Obtain background checks for you and staff (for group and family child care homes: all people over 18 living in the home more than 30 days per calendar year.) 1011. (4) Aides. (b) A group supervisor shall have attained one of the following qualification levels: (1) A bachelors degree from an accredited college or university in early childhood education, child development, special education, elementary education or the human services field. Modifications for secure childrenâs homes. Inclusion or exclusion of children with non-contagious conditions such as a disabling injury or illness, asthma, or failure to thrive will be determined by the center's and staff's capacity to provide proper care for the child⦠Protective receptacle covers shall be placed in electrical outlets accessible to children 5 years of age or younger. (5) The signature of the person who authorized the release. (b) Cleaning materials and other toxic materials shall be stored in an original labeled container or in a container that specifies the content. A childs record must contain the following information: (1) Initial and subsequent health reports. Facility Type: Group/Large Child Care Home. (a) If emergency medical care is needed for a child, the parent shall be contacted as soon as practical in the best interest of the child. (c) Cleaning materials and other toxic materials shall be used in a way that does not contaminate play surfaces, food, food preparation areas and does not constitute a hazard to the children. (g) Preschool and school-age children may not be involved in small or large muscle activity in the same group space in which children are sleeping or resting. The medical reason shall be documented in a statement signed by a physician, physicians assistant or CRNP and placed in the childs record at the facility. Outside walkways shall be free from ice, snow, leaves, equipment and other hazards. Facility Type: Family Child Care Home. The Department will accept an interferongamma release assay blood test instead of the Mantoux skin test for an adult health assessment. Each first aid kit taken on an excursion must contain a bottle of water in addition to the items specified in subsection (c). 2437. Application for and issuance of a certificate of compliance. (a) The operator shall immediately notify a childs parent and shall telephone notice to the appropriate regional office of the Department within 24 hours if one or more of the following occurs: (1) Inpatient hospitalization or emergency room treatment of a child receiving care at the facility. (d) In a facility in which 45 or fewer children are enrolled, a director may also function as a group supervisor. (b) A facility or a space in a facility in which care is provided exclusively to school-age children shall comply only with the following sections: (1) General provisions. (1) Each staff person shall be assigned the responsibility for supervision of specific children. A child shall be interviewed or observed by the operator and when possible shall have the opportunity to visit the facility prior to being admitted for care. Begin Main Content Area 717-265-7740. (iii) A system which provides water for bottling or bulk hauling for human consumption. Website . The notification shall be retained in the persons file. (ii) Collection or pretreatment storage facilities not under control of the operator which are used in connection with the system. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (315865). Daycare or Child Care Programs. Home Care Agencies Regulations. (a) A facility person with a discharging or infected wound, sore or lesion on the hands, arms or an exposed portion of the body shall be excluded from child care and food preparation activities until the operator receives written notification from a physician or CRNP that the person may return to child care or food preparation. Staff persons shall participate, at least annually, in firesafety training conducted by a fire protection professional. (5) The physicians or CRNPs assessment of the persons suitability to provide child care. If a land-line telephone is not accessible to staff persons during the hours of facility operation, a wireless telephone is acceptable. Toxics shall be stored away from food, food preparation areas and child care spaces. (iii) Verification of child care experience, education and training following the outset of service at the facility. 2437. (e) In a facility in which more than 45 children are enrolled, a group supervisor is required for the first group of 45 enrolled children and for each group or partial group of 45 additional enrolled children. Listed below are each of the regulations that pertain to the operation of a child care facility, a brief description of the regulation, and the hyperlink to the regulation: All family child care homes in Pennsylvania will soon be required to earn a Certificate of Compliance as a CERTIFIED, also called LICENSED, child care provider. (b) In an emergency, a child may be released to an individual upon the oral designation of the parent, if the identity of the individual can be verified by a staff person. (6) A statement of the childs medical information pertinent to diagnosis and treatment in case of emergency. (a) The parent shall have access to the childs complete child day care record. (a) Natural or mechanical ventilation shall be provided in child care spaces. (2) The name, address and telephone number of the facility. Public water systemA system for the provision to the public of water for human consumption that has at least 15 service connections or regularly serves an average of at least 25 individuals daily at least 60 days out of the year. This chapter is promulgated to facilitate the safe and healthful care of a child in a child day care center and to support families by providing care that promotes the emotional, cognitive, communicative, perceptual-motor, physical and social Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (268707) to (268708). This document helps Certification Representatives prepare for your visit. The kit may be the same kit described in § 3270.75. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. The provisions of this § 3270.24a adopted July 26, 1996, effective July 27, 1996, 26 Pa.B. 2437. The operator of the vehicle shall be 18 years of age or older and shall have a valid operators license. (a) A certificate of compliance will not be granted by the Department to a legal entity unless compliance with civil rights laws and applicable regulations has been met. The Department of Health will provide, upon request, a list of communicable diseases. (4) An indoor swimming pool which is not in use must be made inaccessible to children. (2) The request for waiver does not alter the applicability or purpose of a regulation. The process to get certified/licensed includes annual unannounced inspections of family child care homes. (5) An infant 6 months of age or younger shall be held while being bottle fed. (a) Transportation by the facility requires written parental consent, except for transportation of school-age children who are transported to or from a child care facility in vehicles owned or operated by the school district. 2437. (f) Completion of training shall be documented by the signature and title of a representative of the training entity and include the date training was completed. (3) An associates degree from an accredited college or university in early childhood education, child development, special education, elementary education or the human services field and 3 years of experience with children. (ii) At naptime, the capacity may be exceeded for a period not longer than 2 1/2 consecutive hours, no more than twice in a program day. Program administrators may email the sheet to their Certification Representative in advance of their visit or have it ready when the Certification Representative arrives. This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waviers). A facility shall have an operable, clean refrigerator used to store potentially hazardous foods. (b) If a child has a problem or special need such as seizures or motion sickness that may require special care during transportation, written parental instructions regarding treatment of the problem or special need shall accompany the child being transported. (c) A veterinarians certificate of current rabies immunization is required for a cat or dog at the facility. This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.82 (relating to toilet areas). The operator shall arrange a cleaning schedule with the parent. The provisions of this § 3270.61a adopted August 19, 1994, effective August 20, 1994 and apply retroactively to July 30, 1994, 24 Pa.B. (a) A volunteer shall be 16 years of age or older and shall be directly supervised at all times. Early Learning. (b) Toys soiled by secretion or excretion shall be cleaned with soap and water, rinsed and sanitized before being used by a child. 6186 (October 31, 2020). (f) Indoor space in which children are receiving care may not be used simultaneously for other business, commercial, social or another purpose unrelated to the child care being offered. (a) A group supervisor is responsible for the following minimum duties: (1) Planning and implementing daily program activities. 2437. (e) If emergency information is updated in a master file, it shall be updated accordingly in other facility records. (2) If nondisposable diapers from a diaper service are provided by a facility, a soiled diaper shall be placed in the container provided by the service or in a securely-tied plastic bag. This chapter cited in 4 Pa. Code § 7a.1 (relating to definitions); 55 Pa. Code § 168.2 (relating to definitions); 55 Pa. Code § 3041.13 (relating to parent choice); 55 Pa. Code § 3041.16 (relating to subsidy limitations); 55 Pa. Code § 3680.1 (relating to applicability); and 55 Pa. Code § 3800.3 (relating to exemptions). Communicable diseaseAn illness due to an infectious agent or its toxic products which is transmitted directly or indirectly by the infected agent to a susceptible host. (3) If disposable diapers are provided by a parent or by a facility, a soiled diaper shall be discarded by immediately placing the diaper into a plastic-lined, hands-free covered can. (d) A child may not be forced to eat food. (b) A written record shall be kept of the date, the time of day, the hypothetical location of the fire, the evacuation time, the names of facility persons and the number of children participating in the fire drill. (b) Diaper changing surfaces shall be cleaned after each use by wiping the surface with a sanitizing solution or by changing a pad or other surface covering. (2) An in-ground swimming pool accessible to children must be fenced with a locked gate. This publication is available on the Internet at http://www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/pubs/325.pdf or by calling the Consumer Public Safety Commission at (800) 638-2772. (4) The initial health report for a school-age child must be dated in accordance with the requirements for medical examinations for school attendance in 28 Pa. Code § 23.2 (relating to medical examinations). (2) A part-day school-age program that operates 2 hours or less per day for 3 or fewer days per week. (7) Reports of accidents, injuries and illnesses involving a child in care at the facility. (b) The operator shall mail or deliver a written report to the appropriate regional office of the Department within 72 hours after the occurrence of an event listed in subsection (a). (2) A high school diploma or a general educational development certificate, including 600 or more hours of secondary training described in § 3270.31(c) (relating to age and training). This chapter is promulgated to facilitate the safe and healthful care of a child in a child day care center and to support families by providing care that promotes the emotional, cognitive, communicative, perceptual-motor, physical and social development of the child. (a) Individual, clean, age-appropriate rest equipment shall be provided for preschool, toddler and infant children as agreed between the childs parent and the operator. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (228699) to (228700). The signature must include the individuals professional title. (3) Signed parental consent for emergency medical care for the child. The requirement for playground protective surface covering in § 3270.102(c) (relating to condition of play equipment) means that the protective surfacing material must be safe and shock absorbing for a fall from the highest designated play surface on a piece of equipment as specified in the United States Consumer Public Safety Commissions Public Playground Safety Handbook, Publication 325. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (312269). The provisions of this § 3270.24 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B. The CII standardizes how certification regulations are applied, measured, and enforced consistently across Pennsylvania and support consistent documentation of inspection results and compliance. The information for the Pennsylvania Code included at this website has been derived directly from the Pennsylvania Code, the Commonwealth's official publication of rules and regulations.Cite all material in the Pennsylvania Code by title number and section number. (2) Toys and materials for cognitive development. The provisions of this § 3270.122 amended under Articles IX and X of the Public Welfare Code (62 P. S. § § 901922 and 10011087). Sections 3270.13270.4 (relating to general provisions). CPSChild Protective Services. (4) Tutoring programs that are licensed by or approved and funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), for example: (i) Tutoring centers and educational testing and remedial centers licensed by PDE under 22 Pa. Code Chapters 61 and 63 (relating to tutoring centers and educational testing; and remedial centers). (4) The facility shall comply with the annual immunization reporting requirements in accordance with the Department of Health regulation in 28 Pa. Code § 27.77. (b) Emergency contact information must include the following: (1) The name and birth date of the child. Use this to support your own review of requirements related to: posted notices, required paperwork, transportation, ratio and supervision, and physical site. (e) A child shall have a labeled toothbrush if brushing teeth is a program activity. Do you need help finding quality child care and early learning programs in your area? (b) A facility person may not use any form of physical punishment, including spanking a child. 3552; reserved May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B. Document Type: Regulation. (b) An assistant group supervisor shall have attained one of the following qualification levels: (1) A high school diploma or a general educational development certificate and 30 credit hours from an accredited college or university in early childhood education, child development, special education, elementary education or the human services field. The provisions of this § 3270.175 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B. (5) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C.A. (c) If a door or doorway opens or exits directly into a stairwell and if there is no landing beyond the door or doorway, the door shall be restricted from opening or shall be removed and a secure barrier to prevent access to the stairwell shall be erected. Regulation 6(2)(b)(vi) (the quality and purpose of care standard) applies... 3. (b) Protective gates are permitted, if they open easily and are not disapproved by building codes or local ordinances. The Department of Public Welfares repeated failure to make timely inspections of day care center which it concealed by issuing provisional certificates based on technical or pretextual deficiencies, then granting retroactive certificates of compliance, enabled the Department to evade scrutiny of operators appeal of issuance of provisional certificates of compliance by dismissing operators appeal as moot. (c) A director shall be employed by a facility and be present at the facility site a minimum of 30 hours per week. (b) Indoor child care space may not be used simultaneously as play space. (d) A certificate of compliance is issued in the manner described in Chapter 20, for a period not to exceed 12 months from the date of issue. (e) Hypothetical locations of the fire shall be changed for each drill. (b) At the time of enrollment, a parent shall receive in writing the information described in subsection (a). (4) Program requirements in § § 3270.1113270.118 (relating to program). A facility person with symptoms of a communicable disease or infection that can be transmitted directly or indirectly and which may threaten the health of children in care shall be excluded from attendance until the facility operator receives notification from a physician or CRNP that the person is no longer considered a threat to the health of others. (b) Outdoor or indoor play space shall be measured at 65 square feet per child, except in the following situations: (1) The minimum outdoor or indoor play space required per infant is 40 square feet. (a) A child shall be released only to the childs parent or to an individual designated in writing by the enrolling parent. A facility person shall wash his hands before meals and snacks, and after toileting and after diapering a child. (e) A written plan identifying the means of transporting a child to emergency care and staffing provisions in the event of an emergency shall be displayed conspicuously in every child care space and accompany a staff person who leaves on an excursion with children. 3552; reserved May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B. 4213; amended September 1, 2000, effective June 1, 2000, 30 Pa.B. (e) Abrasive removal methods which include dry sanding, electrical sanding and sandblasting or open flame burning, or a removal process that permits the release of leaded particulate material into the environment are prohibited. Staff persons shall have immediate access to a working telephone on the facility premises. (a) An aide is responsible for assisting in the implementation of daily program activities. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (312152) and (228703). Licensing Regulations. (3) A wading pool shall be emptied daily. Age levelThe grouping category appropriate for the childs age. It is organized by State and allows users to access child care licensing regulations that apply to child care centers, family child care homes, school-age programs, infant care programs, and other specialized programs. (4) An associates degree from an accredited college or university, including 30 credit hours in early childhood education, child development, special education, elementary education or the human services field and 3 years of experience with children. St Elizabeths Day Care Center v. Department of Public Welfare, 963 A.2d 1274 (Pa. 2009). (4) An assessment of an acute or chronic health problem or special need and recommendations for treatment or services, including information regarding abnormal results of screening tests for vision, hearing or lead poisoning. Sections 3270.91(a), 3270.923270.94 (relating to fire safety). Outdoor play space used by the facility is considered part of the facility premises. (2) Care furnished in places of worship during religious services. (b) Cleaning materials and other toxic materials shall be used in a way that does not contaminate play surfaces, ⦠(b) A facility person with a herpes infection may not be present with infants younger than 3 months of age. (4) The childs arrival and departure times. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (204586). National Database of Child Care. 2437. (b) Contact with pets by the children is permitted only when a staff person is physically present. The certificate of compliance will be issued by the Department to a legal entity prior to commencement of operation at a specified location. A first-aid kit, including the contents as specified in § 3270.75 (relating to first-aid kit) shall be in the vehicle when children are being transported. Staff persons and volunteers shall receive training in maintenance of smoke detectors, the duties of facility persons during a fire drill and during a fire and the use of the facilitys fire extinguishers, not including discharge of the fire suppressant agent. ⦠Checking on who inspects the program is a good start. (c) A facility person may not single out a child for ridicule, threaten harm to the child or the childs family and may not specifically aim to degrade the child or the childs family. (1) Care provided to a child at the parentâs work site when the parent is not present in the child care space. This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.178 (relating to transportation first-aid kit). The receptacle shall be emptied into an approved sewage system at least once a day. 55 Pa. Code §§ 3270.4; 3280.4; 3290.4. 2469. The provisions of this § 3270.175 amended under Articles IX and X of the Public Welfare Code (62 P. S. § § 901922 and 10011087). Critical oversight in which the supervisor can see, hear, direct and assess the activity of the supervisee. General requirements for facility persons. (7) A statement that the child is able to participate in child care and appears to be free from contagious or communicable disease. (2) A minimum of an 8th grade education and enrollment in a training curriculum described at § 3270.31(c) (relating to age and training). (d) A porch shall be equipped with a handrail. (d) A school bus with a seating capacity of 16 or more children used in transporting preschool or school-age children is exempt from the requirements established under subsections (a)(c). (c) A staff person previously granted a waiver of staff qualification is permanently qualified at the position level specified by the waiver. (7) Bottled formula may not be heated in a microwave oven. (2) The initial health report for a young toddler must be dated no more than 6 months prior to the first day of attendance at the facility. CPSLChild Protective Services LawTitle 23 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes Chapter 63 (relating to the Child Protective Services Law). (c) Within 48 hours, a written report regarding the suspected child abuse shall be submitted by the operator or designated staff person to the CPS unit which has responsibility for investigating the report. (B) The person develops a productive cough which does not respond to medical treatment within 14 days. (i) Physical site requirements do not apply for a school-age program located in a school building that is under section 776.1 of the Public School Code of 1949 (24 P. S. § 7-776.1); specifically, a program operated for school-age children in a public or private school building, a building used by an intermediate unit, or an area vocational-technical school building which meets the physical site requirements acceptable to the Department of Education. The classroom training portion of the curriculum shall be completed. Written approval of the installation and written approval for use shall be on file at the facility. (a) When children are diapered, the facility shall use disposable diapers, a diaper service or arrange with the parent to provide a daily diaper supply. Sections 3270.1313270.134(a) and 3270.1363270.138. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (312269) to (312270). The provisions of this § 3270.25a adopted July 26, 1996, effective July 27, 1996, 26 Pa.B. The purpose of this chapter is to protect the health, safety and well-being of children receiving care in a child residential facility through the formulation, application and enforcement of minimum licensing ⦠(5) A high school diploma or a general educational development certificate and 2 years experience with children. If unsafe areas or conditions are in or near an outdoor play space, fencing or natural barriers are required to restrict children from those unsafe areas or conditions. The Child Protective Services Law (CPSL) requires certain individuals to obtain clearances in order to be ⦠(6) Written evaluation of staff persons on a regular basis, a minimum of one evaluation every 12 months. (e) Measured indoor space excludes space occupied by halls, bathrooms, offices, kitchens and locker rooms. Sections 3270.111, 3270.113, 3270.115(a) and (b), 3270.116 and 3270.118. (b) The written plan shall be posted in the group space. (d) The back of a pick-up truck may not be used to transport children. (ii) By an entity that is licensed or certified professionally competent in the training topic. Conducted by Certification Representatives from the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL), under the Department of Human Services (DHS), the annual unannounced inspections will help family child care homes meet regulatory standards for providing safe and healthy environments for children. 4708; reserved May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B. 2437. (h) The capacity established for an indoor space may not be exceeded except in the following situations: (1) At naptime, when toddler or preschool children are resting on rest equipment described in § 3270.106 (relating to rest equipment) if the following conditions are met: (i) At naptime, the capacity is determined by the requirement for placement of rest equipment described in § 3270.106(f). The term includes: (i) Collection, treatment, storage and distribution facilities under the control of the operator of the system and used in connection with the system. (5) The name of the staff person releasing the child. Through Child Care Works, families have access to quality care ⦠The provisions of this § 3270.24 amended under Articles IX and X of the Public Welfare Code (62 P. S. § § 901922 and 10011087). 2437. Facility personA staff person, a substitute staff person, a volunteer, a food service person, a janitorial person or another adult who serves in or is employed by a facility. PA Child Abuse Clearances For more information, please go to the Keep Kids Safe website. (2) When older toddler, preschool or school-age children are participating in a program activity if the following conditions are met: (i) The capacity of the indoor child care space may be exceeded for no more than two separate 1/2 hour time periods daily. The operator shall make reasonable accommodation in accordance with applicable Federal and State laws to facilitate administration of medication or a special diet that is prescribed by a physician, physicians assistant or CRNP as treatment related to the childs special needs. (4) Care provided during the hours of instruction in nonpublic schools and in private nursery schools and kindergartens. Keystone State. 2347. The applicable laws as identified on the certificate of compliance application are: (1) The Pennsylvania Human Relations Act (43 P. S. § § 951962.2). Child day care centerThe premises in which care is provided at any one time for seven or more children unrelated to the operator. (c) In a facility in which 45 or fewer children are enrolled, a group supervisor or a director/group supervisor shall be employed by and be present at the facility site for a minimum of 30 hours per week. The provisions of this § 3270.113 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B. 2437. (a) This chapter applies to facilities in which out-of-home care is provided, at any one time, for part of a 24-hour day to seven or more children, 15 years of age or younger, including: (1) Care provided to a child at the parents work site when the parent is not present in the child care space. (4) A method for facility persons to inform parents that the emergency has ended and to provide instruction as to how parents can safely be reunited with their children. The provisions of this § 3270.104 amended under Articles IX and X of the Public Welfare Code (62 P. S. § § 901922 and 10011087). (g) Evacuation plans shall provide for removal of all persons from the facility in a single trip. The business of child care is regulated differently in every state. (iii) A chronic health condition diagnosed by a licensed physician, physicians assistant or CRNP that requires health and related services of a type or amount beyond that required by children generally. 2437. This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.122 (relating to admission interview); 55 Pa. Code § 3270.123 (relating to agreement); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age programs). 8 years of age food at 45° f or below 3270.70 amended may 23, 2008, Pa.B. Be present in the space a training chair shall be held during various program activity name! Stored away from food, food preparation areas and fixtures shall be held at least and. Law ) the cat or dog is present equipment prescribed for a period for which a certificate... The presence of children from the facility at least 1 week in advance or a. To State Board of private Academic schools ) and ( 312151 ) Manufacturers instructions for administration of or... 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