However, few species are able to succeed in anthropogenically disturbed environments. Split page, species info on the left, room for notes on the right. The Cape clawless otter, also known as the African clawless otter, is one of two otter species to occur in South Africa. Out of 343 spraints, 222 were successfully genotyped and 38 different genotypes (19 females and 19 males) were identified. Gauteng is located in the northern section of South Africa as indicated by the map insert. Distance based analyses (Neighbour-joining, NJ) of, . 69 (4), 1419–1433. A short summary of this paper. J. Wildl. DNA barcoding in the cycadales: testing the potential of proposed barcoding markers for species. Evol. 9 SEPTEMBER 2013 FRONT COVER: A shoal of slinger (Chrysoblephus puniceus) over a coral reef in the St Lucia Marine Reserve Thus a more conclusive method, of identification is required, namely DNA barcoding. (eceived 6th July 2016, accepted 2nd September 2016) Abstract: Cape clawless otters Aonyx capensis and spotted-necked otters Lutra maculicollis were studied on three rivers in the Drakensberg Park, South Africa. It lives only in the rivers and creeks of the Amazon, Orinoco, and La Plata river systems. COI gene sequences of all samples of the two species are highly identical at 99-100%. Additionally, a tissue sample of Eurasian, ) from Hungary was analysed to determine the amplification success of these primers on related otter, primers were as follows: one cycle of 94 for 5 min then 10 cycles of 94, C for 10 min. Cape Otter Behaviour The Cape otter 6 (1), 10. The assessment, carried out by the South African National Biodiversity Institute (Sanbi) and fynbos experts, revealed that 47% (165 of 353 species) of local species face extinction. the local extirpation of otters was reported on several islands. The impact that P. longicornis will have on the local agricultural system or the biodiversity within the Mount Elgon National Park remains unclear. The occurrence of signs indicates both species are present in urban areas, but at a much lower frequency than in the peri-urban areas. 9 Dec 2020; No comment; Uncategorized coastal areas of China, to best devise a national otter conservation plan. The PCR was conducted in a T100. Occurrence of spraints, couches and resting places along the south-west coast, South Africa, was found to be closely tied to freshwater sources. The responsiveness of South African fauna to climate change events is poorly documented and not routinely incorporated into regional conservation planning. 54 (2), 317–337. Both otters had holts close to water, where there was cover in the form of bushes, or dense long grass. Rowan K Jordaan, Michael J Somers, Grant Hall, Trevor McIntyre, The diet of spotted-necked otters foraging in trout-stocked waters in Mpumalanga, South Africa, African Zoology, 10.1080/15627020.2020.1741447, (1-8), (2020). J. Mammal. In this, study, we compared results obtained for universal and partial, spraint and tissue control samples. Thermal Cycler (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., CA, USA). Within the assessment region, the species occurs on the east and south coasts of South Africa and sporadically up the west Country Presence Origin Botswana Extant Native Lesotho Extant Native Mozambique waterbodies (Nel & Somers 2007). The species was listed as endangered in 1999 and the current population is about 5,000. 12 demonstrated a decrease in abundance of both otter species along a stretch of the Mooi River in South Africa that has experienced an increase in human activity along its banks in recent years, lending DNA was extracted from spraint (faecal) samples collected along nine rivers and genotyped using 10 microsatellites to assess population structure and genetic diversity. Download Full PDF Package. OTTER-TRAWL FISHERIES OF SOUTH AFRICA* PETER SCOTT T HE South African otter-trawl fisheries, which provide most of the fresh fish consumed in the Union and the High Commission Terri-tories, are particularly important, not only because of the severe ... by weight and by value consisted of two species, the stockfish … Bird species thrive, with over 200 different types recorded, including Stanley’s bustard, Secretary birds and Blue Cranes (South Africa’s national bird). In the case of otters, non-invasive methods of presence detection include identification of scat or tracks, as well as dens (holts). Distance based analyses of the complete 52 sample dataset (45 faecal samples that were analysed during this study, two reference tissue samples and one sample from Eurasian otter sequenced during this study and four reference samples, acquired from GenBank) revealed a clear genetic separation between the Cape clawless otter and the spotted necked otter, support for the phylogenetic relationship between the three otter species was not well supported. The African clawless otter (Aonyx capensis), also known as the Cape clawless otter or groot otter, is the second-largest freshwater otter species. Considering this, the aim of this study is to describe the, 150 bp) of the mitochondrial Cytochrome b (, ) found in South Africa. Analysis of genetic structure provides support for the otter populations being panmictic with high gene flow between populations from different rivers. Development of microarray-based diagnostics of voles and shrews for use in biodiversity monitoring studies. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. In southern Chile, the Boroa wetland may be the only wetland with southern river otters and five different subsystems: palustrine open water, swamp forest, seasonal and permanent marshes, and riverine associated with open farm fields. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (, is listed as ‘near threatened’ with indication of human, ). It is characterized by partly webbed and clawless feet, from which their name is derived. Third, authenticating the O. sinensis products sold on the market by the Bar-HRM. This study illustrates how African Clawless otters exhibit behavioural plasticity in order to exploit a resource-rich anthropogenic environment. Mann (Editor) - drawings by N. Kistnasamy and D. Hattingh - Special Publication No. Cape Otter Breeding After a gestation period of 60 to 65 days, one to three young are born per litter. It is a robust, strong animal; the second-largest freshwater otter species in Africa and the third-largest in the world. Waits, L.P., Paetkau, D., 2005. and evaluation of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I vs. cytochrome b as genetic markers. The river otter's diet primarily consisted of crustaceans; however, rainfall and wetland subsystems influenced the frequency of fish and especially amphibians in the spraints collected. This paper tests the null hypothesis that spraints and couches of A. capensis are randomly distributed with regard to freshwater availability. Differentiation of two South African otter species (Aonyx capensis and Lutra maculicollis) from spraint based on partial CytB primer sets. This species used to be known as Amblonyx cinereus, and before that as Aonyx cinerea. The financial assistance of the National Research Foundation (NRF) towards. The African Clawless Otter, also known as the Cape Clawless Otter, is one of three in the ‘clawless’ species group. your own Pins on Pinterest In the case of two cryptic, co-occurring South African otter species, ). Although, by comparison, the fossil species was much bigger (around 40 kilograms) and likely less aquatic. Anim. because of infrastructure development as a main threat. … identification of cycads. group of mammals are largely overlooked. Thus, due to the inter-specific differences observed, the partial protocol presented here can be used to accurately differentiate this additional species and does not result in, the amplification of prey remains. Otters are members of the Mustelid family which includes badgers, polecats, martens, weasels, stoats and mink. nov. from Seychelles) and three species of Odontomachus (O. coquereli, O. troglodytes and O. simillimus) are recognized. We were thus able to positively differentiate between the two otter species using the partial CytB primer set developed in this study. The Neotropical otter is the only species which is widespread especially in the central and northern parts of the country. Biology of the two otter species in South Africa. Amplification of prey remains was not observed. This method could detect target species either in single or mixed squid specimen, and it was applied to identify 12 squid processed products successfully. South Africa, 2016: Tomer Ben-Yehuda, 3 weeks & 75 species including Marsh Mongoose, Brown Hyena, South African Hedgehog … In this study, we compared results obtained for universal and partial CytB primer sets on collected spraint and tissue control samples. A total of two reference tissue samples, one each from the otter species; a road killed Cape clawless otter (, Amplicons for sequencing were generated using the Dreamtaq PCR mastermix (Thermo Scientific, USA) at a final reaction, pmol forward and reverse primers (Integrated DNA technologies, Coralville, IA, USA) and 1, PCR conditions for the universal primers were as follows: one cycle of denaturation at 94, M.T. 7 (3), 301–311. This list does not include the land or freshwater molluscs. Population density, home range size and spatial organisation of the cape clawless otter, aonyx capensis, in a marine habitat. 6 (9), 869–876. That this species was found in only a small area suggests that it has only been recently introduced. In recent studies, the utilisation of DNA extraction from scat samples has allowed for abundance determination of Lutra lutra populations (Hung, Li, & Lee, 2004;Lehoczky et al., 2015;O'Neill et al., 2013;Pagacz, 2016) and the distinction between two otter species that cohabit a region (see, ... DNA was extracted from each spraint sample using a QIAGEN® QIAamp® DNA Stool Mini Kit (QIAGEN, 2010). species assignment of carnivore noninvasive samples. Mol. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Country otter, city otter: The distribution patterns of two otter species in an urbanized area of Gauteng, South Africa, Increased population density and behavioural flexibility of African clawless otters (Aonyx capensis) in specific anthropogenic environments, Genetic diversity of African clawless otters (Aonyx capensis) occurring in urbanised areas of Gauteng, South Africa, The current status and conservation of otters on the coastal islands of Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, China, Identification of four squid species by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, Freshwater availability and distribution of Cape clawless otter spraints and resting places along the south-west coast of South Africa, Habitat use and diet of endangered southern river otter Lontra provocax in a predominantly palustrine wetland in Chile, Distribution and sprainting activity of the Otter (Lutra lutra) in the Pollino National Park (southern Italy), Faecal DNA typing to determine the abundance and spatial organisation of otters (Lutra lutra) along two stream systems in Kinmen, Habitat use by the Cape clawless otter and the spotted-necked otter in the KwaZulu-Natal Drakensberg, South Africa, Survey of South African otters in a freshwater habitat, using sign, A test of the genetic species concept: Cytochrome-b sequences and mammals, Distribution and habitat of otters (Aonyx capensis and Lutra maculicollis) in southern Nigeria, Noninvasive genetic sampling tools for wildlife biologists: A review of applications and recommendations for accurate data collection, Population density, home range size and spatial organization of the Cape clawless otter, Aonyx capensis, in a marine habitat, The Red List of Mammals of South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho - CARNIVORES, Population structure of Temminck's ground pangolin in southern Africa, Black rhino conservation genetics and genomics, MOLECULAR IDENTIFICATION AND EPIDEMIOLOGY OF PARVOVIRUSES AFFECTING WILD FELIDS IN SOUTH AFRICA. The word 'aonyx' means clawless, derived from the prefix a- ("without") and onyx ("claw/hoof"). M. Thabang Madisha, Damian Ponsonby, Ute Schwaibold, Antoinette Kotzé, Raymond Jansen, Helene Brettschneider, Desiré L. Dalton, Differentiation of two South African otter species ( Aonyx capensis and Lutra maculicollis ) from spraint based on partial CytB primer sets, Global Ecology and Conservation, 10.1016/j.gecco.2015.05.001, … Otters have also been Extant Native Distribution of two African otter species, Aonyx capensis (left) and Hydrictis maculicollis (right) (Jacques, Reed‐Smith, & Somers, 2015; Reed‐Smith, Jacques, & Somers, 2015) in South Africa In the case of otters, non‐invasive methods of presence detection include identification of scat or tracks, as well as … Data collected suggested a dramatic decline of otter populations and The alignment for this section is presented in. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. Cape clawless otters are 1 of 4 otter species … A list of illegal pets in South Africa, and some legal species . The otters occupy restricted niches, whereas Atilax occupies a wide niche. PLoS One 2 (11), e1154. The goal is to help these remaining 13 species to be able to survive for millions more years. Sequence Navigator 1.01 (Applied Biosystems) was, used for initial sequence analysis of each individual specimen while the resulting sequence chromatograms were viewed and, edited in the Chromas programme which is embedded in MEGA 5 (. Here, three aspects of the use of Bar-HRM are focused on. Map of Gauteng province (South Africa) indicating the rivers surveyed, (1) Pienaars River; (2) Hennops River; (3) Modderfontein Spruit; (4) Jukskei, C for 10 min. Using random encounter models, we estimated that the transformed area had the highest density of African clawless otters (8.2 ± 2.3 km−2), compared to otter densities at Verloren Vallei and Cobham Nature Reserve, South Africa, (natural areas) with estimated densities of 0.7 ± 0.2 km−2 and 2.1 ± 0.6 km−2 respectively. Box 754, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa. The Cape Clawless Otter is the most widely distributed otter species in Africa (Somers & Nel 2013). The giant otter or giant river otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) is a South American carnivorous mammal. The food habits of co-existing otter species were studied in a catchment in the KwaZulu-Natal Drakensberg. Sequence chromatograms generated, from the partial primer set were well defined with no background interference at the baseline. The discovery of a remnant population of the To address these concerns for the inventory of arthropods across the Malagasy region, we present here a collaborative, We report the first observation of the invasive longhorn crazy ant (Paratrechina longicornis) in the Mount Elgon region of eastern Uganda. Estimated densities of adult A. capensis and L. maculicollis, based on mean numbers of holts used, were 1/3 -4km and 1/6-11km respectively. Hydrictis maculicollis | 2 The Red List of Mammals of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland Figure 1. This method is a relatively easy and informative technique to be used on degraded DNA, We would like to acknowledge and thank Coral Birss (Cape Nature), Narinda Pentz (Cango wildlife ranch) and Roger Bills, (SAIAB) for their contributions to this project. Ecol. Upper lips, sides of face, neck, throat, belly, and edge of ears R. Soc. Individuals typically weigh 10-21 kilograms, with bodies 1.2 to 1.5 South Africa, November 2016: Richard Webb (WildWings), 12 days & 56 species including Brown Hyenas, Spotted-Necked Otter, South African Hedgehogs, Aardvarks and Black-footed Cats. South Africa is home to approximately 175 endemic bird species, as well as hundreds more species. However, they, Bar-HRM is a hybrid method which combines DNA barcoding and High Resolution Melting analysis. Map of Gauteng province (South Africa) indicating the rivers surveyed, (1) Pienaars River; (2) Hennops River; (3) Modderfontein Spruit; (4) Jukskei River; (5) Sand Spruit; (6) Braamfontein Spruit; (7) Klein Jukskei River; (8) Crocodile River; (9) Mooi River; (10) Klip River; (11) Blesbok Spruit and locations at which spraint was located and collected. Of these 9,000 exotic, or alien introductions, some 348 have been identified as ecologically damaging invader plants. Taberlet, P., Camarra, J.J., Griffin, S., Uhres, E., Hanotte, O., Waits, L.P., Bouvet, J., 1997. Thirteen of these were residents that were identified in more than one season and 25 were floaters that were only identified in a single season. QIAGEN, 2010. Freshwater availability and distribution of Cape clawless otter spraints and resting places along the south-. This study demonstrates that non-invasive molecular methods can be used to reveal a more comprehensive estimation of size and structure in an otter population. In the case of elusive animals it is often difficult to, obtain tissue and blood samples, and alternative non-invasive samples can be used by collecting material left behind by the, animal including hair, shed skin, egg shells and even faeces (, which previously could not be studied due to various reasons such as ethics, safety concerns and even unavailability of good, advantage of these non-invasive samples, there are also several drawbacks. The, Jukskei River, Klip River, Hennops River, Crocodile River, Mooi River and Pienaars River along with their associated tributaries, (gelatinous secretion of anal scent glands), however the age of the sample and amount of jelly varied. Nonetheless, the future of Hengqin’s otter is at stake due to the rapid urbanization of suitable habitats for A universal DNA mini-barcode for biodiversity analysis. It has proven to be a fast, cost-effective and reliable molecular approach for species identification and authentication. The amphibians Dependence on freshwater sources by coastal A. capensis has important conservation implications. Subsequent BLAST results identified 36 samples as. The overall species specific amplification success rate was 10.9% (6. amplification efficiency, as well as low specificity to otter DNA. tempo and biogeographic history of a mammalian adaptive radiation. Habitat use by the Cape clawless otter and the spotted-necked otter in the KwaZulu-Natal Drakensberg, South Africa. S. Afr. In this study, quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) systems based on specific primers and TaqMan probes have been established for rapid and accurate identification of four common squid species (Ommastrephes bartramii, Dosidicus gigas, Illex argentinus, Todarodes pacificus) in Chinese domestic market. Otters appearing in the same range tended to be more closely related to each other. The robust forelimb in particular suggests the animal was an ambush predator which would surprise and subdue its prey rather than chase them down. Thus a more conclusive method of identification is required, namely DNA barcoding. The list of marine molluscs of South Africa is a list of saltwater species that form a part of the molluscan fauna of South Africa. They occur in a wide variety of environments and most aquatic habitats, from freshwater lakes to the marine littoral,and even in episodic rivers in arid areas,provided freshwater sources are adequate and … This, would, for example, influence the design of green corridors in urban environments, as the two species have different habitat. Marianne Golding and/or hunting, reduction of denning sites and (Skinner & Chimimba 2005), further research is needed to confirm the validity of these. We were thus able to positively differentiate between the two otter species using the partial CytB primer set developed in this study. Prigioni, C., Remonti, L., Balestrieri, A., Sgrosso, S., Priore, G., Misin, C., Anania, R., 2005. ), Otters, Proceedings of the first working meeting of the Otter Specialist Group, IUCN, Gland. Otters off the coast of South Africa have been caught catching sharks and eating their hearts, livers and male sex organs before discarding the rest of the body.. Over several months a number of shyshark carcases were found by rangers near Simon's Town in False Bay, South Africa with organs removed , Newsweek reported. Box 754, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa. 30, No. Distribution and habitat of otters (Aonyx capensis and Lutra maculicollis) in southern Nigeria. Physical Characteristics The giant otter is the longest species in the mustelid family. Perrin, M.R., Carugati, C., 2000. 10 of 2004) Publication of lists of critically endangered, endangered. NEMBA National Environmental Management, 2004. The minimum home range size of an adult female was 14.3 km of coast, a 7.5 km central section constituting her core area. It appears that genetic distance values may be useful for determination of species boundaries under the framework of the Genetic Species Concept. In the case of two cryptic, co-occurring South African otter species, Q2 4 namely the Cape Clawless otter (Aonyx capensis) and the spotted necked otter (Lutra maculicollis), faeces (spraint) is used 5 This may be problematic as general barcoding of faecal samples used to identify unknown species, ). MEGA5: molecular evolutionary genetics analysis using maximum likelihood. As the name suggests, these Otters don’t have claws. The use of these non-invasive samples has furthered research on a variety of elusive, rare and endangered species, ; Palomares et al., 2002; Medina-Vogel and Gonzalez-Lagos, 2008). The Mt. Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) on Hengqin Island provides hopes for the recovery of this species in South China. Understanding and Protecting South Africa's Amphibians South Africa has a richness of amphibian species. Specialist Group (SSC/IUCN), Endangered Wildlife Trust, South Africa, pp. There are an estimated 27,000 indigenous and a further 9,000 foreign plant species in South Africa. Rowe-Rowe, D.T., 1992. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND, Thanks for your patience! Friedmann, Y., Daly, B., 2004. powder that is claimed to be Ophiocordyceps species using Bar-HRM. Population density estimates for separate sections of coast were in close agreement, and the mean estimate for the study area was one otter per 1.9 km of coast. The mystery was solved when otters were caught on camera feasting on the small sharks, picking out select organs for consumption. Accession numbers precede all reference samples downloaded from GenBank. collected with an inverted plastic zip-lock bag so as to prevent contamination of the sample. Otter faecal samples do contain epithelial cells, from the intestinal mucosa as excreta are pushed through the intestines the quality of the sample is low as there is a, combination of the animal’s DNA and DNA from prey eaten by the animal such as fish, small rodents, crabs, birds, and, tend to amplify the DNA of prey more than the target species as the primers used are usually universal and non-specific, can lead to degradation of genetic material (, amounts of DNA and target the amplification of short fragments. Mol. south african otter species. differ in the spots and the color of their eyes, the starting position of dorsal and anal fins, the ratio of head length/distance of two eyes and body depth/caudal fin depth. that this protocol will also be able to identify samples from this species. The PCR, Following sequence alignment using the ClustalW function in MEGA5, the National Center for Biotechnology Information. We found P. longicornis in five locations in and around the town of Budadiri, Sironko district. Monitoring only mouths of rivers is possible, as most spraints and couches were located very close to fresh water. In this study, non-invasive molecular methods were used to investigate the abundance and spatial organisation of otters (Lutra lutra) in Kinmen. All images via Jacqui Smith, Save Our Seas Foundation Often found in freshwater bodies along the coastline, a Cape clawless otter is also known as an African clawless otter … bear population. Another problem that arises from using faecal samples is the manner in which weather conditions, ). V.G., Lion, M.B., Oliveira, L.R., Eizirik, E. 2012..., Proceedings of the two otter species to occur in South Africa, pp 343 spraints, were... Example of collaborative taxonomy, where morphology is combined with DNA barcoding landscape changes in southern.. Find out more about each of the Cape clawless otter, N-total number of identical ). 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