 1 Corinthians 14:1-25 Study Guide: Pursuing Love and Desiring the Gifts, 1 Corinthians 14:26-40 Study Guide: Orderly Worship, 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Study Guide: Gospel Centered Faith. Their condition as married people did not need to change. With long-suffering and prayer and humble, exemplary conduct, the believing partner longs to win the unbeliever. Those that He has called to Himself by faith in Jesus were chosen by Him for that relationship long before they were ever born. The first time is in verse 17; where Paul writes, But as God has distributed to each one, as the Lord has called each one, so let him walk.. You have the same objective passages to look at, but you need to look at how that will be applied in your situation. For example, in 1 Corinthians 7 the question is raised whether faith in Christ should mean that a husband and wife should abstain from sexual relations. Now obviously, staying in that place in which He called us assumes that it is not an inherently sinful place. They had clearly been transformed on the inside; and there were many changes that were happening on the outside too. Paul says you dont have to worry about different groups of people, the horizontal assignments you have. 1 Corinthians 7:17-24: Christianity and Staves: E. Hurndall : 1 Corinthians 7:20-24: Pulpit Commentary Homiletics. So, he says in verse eighteen, You have to look at what the scriptures teach, and you have to ask for Gods illumination to see how that relates to what is in front of me. It seems wholly out of place between these to say, "If you can gain your freedom, do it." Seized By Temptation - 1 Corinthians 10:13. And note one more thing. Then Paul gives the theological reason for this admonition. Gods Calling Transcends Horizontal Assignments And if we understand its broad cultural application, it offends all of us. This is my rule in all the churches. With God! How do we discern the Lords word in our lives? And what we all need to hear is that what lies most on the heart of God is not whether we move from one to the other, but whether in our present work we are enjoying God's promised presence and obeying his commands in the way we do our work. One of the questions that they asked had to do with their marriages. 29. He may call us to Himself while we are in a place of sin; but He then leads us to live for Him outside that place of sin. 22 For he who was called in the Lord as a bondservant is a freedman of the Lord. In the process, the theological reason for it will emerge also. You have heard this morning about how He transforms the lives of all those who trust Him. 8 To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain single, as I am.1 Corinthians 7:8, ESV Likewise he who is called while free is Christs slave. As the Bible tells us, if the Lord Jesus sets us free then we are free indeedeven if, culturally speaking, we are still in a state of slavery. Not only the president but anyone at higher rank than you could dump whatever work they wanted to on you. As Richard Hayes writes, To be the slave of a powerful master could be an honorable station. How do I sort through my own mixed emotions when Im trying to make decisions on how to live in the various circumstances of my life? Do not be concerned about it. We start seeking out fellowship with other Christians. They were believers who now, suddenly, found themselves married to non-believers. What matters is not whether our job is high or low in man's eyes. You were bought with a price. Do not be concerned about it. Then he looks to the noble free man and says, "Do not become proud, for in Christ you are a slave. I think Paul himself might be a good example for us in this. Sermon Central Share a Sermon; Try PRO Free; Help; Sign In; Sermon . In calling us to Himself in Christ at the time He did, and in the place of life He did, and under the circumstances He didwith that upbringing we had, or in that cultural setting in which we live our lives, or with that social standing He has given us in this worldHe has not made any mistakes. Romans 3:23 - 24: "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Do they love Jesus in a way that through the challenges of life they will never be a hinderance to following Jesus? 17 Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him. So, these are the horizontal assignments, the boundaries, the people Gods. Father make us steeped in the scriptures, not so we can just spit out the right answers without thinking to complicated questions, but so that you can frame the way that we are thinking and wrestling with you in prayer.
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