No other colours or colour patterns or markings are acceptable. The AKC (American Kennel Club) is the most prominent dog registry in the United States. He is well muscled with extraordinarily thick bone and an excellent head that conforms closely to the ideals set out in the SABBS breed standard, one of the most important distinguishing attributes of a Boerboel. The nasal bone is defined by: e) b) boerboel appraisal preparation and guidance . b) The stride is sufficient, long, free and unrestricted. Jaws The jaws are strong, deep and broad and taper slightly towards the front. Sterilised females may be taken up in the Pet Register. have a substantive bone structure; The standards of the two organizations are different in that, SABBS now accepts the color black. b) The section between the eyes is well filled. Elbows a) The elbows are stable, parallel to and carried close to the body when in a stationary position and during movement, not limiting the optimal volume of the centre piece/torso. The senior appraiser has the discretion to disqualify a dog without the appraisal process having been followed through, in which case the fees paid shall be reimbursed. Tread: The front paws point and tread straight forward. Any visible impairment that seriously affects mobility. c) The lower lip is moderately tight (not too loose and fleshy), without open or excessive lip. e)Males are distinctly masculine, larger and more heavily built with stronger bone, while females are distinctly feminine, but without weakness of substance or structure. Constitution of the South African Boerboel Breeders’ Society (SABBS), accepted on 11 July 2015P. iv. ii. d) The ears are defined by: ii. The earflaps are carried close to the head.Constitution of the South African Boerboel Breeders’ Society (SABBS), accepted on 11 July 2015P. He should recognize a threat or lack thereof. The earflaps are medium sized and in proportion to the head. d) not protruding, slanted or deep set. Deformed spines. Dewclaws may be removed. Animals presented for appraisal must be in a good general condition and weight must be in relation to the size of the dog. c) Scruff and dewlap i. strong and muscular and Head characteristics are quantifiable in terms of: Skull a) The skull is like a cube seen from all angles, large, and well-muscled. The aim of this Breed Standard is to provide guidelines to breeders, appraisers and judges, who should at all times be vigilant to avoid obvious conditions or excessiveness, that would be detrimental in any way to the health, welfare or absolute soundness of the Boerboel. Colour For first-time Boerboel owners selecting the ‘right dog’ is extremely difficult, but the guidelines below are helpful in looking at puppies of about six weeks (as well as adult dogs, for that matter). Evolution Diesel 93.5% (Highest Scoring Boerboel @ 2 years old (BAI) 2012) x BoerboelHoeve Fleur 87.4% (Bruno’s parent) BOERBOELHOEVE BRUNO OF GUARDIAN SABBS REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE Any other colour than yellow or brown eyes. The Constitution and Bylaws provide comprehensive guidelines for members towards meeting these objectives. SABT has since disbanded and the parent club for the Boerboel is now SABBS in South Africa and NABBA in North America. Simple- they are smart, strong, protective, confident, gentle and most importantly, loyal- all in one! The jaws are strong, deep and broad and taper slightly towards the front. SABBS Breed Standard taken from the SABBS Constitution. The bottom edge of the earflap is in line with the dentition. b) b) Castrated males, monorchids or cryptorchids are not allowed in the show ring. The front legs: iii. e) Males are distinctly masculine, larger and more heavily built with stronger bone, while females are distinctly feminine, but without weakness of substance or structure. e) When the dog is alert, the upper level between the ears appears flat. moderately tucked up. ii. Skull Scruff and dewlap ii. The mission of the SABBS is to serve as a conduit to unite the Boerboel community worldwide. The depth should equal the length. I only put animals on this planet that I think will be the healthiest (mentally and physically) and nicest examples of their breed. i. 3.1.2 GENERAL APPEARANCE The Boerboel is: a) a large dog with a strong-boned structure; b) perfectly balanced within the desired proportions for the breed. iv. BOERBOEL BREED STANDARD (CLAUSE 3 OF THE CONSTITUTION) 1. iv. The scruff is loose. ii. a broad base. The South African Boerboel Breeders’ Society (SABBS), breeders’ society for the Boerboel – a declared South African landrace. c) Teeth are correctly spaced. Face a) The face gradually blends with the skull. b)self-confident and fearless; A dog not meeting the prescribed height. Eyelids: The bottom edge of the earflap is in line with the dentition. a) c) vi. b)perfectly balanced within the desired proportions for the breed. The Black Boerboel. Body ii. ii. Stop The Boerboel is said to be the most agile and athletic of all the mastiff breeds. i. Breed standard criteria. d) The dewlap becomes taut between the front legs. b) When viewed from the side, they are vertical. b) iii. Whilst converging to the centre line of travel, the legs should never cross. Although the Boerboel has become a popular breed internationally, the centre for breed specific knowledge remains in South Africa, as this is where its character is embedded. Tail Jun 1, 2015 - AA Dog Rescue is dedicated to finding homes for abandoned and alone rescue dogs and saving 'pound dogs' who through no fault of their own, have found themselves in council pounds. SABBS is the only organisation authorised in terms of the SA Animal Improvement Act, No. The centre piece characteristics are quantifiable in terms of: Ribcage The ribcage (the area from the first chest vertebrae to the last rib bone) a) is well-sprung with a deep, rounded brisket; b) must ideally have a length proportion of 2:1 to the loin;  c) the  depth is equal to ½ the total height of the dog at the withers, descending slightly below the elbow;  d) is filled behind the shoulder blades and elbows. The top line (from a point behind the withers to the beginning of the croup) is straight without any deviations. The protective character of the breed is evident, as well as its impressive demeanour, good temperament, controllability and mobility. a) Brindle, yellow, brown and black. The neck is of medium length and in proportion to the rest of the dog. “Unacceptable” means: Disqualification) 3.1.10 PIGMENTATION  The Boerboel is well pigmented, especially on the lips; nose; palate; the skin and hair around the eyes; footpads; toenails; the anus, the nipples and the skin and hair around the genitals.Constitution of the South African Boerboel Breeders’ Society (SABBS), accepted on 11 July 2015P. Mobility • Any colours not part of the Breed Standard. Insufficient pigmentation of skin around key areas (lips; nose; palate; the skin and hair around the eyes; footpads; toenails; the anus; the nipples; and the skin and hair around the genitals. vii. The undersigned specifically acknowledges that 1) he or she is attending the SABBS Event by their own choice, and 2) that animals of all kinds may be unpredictable, especially when in an unfamiliar environment. d) The upper lip does not extend below the lower jawline. 3.3.1 The body is approximately 10 - 15% longer than the height (at the withers) and is measured horizontally, from the prosternum (breastbone) to a vertical line at the rear of the rump; c) a dog with prominent and well-developed musculature; d) impressive and imposing in appearance, created by a combination of conformation, carriage, confidence and powerful, buoyant and unencumbered movement - notwithstanding its size. SABBS is the only organisation authorised in terms of the SA Animal Improvement Act, No. ii. Medium sized, rounded, forward facing, and widely spaced; b) The angulation between the femur, tibia and fibula must be approximately 90°-     as seen from the side. ii. The back (from a point behind the withers/top of the scapula to the last rib bone) is: Head characteristics are quantifiable in terms of: i. ii. Pasterns The front pasterns are: a) short, strong and of adequate girth as seen from the front and the side and b) are a vertical extension of the front legs as seen from both the front and the side, but slanting forward at a slight angle. d) ii. The length of the chest, loin and croup (rump) is approximately proportioned (2:1:1). Teeth are ideally in a scissor bite. correctly angulated as seen from the side without lateral deviation when standing or moving; and ix. f) Undesirable colours are:  i)     Excessive/large white areas in all colours are undesirable, and must be eliminated. The front of the hind pastern is in line with the back of the haunch. Well padded, ball shaped and tight; Hocks The stride is sufficient, long, free and unrestricted. All shades of brown (tan, red) or fawn and black. c) Reproductive organs Both females and males should have at least eight nipples. AKC officially recognized the Boerboel as a breed in 2015. Deep, broad, cube shaped, and tapers slightly towards the front, but not snipey. (Refer to 3.3: Disqualification). f)  The ideal height of a male is 66 cm but not lower than 60 cm. c) 62 of 1998 (AIA) to officially register Boerboels in South Africa. d) The upper lip (under the nose) just covers the top of the lower lip and teeth. 3.1.9 COAT The coat is: Short and sleek with dense hair coverage. generally do all such acts as a body corporate may by law perform, and which the Society may deem necessary for the attainment of its objectives. As legally registered custodian of the Boerboel dog breed, SABBS is responsible for the standards that govern identification, recording, evaluation … The black Boerboel is now, again, officially accepted as part of the Boerboel breed, and can again be sold and advertised as such. c)a dog with a strong protective instinct and loyal to members of the family; e) Medium sized, rounded, forward facing, and widely spaced; ii. “Unacceptable” means: Disqualification). c) c) Tread: The front paws point and tread straight forward.Constitution of the South African Boerboel Breeders’ Society (SABBS), accepted on 11 July 2015P. Stifles (Knees) a) The stifle joint is strong and firm. c) Shape: i. Eyes The eyes are defined by: a) Size and setting:  i. … Sterilised females are not allowed in the show ring. a) Trouvez d'autres images libres de droits dans la collection d'iStock, qui contient des photos de Agent de sécurité facilement téléchargeables. SABBS is the only organisation authorised in terms of the SA Animal Improvement Act, No. The hindquarter is broad, of substantive depth, well muscled, in proportion to the rest of the dog and correctly angulated. b) Docked tails should ideally be docked at the third caudal vertebrae, leading to an ideal adult tail length of about 8 cm. A narrow, too long or sharply pointed muzzle. ii. 3.1.8 SKIN The skin: a) is moderately thick and loose; and b) should show black eumelanin pigmentation. b) b) a)manageable, reliable, obedient, trainable and intelligent; vi. When attentive, the top of the earflaps must form a straight line with the plateau. Skin and pelt c) The length of the cranial roof (measured from the middle of the eye to the end of the occiput) must be relative to the length of the nasal bone in a ratio 2:1. b) A top line that is S-curved. Boerboels from all registries are eligible if SABBS breed standards are met. (See 3.3.6 g) i)), (Definitions: “Undesirable” means: Not recommended, but acceptable. The eyes are defined by: Excessive/large white areas in all colours are undesirable, and must be eliminated. The Breed Standard is a guideline which describes the ideal characteristics, temperament and appearance of the breed and ensures that the breed is fit for function. Owning a Boerboel, like any large breed dog, is a big responsibility, and owners must … i. The loin (from the last rib bone to the front of the primary thigh) is: ii. b) The aim of this Breed Standard is to provide guidelines to breeders, appraisers and judges, who … Just the way I think a dog should be. Length. 62 of 1998 (AIA) to officially register Boerboels. b) The upper lip does not extend below the lower jawline. Remember the importance of studying the SABBS Breed Standard. c) b) The height of the elbows is equal to ½ of the height at the withers. The protective character of the breed is evident, as well as its impressive demeanour, good temperament, controllability and mobility. Structural deviations of the eyes. Breed Standard; SABBS Birth Certificate/Appraisal Information; The Puppy Aptitude Test; Contact Us; Guardian Boerboels Our Boerboels are our passion, our love and our family! The AKC (American Kennel Club) is the most prominent dog registry in the United States. The nostrils are large and widely spaced. c) There are moderate wrinkles on the brow when the dog is attentive. A chest that is too narrow. Limited, weak or unsound movement shall be severely penalised. Excessive deviations of dentition An overly agressive and/or uncontrollabe dog. iii. Face b) the depth is equal to ½ the total height of the dog at the withers, descending slightly below the elbow; A timid or insecure dog. Events may be affected by local or national COVID-19 measures at short notice. As legally registered custodian of the Boerboel dog breed, SABBS is responsible for the standards that govern identification, recording, evaluation and improvement of the breed. iv. Breed standard criteria . ii) • Dilute powder and solid blue colour dogs. viii. f)a dog requiring training and firm handling from an early age. SABBS South African Boerboel Breeders Society – SABBS is the only organisation authorised in terms of the SA Animal Improvement Act, No. set on the same horizontal level and ii. flat; • Split face on any basic breed standard colour. i. c) Front legs The front legs: a) have a substantive bone structure; b) are thick, strong and sturdy; c) have a well-defined musculature on the in- and outside of the upper parts and  d) are vertical, as seen from the front and the side. b) Eyelids:  i. 3.3.3 a) must ideally have a length proportion of 2:1 to the loin; AKC Breed Standard ... 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