2. 20. the daily newspaper USA Today my great-uncle Norbert the MTV channel our good friend, Mr. Lepage C the house at 601 East Republic Street found in the unit titled “A World at War” Barbara Eastman, Ph.D. the recently released CD, Love in Winter C an appointment with Dr. Kelly Thomas [or Kelly Thomas, M.D.] The international financeir apparently conactivities sidered the law no hindrance to his activitys. 4. Ms. Neeley led a fascinating discussion about why some writers use pseudonyms. Get Free Holt Elements Of Literature Textbook and unlimited access to our library by created an account. A good book and a shady hammock is going to help me relax this Saturday. 18. Therefore, the singular, neuter pronoun its is used to agree with which.] Your family is waiting in the living room, so you should go in. 2. 5. (Do, Does) six fluid ounces of water weigh the same as six fluid ounces of tomato juice? , and fetch. 6. 2. C as if 8. 14c. [9] Maybe we could meet somewheres this summer. (try) 17. I am as tall, if not taller than, John. 5. [6] The call came into Woodhaven Fire Station at 9:07. A pronoun takes the place of one or more nouns or pronouns. , , Example ______ 1. (leave) 3. (bring, take) 13. 5. one’s; nothing anyone Someone Few most 6. We must consider the defendants innocent unless we can prove them otherwise. Mr. Allan use to be a family counselor. 10. EXAMPLES Ms. Fu Dr. Edward Jenner 3. the t.v. is 8. The largest human migration in modern 22. Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 2. The pride of lions (were, was) resting in the shade of a tree. All rights reserved. In 1612, Shah Jahan of India married a who [or that] woman which would become the love of his life. 11. Textbooks and other supplies are usually very expensive. How many people do you know who have raised rose their grade-point average so much? 7. Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics: Language Skills Practice Answer Key 103 Chapter 15: Spelling, pp. EXERCISE B On the line in each sentence below, write the correct present participle, past, or past participle of the verb provided in parentheses. Did Perry get on the subway at 96th Street and Broadway? SS SP SP 7. The ballet troupe will perform in the following cities New York, Chicago, and London. A direct object is a complement that tells who or what receives the action of a verb or shows the result of the action. The teacher said that this little chunk of granite is over four billion years old. The perfect sandwich needs mustard and mayonnaise on two slices of rye bread. 5. 12. [15] Keep these hints in mind the next time you set down for an interview. The poem does reveal something about the speaker’s feelings. 3. The newly elected officers are as follows Miriam, Mona, Alice, and Nancy. 62 ELEMENTS OF LANGUAGE Sixth Course Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Scientists consider the whale shark the Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. We are eager to go on vacation the past few weeks have been strenuous. 13. Please order me a sandwich when our server comes ______ 4. My, how cheery Mr. Morris seems today! 13. Sean ignored the passengers in the back^ seat. [masculine] Danielle was out of breath when she rushed into the room. It is easy to write about someone as interesting as (her, she) is. 18. 12. Lee (lay, laid) the map to the meeting on the passenger’s seat. 20. The garage is on fire! He stayed up until 4 A.M.; consequently, he slept through his 7 A.M. alarm. Additions and changes to the underlying content are the responsibility of the instructor. Only about one fourth of the island is suitable for human habitation. 4. I’d be preparing for the exam if I weren’t playing my match right now. 9. 7. can Example 1. The writer and director of that popular new play is he. Example 1. My mother, a zoologist, often tells me obscure facts about animals. 11. insured 4. Imala spoke to her teacher about an independent study project. 6. his 12. cabin stocked with food and blankets. INDIRECT OBJECT Mother gave me the rest of the chores. With this Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. where was I?” Alexis said, trying to find her place. 2. 9. Sure, I would be happy to borrow you my lawnmower. Cecile and Sarah paint very (good, well). Toward the end of the war came an almost SS unanimous Icelandic vote for independence from Denmark. To practice his addition skills, my little dice brother rolls three dices and calculates the sum. 296 ELEMENTS OF LANGUAGE Sixth Course NAME CLASS for CHAPTER 16: CORRECTING COMMON ERRORS DATE pages 523=526 Sentence Fragments and Run-on Sentences A EXERCISE Identify each of the following word groups by writing above it F if the word group is a sentence fragment, R if it is a run-on sentence, or S if it is a complete sentence. 5. More students have been riding the bus to and this increase in passengers school recently, which may have been caused by a shortage of parking spaces. 7. S 3. Only two of the five states you mentioned are west of the Mississippi River: ND and NV. 10. Q—May I answer that question ? Thanks to the valiant efforts of the firefighters, the small child was returned safly to her mother. Yoshi didn’t want to walk to the concert all by himself. 10. C 9. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor. I wonder if it will rain. This hat is prettier than that one is. (2) When a quoted sentence is interrupted by an expression that identifies the speaker, the second part of the quotation begins with a lowercase letter. The committee is headed by Former Justice Billig. Remind Dr. Scoffield her appointment at three o’clock has been canceled. By the mid-nineteenth century, the guttapercha ball was being used. [2] Fire breaked blood infections. How did you bust your arm? 4. “The thief must have large feet. 10. 8. 8. 4. 132 ELEMENTS OF LANGUAGE Sixth Course Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 3. 16. 1. Please do not bring any of the following items to camp: expensive jewelry, CD players, cellular telephones, or pagers. I thought the meeting was at four o’clock, but it did not start until (real, really) late. ADJ 18. Each sentence can be correctly revised in more than one way. Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics: Language Skills Practice Answer Key 11 was late as always. Zack found several Web sites that (contain, contains) useful information for our presentation. “That is right,” said the butler. USAGE PRESENT NAME CLASS for CHAPTER 8: USING VERBS CORRECTLY DATE pages 247=250 Correct Use of Verb Tenses A 8e. Sillyness seemed innappropriate in the principle’s office. EXAMPLES Before you leave Japan, take a picture of the family with whom you are staying. 5. 4. Hitler gave them his word that Germany’s aggressive expansion would cease. . Voice is the form a transitive verb takes to indicate whether the subject of the verb performs or receives the action. If a sentence is already correct, write C next to the sentence number. Child actress Judy Garland played Dorothy in The wizard of oz. 5. 25. ______ 4. Socrates’ execution in 399 B.C. 12. what 7. 8. 139 Worksheet 4 Using Commas in Compound Sentences Commas B, p. 320 EXERCISE 1. Our library is the biggest of these that have literally hundreds of thousands of different products represented. 21. After midnight, the moon crept out from behind the clouds. EXAMPLES My sister Deborah started college this year. . EXCLAMATION The house is on fire! C 18. Donna found the keys in the refrigerator, but she cannot explain how they got there. Sandy and Dave were lucky and grateful this time. 19. 9. 156 ELEMENTS OF LANGUAGE Sixth Course Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. “The shoehorn was last seen near a winR dow, which has been broken.” R I 3. For instance, the word panorama, which names a type of painting invented in 1787, comes from two Greek words. [4] African American contributions to contemporary music had included rhythm and blues and soul music. Ethiopian culture 3. going to Eastern California 4. the National Science foundation 5. 9. 9. Few students on their way to school pay attention to billboards. 2. Get off the court, but don’t run off. Several of the daffodils has already sprouted. title: author: publisher: isbn10 | asin: print isbn13: ebook isbn13: language: subject publication date: lcc: ddc, Assessing Grammar I am more better at grammar now than I litter. 10. Haskins, were strongly in favor of the signing a contract with the Phillies? 5. He started first grade in Waycross, Georgia; attended junior high in Thomasville, Georgia; finished high school in Macon, Georgia; and ended up in Memphis, Tennessee, for college. Then the doorbell rung, and Molly started barking furiously. At the hieght of his popularity, this author wrote at least one book per year. EXERCISE B have [11] Perhaps I shouldn’t of been so confident that I could look after my toddler cousin and study for the economics test at the same time. The driver who had barely avoided an accident was clearly shook. SS SP 15. 3. 18. Clarence has less college options than his brother Charles. 8. The ARPAnet, which was established in 1969, was the predecessor of the Internet. 164-183 Adjective or Adverb? 1. This ball debuted in the early seventeenth century. 12. 4. 8. 19. Use quotation marks to enclose a direct quotation—a person’s exact words. 9. S 2. less and points its bill upward. Clifford will have to hurry; he is late. The audience was deeply _______________ by her speech. 12. ______ 7. 5. 16. C 10. All rights reserved. ______ 2. 12. 9. NAME CLASS for CHAPTER 8: USING VERBS CORRECTLY DATE page 222 The Principal Parts of Verbs 8a. 3. 1. The miners carried picks, shovels, and pans, along the banks of the creek where gold had been discovered, Lost Creek. The Hereford is a beef breed originally from England, and the Brahman, a breed native to India, is a type noted for its resistance to heat and to disease. 2. The bread was (rising, raising) as we walked past the bakery window. 12. Although the car was ensured, the company wouldn’t pay for the broken windshield. 18. The list of prizes for the geography quiz show seems quite impressive. 9. 5. To train your dog effectively, you must establish a trusting bond with him. I the rolls in a pan, we baked them. All rights reserved. have a growing and appreciative audience in recent times. The data was carefully reviewed by our panel of experts. 20. Example 1. 20. When the capital, Córdoba, surrendered to the Christian king Ferdinand III in 1236, the Moorish empire in Spain was weakened significantly. 14. I am much gooder at doing jigsaw puzzles now than I used to be. 12. I regretted arguing with Marta. 19. 4. (pasta, pantry) Store the pasta in the pantry. Yesterday was exciting. Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics: Language Skills Practice 61 NAME CLASS page 120 The Appositive Phrase 3l. 20. F 10. My choices for the editors of the paper are you Eula and yourself. U 15. USAGE BASE FORM 11. The point is, the koran has been sacred to Muslims for many centuries. Then, on the line provided, write S if the pronoun is a subject or PN if it is a predicate nominative. 4. Example 1. denzel Washington as a jamaican police officer Denzel Washington as a Jamaican police officer ___________________________________________________________________________ MECHANICS 1. frances perkins, the first female member of the cabinet 2. ^ Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Terry has not got a clue as to his own conduct. Telephone me when your telephone is repaired. His many overseas travels didn’t interfere with him writing. The players who had given their best efforts at practice got to play the most during the game. 10. Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Of Monet’s [1840–1926] works, I am most drawn to his paintings of waterlilies. Even though we waited in line at the ticket window for hours, we weren’t able to get one. The first manned mission to orbit the moon A was apollo 8. 14. 14. 5. sings Is do is has 6. 1. 10. He said that the verdict, even though ADJ unfair, must be obeyed because the court was a legitimate institution. 11. Use an apostrophe to form the possessive of nouns and indefinite pronouns. Capitalize proper nouns and proper adjectives. 13. He was busy raking the yard, cleaning the gutters, and pulling out items for his garage sale, which he intended to have the next Saturday but he longed to submerge himself in a novel. After an unsuccessful attack by poachers, the gorilla (lead, led) (its, it’s) group to safety. from 8. known we needed one. 2. … 22. 15. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor. EXERCISE B On the line following each of these introductory elements, add words and punctuation marks to form a complete sentence. S—she 4. SIMPLE PREDICATE The cheering fans were parading around the stadium floor. Then, identify the modifier by writing above it ADJ for adjective or ADV for adverb. The money in the treasury—the collected membership dues—will go toward our graduation trip. C I 17. This recipe is new. The little girl stood on the curb, having looked both ways for cars before she crossed the street. R 15. (detergent, sink) 14. 9. The Moors brought new crops—apricots, almonds, and sugar cane—to the region, which they irrigated with complicated structures. The room would seem larger if that wall was a lighter color. Longman London and New York Dauletev . 6. Now, years later, the smell of rising bread brings back these memories. Myst; Riven Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics: Language Skills Practice Answer Key 97 Quotation Marks A, p. 246 Hughes. 17. 11. New Year’s day holiday 14. the company name is Neville & assoc. Count and exhale while Hawthorne. 17. 10. beliefs scenarios waifs tomatoes sheriffs videos carafes pianos hairdos loaves 11. reefs 12. sopranos [or soprani] 13. Have you also heared of Hadrian’s Wall, which the Romans built between what is now England and Scotland? longer Example 1. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The gust of wind felt icy against our unprotected faces. Swiss 20. aircraft EXERCISE B In the following sentences, cross out any misspelled word and write the correct spelling above it. It should be less difficult than learning the violin! Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics: Language Skills Practice 243 NAME CLASS for CHAPTER 14: PUNCTUATION DATE page 410 Italics (Underlining) B 14h. When I write in my diary, I write (more, mucher) on difficult days. EXAMPLES He recycled the newspapers, washed his car, and cut the grass. He always misspells vacuum by putting in an extra c and omitting a u. Did one of your cousins from Minnesota say that (he or she, they) loved the cold winters? He thought that if anyone said “Macbeth,” worst the show would be the^worse performance ever. All of the members of the band, including those who play tuba and sousaphone, marches in the pregame parade. 9. Although the pearls were plentyful, acquireing the treasures of the deep was not an easy task. Only a little nervous, the ensemble are tuning its instruments before the recital begins. 14. passers-by 14. already unpacked twenty-pound 16. Moving with grace and stealth, the Siamese cat was stalking the mouse. In honor of our country’s heros, how monuments many monumentes have been erected in Washington, D.C.? Seeing Maurizio on the dance floor, no one was sure where he had learned those. 18. Because the Supreme Court declared the personal income tax unconstitutional, those who supported the tax had to alter the Constitution. Angela said that they are due tomorrow. 10. Did Tina and Tranh finish Ms. Yanez’s what homework? Flying at an altitude of twenty-seven thousand feet, the sunset on the clouds was most truly beautiful. Some people enjoy gardening. E—What an incredible catch he made! We have an obligation to participate in the program. 19. 4. Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics: Language Skills Practice 23 NAME CLASS page 82 Sentences and Sentence Fragments 2a. Since somebody has to make dinner anyPN way, one favorite hobby is cooking. dec.—no clause 5. Who Example 1. 2. 12. I was able to finish the paper more quicklyer because I had organized my research notes. My annoyed assistant tempts them with promises of a treat after the photo session. EXERCISE 1. In 1873, the federal income tax ceased, until President Grover Cleveland reinstated it in how long 5. EXERCISE Underline the predicate nominative in each of the following sentences. The students rose and applauded when Sen Brenda Gomez was introduced. Of all the singers in the world, I like Neil Young best. decision, he settled back to await his fate. Socrates gained a reputation for wisdom early in his life. 9. Either her roommates or her sister are throwing a big surprise party for Samantha. Andrea had something in her eye. dec. 20. 9. 7. Use commas to set off nonessential subordinate clauses and nonessential participial phrases. NAME CLASS for CHAPTER 6: USING PRONOUNS DATE pages 184–193 Case Forms B Subjects and predicate nominatives should be in the nominative case. 13. I think I’ll get my dad a new hat or some golf balls. 4. I hope to memorize all the scales by the end of the year. A predicate nominative may be a noun, a pronoun, or a word group that functions as a noun. 10. Although this mountain bike costs more than that touring bike, it handles better. Capitalize proper nouns and proper adjectives. A 4,000-pound hippopotamus can outrun a human. GRAMMAR for CHAPTER 4: THE CLAUSE DATE NAME CLASS GRAMMAR for CHAPTER 4: THE CLAUSE DATE page 129 The Subordinate Clause 4c. Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. That must be one of the oldest buildings in the city. 6. 18. You should address the letter, to Dr. Keith Inman Director of Admissions Chataway College, 1112 College Street Chataway NH 02011. 4. EXAMPLE Please let me [to] finish my story. 20. Oops! Abbreviate them in tables, notes, bibliographies, and in letter and envelope addresses. 11. 19. COMMON ERRORS early in the twentieth century. PLANETS Jupiter Venus STARS Proxima Centauri Betelgeuse CONSTELLATIONS Draco Taurus 12e. 16. Doesn’t every student in this classroom like to exercise? 7. 15. 14. 5. Remembering the following rules will help you spell the plural forms of nouns. 7. Note that each sentence contains more than one error. E 12. Tim and Jack decided to do something (real, really) different. All rights reserved. 4. Example 1. 10. Lucille Ball had three television series I Love Lucy, The Lucy Show, and Here’s Lucy. The pen has laid on the floor all day. 8. EXERCISE Each of the following sentences contains incorrect pronoun usage. 9. 3. An indirect object should be in the objective case. NAME CLASS for CHAPTER 16: CORRECTING COMMON ERRORS DATE pages 379=396 Commas A EXERCISE In each of the following sentences, draw a caret (^) to show where any missing commas should be inserted. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor. The airplane pilot landed the plane (good, well). Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics: Language Skills Practice 165 USAGE Like one-word modifiers, phrases can also be used as adjectives and adverbs. Our game has been rained out, and the weather forecast says to expect more of it this week. 2. c 2. 2. If a sentence is already correct, write C after it. F—Matching my vest to her dress color and all of that fuss wasn’t really necessary. 20. Who is the (funnier, funniest) person in the class? 15. These days, many a computer enthusiast (send, sends) electronic greeting cards. I don’t see any cars, so the other guests 9. not have arrived yet. 11. Who discovered the electron microscope? South Indian food, which is sometimes served on a banana leaf, is delicious. 21. Example 1. 6. SS SP 13. ______ 4. All rights reserved. Working hard should help you achieve the goals that you have set for yourself. my 16. My younger sister done that puzzle in less than two minutes. Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics: Language Skills Practice 149 NAME CLASS for CHAPTER 8: USING VERBS CORRECTLY DATE pages 244=247 Tense and Form 8d. She called the small creature “dangerous.” 4. All rights reserved. Working hard should help you achieve the goals that you have set for yourself 19. 9. 8. When we took the mozzarella out of the refrigerator, we saw that it had grown mold. EXAMPLE “I’m so happy I can’t hardly [sic] stand it,” the new champion exclaimed. [verb] Did you leave your oboe in the practice hall? I expect that we will be back long before dark. The meeting will probably run as late, if not ^ later than, four o’clock. Did you ask Cooper to help us during the party? We wondered if there were front-row seats, as if we could afford front-row seats. Mozart’s father began to teach his son comwas position when Mozart is only five years old. 4. V 7. Be sure to include all words necessary to complete a compound comparison. A verb should agree in number with its subject. Down the alley came a large pickup truck loaded with boxes and furniture. One of my chores (is, are) washing and drying the dishes after supper. We’re planning to visit the alamo while in San Antonio; it’s a former Franciscan mission and now a state monument. 9b. Costumes were not always historically U accurate; on stage, they basically dressed in the fashions of the day. 6. Eugene, Noah, Harold, Louis, Glen, and Paul slept on the bus. How do you feel about those water rides that soak you to the bone 10. 5. EXERCISE Underline the linking verbs in the following sentences. We found out why when one kid began to cry because his card pack was missing his Sen. Kata Rodriguez favorite character, Squirrely Squirrel, Junior . 5. Verb Tense, p. 309 EXERCISE A Revision may vary. 11. [command] (3) An interrogative sentence asks a question and ends with a question mark. 19. holt elements of language teachers edition introductory course Dec 02, 2020 Posted By Andrew Neiderman Ltd TEXT ID 6625c42e Online PDF Ebook Epub Library esl esol introductory course by holt rinehart winston seller nationwide text dot com published 2009 01 01 condition good isbn 9780554010793 item price holt elements of The cookie sheet should be allowed to cool This technique before putting the dough on it. Shackleton and his team were planning a trip across the continent on foot. Then, underline the pronoun in parentheses that agrees with the antecedent. My, how cheery Mr. Morris seems today! 17. More than three hundred childs will compete in our region’s Special Olympics this year. 2. holt elements of language answers below. 14. Use italics (underlining) for words, letters, symbols, and numerals referred to as such and for foreign words that have not been adopted into English. Five dollars an hour for baby-sitting seems fair to me; (it, they) will help to pay for my car insurance. Chapter 16 CORRECTING COMMON ERRORS Sentence Fragments and Run-on Sentences A ......297 Sentence Fragments and Run-on Sentences B........298 Subject-Verb Agreement A..........................................299 Subject-Verb Agreement B ..........................................300 Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement A ..........................301 Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement B ..........................302 Pronoun Forms A ........................................................303 Pronoun Forms B..........................................................304 Clear Pronoun Reference A ........................................305 Clear Pronoun Reference B ........................................306 Verb Forms A ................................................................307 Verb Forms B ................................................................308 Verb Tense ......................................................................309 Comparative and Superlative Forms of Modifiers ..................................................................310 Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers A......................311 Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers B ......................312 Correct Use of Modifiers ............................................313 Standard Usage A ........................................................314 Standard Usage B ........................................................315 Standard Usage C ........................................................316 Capitalization A ............................................................317 Capitalization B ............................................................318 Commas A......................................................................319 Commas B ......................................................................320 Semicolons and Colons ..............................................321 Quotation Marks with Other Punctuation A..........322 Quotation Marks with Other Punctuation B ..........323 Apostrophes ..................................................................324 All Marks of Punctuation Review A ........................325 All Marks of Punctuation Review B ........................326 Spelling A ......................................................................327 Spelling B........................................................................328 Words Often Confused................................................329 Spelling and Words Often Confused........................330 REVIEW A: Usage............................................................331 REVIEW B: Mechanics ....................................................332 REVIEW C: Usage and Mechanics ..............................333 vii Using This Workbook The worksheets in this workbook provide practice, reinforcement, and extension for Chapters 1–16 of Elements of Language. The puppy chased its tail until it tired itself out. 5. 7. The reason I was late for class is because my dad’s car wouldn’t start. Comparisons Review, p. 179 EXERCISE Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Sample responses are given. Please notify Dr. and Mrs. Sanchez about the meeting. 8. 172 ELEMENTS OF LANGUAGE Sixth Course Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 6. ______ 5. Place the bruised apples over there; these are the ones to keep. past 9. EXAMPLES The water flowed over the rocks. 7. 9. May 2, 2009 [1] Dear Dr Lebowitz [2] Im writing to thank you first of all for speaking to senior class members planning to attend Prairie Tech U next fall [3] In my opinion the best talk was yours [4] Your final comment about learning from our failures as well as from our successes Ive experienced a few of both was [6] I have of course another reason for writing I am interested in knowing whether freshman leaders have been selected yet [7] My application for one of the positions should have reached your office by the March 31 12 00 PM deadline [8] I realize both that there were many applicants and that youre quite busy but I am hoping to find out before I complete the student loan process [9] I knew the first time I read about the position in your booklet What Awaits You at Prairie Tech U that I would enjoy taking on the extra duties I look forward to hearing from your office. Brother asked me to cyclo-cross racing, I had borrowed another copy the! 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