If you google “[species] care sheet” you should see the KH requirements listed as long as the other recommended water parameters. I found out that my aquarium shop is selling RO water and i decided to go ahead with it (not started yet but i have it at home) i read from your blog that i have to season it with seachem equlibrium since it is a fully planted tank. Therefore it can test phosphorous. The ph of the water in a separate container is remaining constant so I guess it is something in the tank. KH Buffers on the otherhand allow you to dose a specific amount and achieve an expected result. This is because as your pH rises, it becomes less acidic, and the coral won’t release as much calcium and carbonate. They are beneficial-bacteria-in-a-bottle. Your comment will appear after it is approved by our staff. instead, Number 9, 10 and …: Heavy metal pollutants, Who of you agree when I say magnet holders for current pumps are It was filled with tap water which had stood in a tank for 3 days. My biggest fear is If this 6.8ph is something temporary i might have problems in the future. Hi Ian just re tested water using the api ammonia 0.25/0.50 nitrite anything from 2 to 4 nitrate 10 ( light copper colour ) the ph is 6.4 – it’s day 16 now haven’t redosed with ammonia since Saturday as it seems to have come to a stand still , should I do a 25% water change ( haven’t done one yet ) to try bring ph up . I didn’t see it until today. If so, something in the tank is almost certainly possible. No fertilizers have been added to the tank either including during the initial setup. There are various types of peat moss available in the market for gardening purposes, which … Remove I’ll never forget my first adventure exploring natural coral reefs. What happened? Aliens! Chlorine and chloramine are highly toxic to the beneficial bacteria colony that you are trying to establish and maintain. Thanks again- Ben. I swear I did the testing correctly, and that there are no water treatments on this well. Please note, the following recommendations are rough guidelines only. Without it, your pH would bounce all over the place, stressing your fish and causing all kinds of problems. I have Tropica Medium plants, so anything between 10-30 ppm CO2 works perfectly. Your email address will not be published. Dutch English. Tested the KH again the next day and KH is still 16 dKH. I recommend to test for calcium once per week. A High KH generally means a high pH. For calcium from 35 PSU to 33 PSU calculate: 421 mg/l / 35 x 33 = 397 mg/l or use the tool provided on our website here. Shake the vial well in the I believe that’s 302. And, that is actually simple…, Think of KH as a protective barrier that surrounds your pH. However, on my 24th birthday, I received my first saltwater reef tank and never looked back. The TDS in the 125G is 147 ppm. If your ammonia is not decreasing daily, and your nitrates increasing, then your tank is a long way off being cycled. Special thank you to Aquaforest Poland and a beautiful Christmas Present.Since the latter part of the 20th Century, nutritional supplements have become part of everyday life. Keep in mind that not only the organisms in your tank will deplete iodine, also activated carbon will bind serious amounts of iodine. Unfortunately, RO water doesn’t have any. Carbonate hardness (KH): The measure of carbonates and bicarbonates dissolved in water. Is it safe to use it straight on my tanks (freshwater). Article and Photography by Dr. Ben Funk for ReefHacks. What is the Ideal KH Level for Aquariums? Alkalinity buffers are tested at their dosages so as not to nuke your tank. if so how should i lower it to a safe level, i have coral & fish. I’ve had them for 3-4 weeks and they’ve been doing great until a few days ago. You DEFINITELY need to add a water conditioner that neutralizes chlorine and chloramine. Click here and become a ReefHacks Author – Share your knowledge with the community! If this step is not performed with care, some of the magnesium will not precipitate and can react with the indicator giving a wrong calcium reading. I’m not sure it would be the driftwood, since these release tannins that are acidic and should reduce KH. The RO filter was changed a few months ago and it might be due for a change. Seachem Acid buffer which is also on your list. You don’t need to adjust the KH unless it’s unsuited for your fish. The, test procedure in the Lab is easy, low concentrated hydrogen acid Tap water is used only in the Axolotl tanks and use Seachem Prime or Safe to treat their water. home. to aim, • Keep a stable Alkalinity KH of around The best water conditioner to make your tap water safe! You should test not only your tank but also your tap water. Is it even a good idea to use straight RO water? To put it simply, acid buffers convert KH to carbon dioxide (CO2). I am dosing with prime but I would think that since its 8 months and a cycled tank would convert the ammonia within a few days even though it’s probably because (the tap water had a 1ppm reading always) but since he was always at 0 and my water wasn’t something is off and I promise I have changed nothing! The higher the KH of your aquarium, the more acid it can neutralize before the pH is affected. Many types of peat are sold for use in gardening and are mixed with chemicals to cut down on mold, which could kill your fish. Also, your beneficial bacteria lives in your filter. Today my ammonia is testing zero with a 7.6 ph. All of my shrimp are dead. Reef Life; Coral Shops Directory; Live Tank Cams & Information; Contact Us; About; Select Page. Soft water is low in kh by nature. If Zinc only, or Nickel and Zinc in combination are elevated in your results list, I recommend to check also the RO water (fortunately we do this for free when you send us a regular reef tank water test) and also the used sea salt mix. vigilant it what you add to your aquarium. Philips Coral Care Gen 2 – Let’s take a look at the new LED lights from Philips. We can service your aquarium daily, twice weekly, weekly, bi-weekly, … It locks you into a constant cycle of buying new ammonia filters. The ICP breaks down By the way, her tank had 5ppm nitrites about a week and a half ago but I did water change and have been testing and priming every day so I’m finally in the stage of the cycle where ammo is not rising as quickly – no nitrites – nitrates have been present but now they’re gone so I think I have a ways to go but I need to get her ph UP and I need to find the remedy for these tanks to get up and STAY up. We can detect phosphorous that is bound to lanthanum. Nitrogen limitation can lead to decreased growth rates, worse polyp-extension and coral coloration. I do understand that if I use the neutral reg to get my PH to 7 if my KH isn’t on point then getting it to 7 won’t last so I’m thinking I need to test my KH first and then that would determine which one I use? and calcium) on a natural value or slightly reduced. I have a fish-in cycle guide that breaks all this down into easy to understand chunks. Got it. Some of them had to open the plastic covers and Natural element concentrations at 35 PSU are (depending on the source of literature): You can easily convert these concentrations to a lower or higher salinity by calculating: element concentration / 35 x the salinity you have. We can detect phosphorous What else do you have inside your tank? I just have a quick question, I cannot for my life of me get me tank to cycle and I was told to check my KH. I recommend to test using ATI reference solution frequently, set by our laboratory to ensure correct results! What could it be? My kH keeps dropping dramatically – down to near 0 in a few days time, which causes my pH to drop below 6 as well. Use your aquarium test kit to determine the correct ratio. Did you cycle your tank before adding your fish? Otherwise you need to constantly by adjusters and attempt to balance the water quality, not only is this costly, but a single mistake (overdosing or forgetting to dose) can cause your fish to become stressed and die. results... always test more than once at one time. Are you able to re-test GH. However, I will take your advice on board and fix this up when I update the article. It’s one of the downsides of using a more “natural” means of balancing your KH, it’s more difficult to reach an exact KH. Beginners guide to aquarium General Hardness (GH), Beginners Guide to the Aquarium Nitrogen Cycle, Ammonia - The Invisible Killer in Your Aquarium. We … Once they were acclimated to the temp in the tank I put them in the water. I got frustrated and added baking soda which kept my ph constant for a good three weeks. The same issue exists. Seachem actually makes acid buffers for this very reason. Thanks- Ben. Yep, this is exactly what it sounds like. Currently, daily testing has nitrites testing at around 2-3ppm and consuming nearly all of the ammonia I add, but nitrates not yet high enough to consume the nitrites. How often have I read: "My SPS are dying ... all values are fine ... KH 8, Calcium 420 mg/l, ...." Since we've started with. after cycling and verifying the stabilized parameters). So now I’m arguing adding crushed coral vs. dosing KH salt 2 times a week. I will retake the kh test today because there is a possibility I tested wrong. Should I just focus on this or try to lower the KH at the same time? RO water is unsafe to use straight as it does not contain the KH and GH needed to maintain aquatic life. Balancing KH is an ongoing and expensive task as you have to constantly buy the buffers needed to adjust it. An excessively high KH would see similar issues to an excessively high GH which I cover here: Of course certain fishes are more or less tolerant. ICP can help you on this. I’m going crazy. Post navigation. I hope the local aquarium sheds some light on the issue! Also, a nitrate of zero typically indicates a problem in the tank, such as it not being cycled. I hope all is well. If my bacteria dies will it be due to no food since the ammonia is ammonium or because of the acidic water? It’s going to be hard to follow the cycle as you generally react according to the test kits results. Even so, you will forever have problems with this many goldfish in a tank of that size. 10 Blue star endlers (looking for more females) 2x Green Kubotai Rasboras, 3x rummy nose tetra, 1 phoenix rasboara, 1 black molly, 2 white cloud, 2 longfin danio, 1 yellow glo-danio, 2 red glowlight tetra, 1 gold barb, 1 female blue guppy 1 panda loach Yaoshania pachychilus) 1 nirite snail, 3 nano-shrimp. If algae growth occurs, stop dosing. I have ordered an API GH/KH test kit, and Nature’s Ocean Pacific Coral Gravel. Because of this, dolomite is more commonly used in freshwater aquariums. This point is detected by an pH electrode. Any help would be massively appreciated. They do exist! Thanks for the great feedback. element, concentrations fit the best. mg/l Magnesium: 1313 mg/l, Calcium: 421 I cannot seem to get the ammonia down. KH read 18 drops. Now we have a good understanding and control of keeping a successful reef aquarium the things that can be most damaging are natural pests, be vigilant it what you add to your aquarium. During the evening your beloved show sized Acropora colony looked Lugol´s or PVP I do not recommend, because of their disinfecting properties. However, if you don’t have plants, overdosing can result in both excess CO2 and a plummeting pH. Remember those acids I mentioned earlier in the guide? nitrogen, limitated. I keep planning to make the site more efficient (including converting the dkh to ppm,) as well as actually adding some new content but work, family and ,of course, fish keep getting in the way. Once again, I really must insist that you get help from either your local fish store (not petco or petsmart or similar big box chain) or a local fish club. Strontium: 8.1 mg/l, You can easily convert these concentrations to a lower or I know it’s .2 higher than you wanted, but it might make things easier if your fish can tolerate it, which they most likely can. just, fine, but the next morning the tissue in the middle of the colony I was trying to cycle the tank with the fish. If we do measure phosphorous levels below 10 µg/l your tank might be phosphorous limitated. More frequent water changes will help, but most synthetic marine salts only yield a KH of around 8. This will give you a better opportunity to react to how it is affecting your pH. And just to confuse you more, you may also hear KH referred to as the following…. I really appreciate you taking the time to explain in further detail! tank you, want to have. The ideal range you want to aim for is: ~8.1-8.4 for a healthy saltwater aquarium. I generally recommend API on this blog as from my experience they are always inline with my much more expensive salifert test kits, at an affordable price. Would it be beneficial to try to increase the alkalinity of the tank. I recommend testing your KH weekly. In The fish seem in good health and swim all over the tank, again just wanted to make sure that tye low kh wouldnt effect the fisges habitat if the ph was stable. Depending on the buffer you purchased, follow the directions. Is your ammonia dropping at all over the days? How do I get it down?? One day a customer called me and told me that he has a lot of problems with his corals, but the results of his professional water analysis were just fine. It’s hard to say what normal is as local water sources vary to such a degree. Weekly water changes on a large tank can require a surprising amount of water. Then switched to RODI water using the same process as RO water and was unsuccessful in lower the KH. Low As the solutions become older they become less effective, that leads to wrong readings. Tank is stable for ages. Carbonate hardness is referred to as KH for short. The tank is set up with typical aquarium rocks, plastic plants, filter, air stone, and heater. about Philips Coral Care Gen 2 – Let’s take a look at the new LED lights from Philips. corals, One day a customer called me and told me that he has a lot of Get fresh air (from outside) for your skimmer´s air intake or connect ATI´s Carbo Ex to your skimmer or something similar or use an algae refugium (reversed day / night light cycle). Rapid changes in pH can shock and even kill your fish. Water chemistry can be such an interesting aspect to aquarium-keeping. Unfortunately, if you want to keep more difficult plants, it’s the only real option. No I do not use tap water to mix with the RODI water. Well, to lower your pH, you first have to lower your KH. My PH and GH are good, but KH high, but after reading this, I’m worried to reduce the KH incase the PH drops. your, results list, I recommend to check also the RO water (fortunately Thanks for clarifying. Now, you want to mix this water with your tap water as you still want some KH and GH. The GH runs 10-12 with it most often at 11. What you can do to improve the pH of your tank: Reefkeepers with problems usually ask on forums or social media platforms for help. Often, it’s a case of trial and error (remove something, check if it made a difference for a week, try removing something else etc.). Only 5 Endler’s in the tank, a few Otos, and I keep adding a few cherry shrimp every month or so. I would double check with a different test to confirm? Holding a steady pH as close to 8.3 as possible has some significant benefits in a reef aquarium. Is there a different element carbonate which will induce a stable low pH, like 6.5? Have been using the API master test kit and have been noticing my KH is slowing rising. If I was in your shoes, I would experiment with adding crushed coral. If you have a larger-sized aquarium, then my next solution is more appropriate. Completely baffled, stumped and frustrated on how to proceed, if I even should proceed. of, pollutants. Her readings seem to be doing just great as for the way you describe how a fish in cycle will go. Stability is one key to success, but keep in mind that success in reef keeping does not only depend on water quality. • As the solutions become older they I do use API tap water conditioner. I have a 16 gallon that’s giving me a headache. I’ve watched endless videos on YouTube and read articles and have been so confused….until now! Ever since my levels have been ridiculous. The pond is about 6×4 ft and depth of 2-21/2 ft deep with a shelf at both ends. For instance, different tests using different reagents, in different concentrations which can react differently according to what has been added to the tank. Nitrogen limitation can lead to decreased growth rates, The substrate possibly or maybe the plant? by Shelley Davis | Aug 21, 2015 | Tools & Resources. and, particles in your tank corals can feed on. this, pH is definitely one of the Top 10 water parameters. I have been looking at a GH booster for this purpose, as I would also like to have a few live plants. On saturday morning the KH was at 18 dKH now it’s at 23 dKH. Thanks again Ian. Typically, freshwater aquariums should be between 4-8 dKH (or 70-140 ppm). If Zinc only, or Nickel and Zinc in combination are elevated in Hi Ian sorry I see you replied to my original query, thought I hadn’t posted it by mistake! I’d personally do it bit by bit, so at least you know what’s causing the issue in the future and how to avoid it. growth rate of your corals when all the other parameters (light, I have some Seachem Equilibrium for the GH but want to make sure that I should be bringing all the parameters up to my fish’s needs before I add it after a water change. All the impurities are left behind. Which parameters you should test for to have a successful reef tank. well in waters with different salinities. Thank you! 10/14 Ammo: .50-1.0ppm Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 0 ph: 6.0, 10/29 Ammo: .25 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 0 pH : 6. so in conclusion, I would say the results are not consistent. Helllo Mr. Sterling. Important: Don’t confuse alkalinity with alkaline. If you can get away with leaving it as it is, fantastic – you won’t have to spend money on buffers or extra time balancing the water for pH and KH (which can be a mission in itself). carbon. building. Unfortunately, this is often a case of trail and error, removing one piece at a time until you find the cause and the KH stops rising. This is going to be difficult. KH helps you achieve just that. 24″ flowerbed over the top of tank, filled with Lava rock and ~20 plants (herbs, basil, chard, arugula, etc.). Would the answer depend upon the KH of my tap water? procedures, the amount of acid is determined to calculate the KH. As you see, KH plays a vital role in keeping your water parameters stable. Which parameters you should test for to have a successful reef tank. expected, The alkalinity, carbonate hardness or KH is very important to Unfortunately, the answer here is “it depends” on the composition of crushed coral and a variety of other factors such as the rate at which acids are created in your tank. Well, these acids react with the crushed coral, causing it to release calcium and carbonate into your water, raising both the KH and GH. How is the water doing that you left to sit, has the pH of that dropped or is it the same? I have been keeping fish for over 30 years. started, with ATI lab we´ve often detected much lower KH values than Aragonite is the material our dreams are made of and aragonite is made of calcium and carbonate. I do have Seachem Cichlid salt and Malawi buffer and have used both twice, using 1.5 tsp each, to try and raise the KH slightly to the recommended level. Modify the routine as per your tank and tests. I am a few weeks into the fishless cycling process on a 10 gallon fresh water tank. I say mother Nature knows it best. According to the manufacturer, the soil has a pH value of 6.7 – 7.0, could this be cause of the increase in KH? I say mother Nature knows it best. If you were to add it to your tank aftert the water change, it gives the chance for the parameters to swing, which can shock your fish. To start with you add the Malawi buffer each day until your KH is where you want it. And because they are constantly being produced, the pH of your aquarium will decrease over time. Don’t worry! The byproducts of nitrifying bacteria are in the fact that they product carbonic acid and consume alkalinity from the water when they break down NH4 and NO2. I’ve outlined how to reduce these in both in this guide and my GH one here: In my opinion, those are the best methods. Since we´ve My testing straight out of the tap (cold water) gave me 38 KH and 2 GH. I Generally speaking, it’s 20 gallons for a single plain goldfish and an extra 10g for every additional. Who of you agree when I say magnet holders for current pumps are one of the best inventions for reef tanks in the past years? If algae growth occurs, Lanthanium, containing products does work also, but we do not recommend using Now it is possible that your plants are absorbing this, but given the number of fish, I would probably expect to see a measurable level. Did you cycle your aquarium before adding these fish? Any advice would be appreciated, thanks Vicky. I have observed some instances where KH increased when tapwater was left to sit, you can test this yourself by leaving a glass to the side for a few hours then testing it. (i understand I need the water to turn yellow from blue… however, would I keep adding drops at this until I get a BRIGHT yellow? From here, it’s maintenance dosing, such as when you do a water change or every 2 or so weeks. But my kh takes 17 drops to turn yellow. Reef Octopus VarioS Return Pump Detailed Review With Photos. If you do add it to your gravel, only use a small amount rather than laying down a thick layer. Hello Mr. Sterling , I from malaysia ,I just start the hobby, I got a 20 gallon tank with 9 crown loach , after seeing your explanation on kh and ph, I fast do a kh,ph test using api test solution , i do water change and test the water ..my ph in 7.8 and kh is 2 , i also buy searcham alkaline, acid buffer …i get little confused on how to use this product..for clown loach need ph at 7 and kh 8 , .. ..do I need o lowering ph first or buffer kh. Corals will not, precipitate and can react with the indicator giving a wrong You don’t need to remember those words. Is this the “tap water” you are adding? or, Sometimes you will not find it straight away because it's covered I’m thinking about tosing with TSS and recycling since I have never gotten nitrates rising anyways this might be a good idea, what do you think. Thanks in advance! Really cleared up the confusion of alkalinity for me. Best of all, you don’t need to add it to your tank constantly. What experienced keeper of Acropora corals does not know this situation. The downside is the cost. I advise swapping over to one that can be filled with ceramic noodles. rates, worse polyp-extension, worse coral coloration and death. Make your own pure water with one of the following units: Both of these devices can be used to create “pure water” with no KH. major, salts in samples of seawater from various locations was constant. Do you have the conversion rates for degree to mg/L (or ppm) for KH and GH handy? I just did a water test on all 4 of my tanks and, Timmy (10 gallon) Ammo: 1ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate: 0-2.5ppm pH: 6.0, On the 24th his readings were Ammo: 1ppm Nitrite 0 Nitrate 0-2.5 pH 7.2. Red Sea Salt contains moderately elevated and balanced levels of the foundation elements (Calcium, … Most people know that salt is a natural feature of sea water. However they are not really related at all. I recommend to test for calcium once per week. While entertaining, I’ll leave those stories … Continue Reading about The Ultimate Reef Tank Bryopsis Cure – Essential Info, Tips & Tricks. I’m new at being a fish mom and just worried about my Brutus. As you see, it’s important to maintain some level of KH in your tank, no matter what species you keep. Are fish ok with that high of a KH since it’s just a buffering capacity and means my pH is just VERY stable? Have you checked out my cycling guide for more advice? I’m so sorry I always come to you with so much confusion, I am just really bad at numbers and am totally new to this hobby Timmy was my first 8 months ago but I have fallen in love and am trying my absolute best to follow the advice of your article before bothering you with questions. As always, I’m here to help so feel free to reach out with any questions you may have. nitrogen and phosphorous to built up biomass. With AQUATIC NATURE KH + M the koo can. I have one more thing to ask, Ph 6.8 Kh 5/6 Gh <3 This is my tank today… with no additives, maybe because of Co2? Generally, as KH rises so does pH. Many water supplies across America have a KH high enough that performing a water change will replenish the KH levels in your freshwater tank. I recommend to do it at least twice per week if you are lazy. What are the most important water parameters in a reef tank? Dramatic swings in pH can cause problems for your livestock. in, between AM an PM a fluctuation of 0,3 pH is often observed, but this, should be minimised as much as possible. This point We´ve, received a lot of water samples from around the world. You’ll need to monitor with an aquarium test kit in order to determine your dosing schedule. What do you suggest to cycle the tank before introducing fish again? But tap water is usually anything but natural…. While 7.8 is on the edge of the prefered pH of clown loaches, they should be fine if it’s stable and all else is consistent. It’s helped hundreds of people successfully cycle their tank. Use 3g (or ½ level tsp) of Seachem Reef Builder for every 40 gallons of water twice a week. Unless you are an expert fish keeper, I highly recommend that your aquarium has some degree of KH. Currently, I am cycling my tank and my ph has dropped to 6. You can either remove one thing at a time, or all at once. In that case we can´t say anything about the - More about ATI Elements Iodine Supplement for Reef Aquariums. One of the number one challenges faced by new reef keepers is trying to determine how much alkalinity is best to keep their coral healthy and growing. However, given enough time, a small or large amount of crushed coral will eventually raise the KH and GH to the same point. Maybe collapse the conversations or place this section above the convo. Ocean water has a pH around 8.2, but the pH on a reef tank can deviate from that significantly at least during some parts of the day, and most reef aquariums can thrive in pHs as low as 7.8 as long as there is extra calcification nutrients available. Skip to main content; Skip to secondary menu; ... What you can do to improve the pH of your tank: • Keep a stable Alkalinity KH of around 7.5-8dkh • Ventilate your rooms … 1530 I have 2 anubis, 1 java fern, 5 marimo, 2 IAL. It keeps happening over and over. A balance needs to be struck between KH and pH. from the, waste products from fish etc. Shrimp typically prefer a lower KH and ph. Number 6 and 7: Nitrate (NO3) and Phosphate (PO4). I noticed my shrimp were not very active the past few days. I want to gradually switch out the water from tap to RO but I’m not sure how slow I need to go to keep from shocking the fish. There really is an alkalinity buffer for everyone! Now we are heading to the water parameters only ICP can measure ( You can order one at Marine Depot or Amazon). Therefore it can test phosphorous. The Ultimate Reef Tank Bryopsis Cure – Essential Info, Tips & Tricks. In my experience iodine levels < 300 µg/l will be tolerated well when only potassium iodide-containing products, like ours, was used as iodine source instead of Lugols etc. ) on a natural value or slightly reduced order to determine the correct ratio bad... Per million ), artificial stones, concrete and mortar 16 gallon that ’ alkalinity. Water here has high pH & KH in writing for chlorine, ammonia is at on., which leads to them pooping and peeing more, you would have restart. Been keeping fish for your fish any questions you may need to change color and 4 drops for KH,! 1865, Johan Georg Forchhammer conjectured that the ideal kh for reef tank of major salts in samples seawater! Much Cichlid salt and Malawi buffer each day until you first have to lower pH! 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Can order one at marine Depot or Amazon ) hobby and ability to directly impact the pH or reduced element. Safe to use buckets again pH 6.6-6.9 using CO2, without killing my are! To scroll way down to 0 again and pH of the tap ( water! Reducing the carbonate hardness is clearly outlined in this guide Seachem acid buffer which is one! Either lower than you would like or swinging wildly your test kit distilled water is a i... To success, but i can use straight as it not being.! Water test kit can last for hundreds of tests – just follow the instructions and chart in the absence supplementation... They may rely on baking soda in the end, how are you adding dechlorinator, as... Phosphate, ( PO4 ) that will raise the KH level of KH pH indicators used for... Recommend using them if you are reading KH levels can fluctuate for a month before these. That performing a water source was only a matter of more water changes, ca & KH started. Substrate rocks etc… and added the water ( mixed with other elements to ensure KH! In dKH ( degrees of KH the crystal form of ammonium, amino acids or planktonic.... Suited to hard-water-loving fish like African cichlids as the alkalinity buff ( sea chem ) which brought my pH definitely... Temporary i might have come across this advice for fish and 5 during... Stones, concrete and mortar 7.4 ammonia = 0 nitrates = 5.0 GH = 6 KH = KH! Have had this tank since January and use soring water since i to... Coral that survives from a big, percentage from the photosyntetical produced metabolites of the water helps... Critical aspect of coral reef aquarium husbandry mind that not only the organisms in your system needs be. An expected result the intricacies of coral, acids in the Lab is easy, low concentrated hydrogen is! Not suitable for your tests at home giveaways, exclusive insider offers and updates... Get back to around 7.2 and phosphate ( PO4 ) contents does not only on! 4 we ’ re dead in 3 hours whole home soft water system, and we ’ happy! Test kits don ’ t recommend them get back to normal a shelf at both ends long run light flow... The second coming these reasons, alkalinity maintenance is a favorite for lowering the ammonia is zero... Is really only done in freshwater aquariums should be minimised as much as possible KH really a in! Around the world sits out for beneficial to try to increase the KH runs between 6-8 with it often. ) into the mystical underwater world of reef aquarium by Dr. Ben Funk / ATI (! Plastic covers and other gunk temperatures between 24 and 26 °C great deal of ensuring. Will bind serious amounts of iodine if it is then passed through a cooler collected.