I used to pile the attention on then realized he was also faking it too for attention lol their. This small snorting creature was nothing like either of our previous dogs. Get your dog to lick you. All of this combined gives you the impression of pig noises that could sound like hacking, coughing, wheezing or a series of other alarming sounds. 1.9k Views. I have a Miniature Boston Terrier and Chihuahua mix. For example, Bulldogs, Boxers, Mastiffs, Pugs, Shit Zhus, and other dog breeds with short snouts. Mine 2 im scared she does it when she lays down and cant sleep. how did you find he had a leaky valve at vet or cardiologist? 2 snort. It's recommended that you try to determine if any of the causes listed above are triggering your Chihuahua to experience an episode, and if they are, you should try to remedy the problem. So very sorry for your loss. It can also be caused by a virus or sinus infection. He has several Yorkies that have this problem so he is very familiar with it. A collapsed trachea means your Chihuahua has a flattened airway that may get worse with infection, or physical trauma like pulling at a leash attached to a collar/ Depending on the severity of your Chihuahua’s collapsed trachea, you may notice snorting and huffing during the day, on … It’s not every day that you would hear a dog snort, and not a lot of people actually know what it sounded like! He is named Piglet because of this weird snorting thing he does all of the time. Chihuahua Vaccine and Booster Shot Schedule, Chihuahua Tear Stains: Causes, Prevention and Treatment, Chihuahua Names: Top 100 Boy and Girl Names, 60 Amazing Facts About Chihuahuas That You Didn’t Know, How To Identify and Treat Ear Infections In Chihuahuas, What To Expect From a Chihuahua’s Heat Cycle. I have a teacup longhaired Chihuahua named Lulu. (This is why cats can’t eat dog food because it lacks the chemical they need in their diet) so feeding ur chiahua cat food long term is really bad! Chihuahua Pictures and Visitor Photo Gallery. They already have my money. Does anyone know why???? My 11 year old apple head does this often, sometimes late at night, and sometimes first thing in the morning. Thank you for this information. Once again, thank you so very much! While she's snorting she still tries to play at the same time, and her tail wags like crazy. I love my Skipper and Pinky and would do anything to help them. Then slowly add more until you reach hopefully all dog food! the last 3 days he has had episodes off and on of reverse sneezing! I have two Chihuahua’s. As soon as I put him down it started again. Should I be worried, she has had chronic coughing spells for the last 4-5 months now. I have tried giving breathing treatments, tiny pieces of cough drops,and benadryl but nothing seems to help. When he sniffs the floor or ground or his favorite blankets he comes up snorting like a pig. I wish I would of known about this earlier I would of asked my vet about and possible save my little guys from going through all those tests. How to stop australian shepherd from biting. This post helped me a lot. _g1.setAttribute('srcset', _g1.getAttribute('data-srcset')); My 12.5 yr old yorkie's breathing sounds like he is snorting like a pig - this is continuous. When this situation occurs. We will have some X-rays in a few days just make sure her trachea there is no severe damage. Has anyone else having this problem? Your email address will not be published. My dog does the same thing. I get it, My Mikkie is now 5 , love of my life. My deer chihuahua almost a year is displaying these symptoms but he’s trying to go to sleep and looks like he’s still seizing and it wakes him up I am terrified it looks horrible his twitching. I am looking into having an operation to have a stent put in. I'm His Amy He's My Rory 2 kids; Caldwell, Idaho 49366 posts. My boy snorts for all types of things, excitement, to get our attention, or smelling, like getting too close to the snow or sand on the beach lol So many things. And luckily there are a tonne of dog treats with vitamins in them. Mine has the same thing Jill. Why does my dog snort like a pig? Using harsh cleaning chemicals in the house may cause your Chihuahua to experience an episode. In the local dialect, Chihuahua refers to a place where two rivers meet. Brachycephalic airway obstruction syndrome (BAOS) * is characterized by primary and secondary upper respiratory tract abnormalities, which may result in significant upper airway obstruction. Im terrified my baby is hacking all the time now. I was at my wit’s end with what to feed her until we got two kittens and she started stealing their dry food. If he eats that no problem then again see if you can add a little doggie kibble into it. Hey, noooo never give a dog cat food. The wheezing sounds like pig grunts..the scary part is seeing her abdomen constricting, as if she’s suffocating. His neck will stretch out, … God Bless you Chiuauhuaha lovers! if ( localStorage.getItem(skinItemId ) ) { Some dog breeds are more likely to grunt and snort like pigs than others. I also put coconut oil in her food this seems to help to soothe her throats when hacking, I’ve made sure she stays on a fresh base diet to eliminate any build mucous which is the white foamy stuff backup up due to reverse sneezing. Don’t get stressed just calm your pup it will pass it’s just reoccurring which is terrifying but they are fine just something to get used too…. Reverse sneezing often sounds worse than it actually is, but it can indicate a more serious problem. I had a weird feeling that she was going to die. You put my mind to rest. I tried water, fresh air but did the rubbing on neck which calmed him down. https://thedogsbreeds.com/why-does-my-chihuahua-snort-like-a-pig _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-mobile-inverted-img'); Susan Sullinger var _g1; It freaks me out when he does this, it’s good to know it’s common. This has been an ongoing occurrence since I adopted my chihuahua. Required fields are marked *. They just started doing this about 8 months ago. Your email address will not be published. Everyone that meets her loves her, I doubt I will ever connect with another animal this way again. Only then can you rest assured knowing that you have the ability to keep your Chihuahua safe and comfortable when they begin wheezing. The hacking is not bad but continual. I’ve tried nearly 15 different types of dog food, and she absolutely will not touch any of them. Vacuum cover beautiful pig, mouse or rabbit If you like this item and would like to see more or to order go to my She is my bestfriend, she follows me everywhere. The fat is actually crucial to their diet so just giving them boiled chicken for too long can result in protein shock. Now I know it’s reverse sneezing and the vet knee as well. We just got another Chi that’s only 1 yr old and she just started doing too, except not when she drinks but when she eats. This has been an ongoing occurrence since I adopted my chihuahua. Has anyone experienced this, any suggestions? try { I’ve had chihuahuas all my life and this is first that ever had this. That’s my baby!! Your Chihuahua’s reverse sneezing or snorting sound is triggered when the soft palate inside the roof of his mouth is irritated or misaligned. My chihuahua George is 11 years old a year ago he was unwell heavy rapid breathing took him to the vet to be told he had a heart murmur apparently common in small older dogs he had a heart scan and he has a leaky valve on one of his heart valves he takes three tablets in a morning two at tea time and one for bed but he wheazes all the time after a drink like he’s choking it’s the valve spitting fluid back out only lasts seconds but it’s scary because you do think they are going to choke the rubbing of the neck is a good thing to know thanks, My 6 month old Chihuahua boy started doing this wheezing and looking as if he couldn’t breathe, I automatically started rubbing his throat, trying to calm him. This is called reverse sneezing because it seems like they are inhaling their sneezes. If it is a bad spell, and goes on for more than 30 sec or so, I give him a little bit (approx. Some owners compare this to a cat trying to hack up a hair ball, only there's nothing that physically comes up once your Chihuahua is done hacking. He did an exam and X-ray, and said her X-ray looked good then mentioned these little ones known for having enlarged soft pallets. (I did when I first got my chi, but she wouldn’t eat the expensive stuff I bought, either.). He said it’s very common for small breeds because their treachea does not connect to make a circle, therefore it collapses very easily. He was there for 7 months. How many of you would be able to wait for your loved one to snap out of it?I brought her to another vet and was given phenobarbital for seizures. this article may be helpful to you if your chihuahua has been affected by obstructed breathing or symptoms thereof. There is another condition that can be more serious than this and an untrained ear might not be able to tell the difference. I would just hold her and tell her to calm down, and I instinctively knew to massage her neck! She is a very picky eater. I came to this article because I was worried it could be allergies but looks like eating too fast may be what’s triggering it. When your Chihuahua has an episode of reverse sneezing, they stop whatever it is they’re doing, tilt their head, and begin to gasp as if suffocating or struggling to breathe. we have 3 chihuahua's. For example, Bulldogs, Boxers, Mastiffs, Pugs, Shit Zhus, and other dog breeds with short snouts. And remember even if you buy one really good bag (royal canin chihuahua food is great) and mix that in with a regular kibble that way they are getting the good food and you can really stretch it out . A collapsed trachea can sound almost similar. What is a Molera or ‘Soft Spot’ in Chihuahuas? I want to thank everyone for the advice. Good luck. I gave them to her as directed but for the next eight years of her life it happened 3 more times. Every time !! Anyway, glad to know this. Some veterinarians may also recommend giving your Chihuahua Benadryl or some other over-the-counter medication if they believe allergies are the cause of their episodes. Shiba Inu by Shutterstock. Your chihuahua could be coughing and snorting because of an illness. But I don’t worry about it too much now, it just looks uncomfortable. I read it’s an inverted sneeze pretty weird. It’s making his eyes water. By the way a couple xmas eve’s ago I lost my Italian greyhound/best friend Diesel after they looked at him and said he had Cancer. Never lasts long, but boy did it scare me the first few times she did it! George, what you had to say was very informative. I’m glad this is recurring with other chiuahuas. Thank you for sharing this post and the video. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-inverted-img'); I got Bailey and it was one of the best things to ever happen to me! We rescued him from someone who raised him with cats, probably why he’s do quiet. But they want us to dose her with trazadone so they can do their work on her. He told us to put her on a boiled chicken, rice, and pea diet. She was a runt! I could feel the love you had for your Dolly. I looked it up but never saw a way to help her through the episode, so thank you! But there’s no need to panic just yet as these wheezing episodes are common among Chihuahuas. We rescued him from someone who raised him with cats, hence why he’s so quiet. Snorting dogs or cats are often reacting to something that is irritating their nose, like an allergen or a bit of dirt. It has been going on for about 4 days this time. This can be caused by different triggers such as an allergic reaction to dust, pollen, or pollutants. The correct way to pronounce this word is Chee-wa-wa as the locals say it. var _g1; My 7 year old chi has never done this so I was freaked out the first time my youngest one did this. And on lasix 1ml 2xdaily…i hate the thought of losing him so im hoping the lasix helps, took Chihuahua twice already to vet and they have done xrays and ive paid a lot of money so far but they keep telling me only a cardiologist for animal can tell what is going on with heart they only see the murmur I cant afford cardiologist in meantime my dog is breathing hard and hacking, Have you investigated vet pay ? Thank you so much for your post. I never thought it had a name or other causes. Even if your Chihuahua hasn't experienced one of these episodes yet, it's still important to educate and familiarize yourself with this condition, as it's one of the most common health problems associated with the breed. Try to calm him down by massage his neck Why does my Yorkie snort like a pig? She would never eat dog food she always stole from the cat. I do this every night and it has helped stop the wheezing and hacking along with a Benadryl. I just pat his back and try to calm him down and eventually it passes, but it does worry me when he randomly starts making that noise and he clearly gets worried when he does it ...does anybody else's dog do this and know what it is ? Same Vet. He does this when I come home from work , when he is overly happy. Soft chewy milkbone with vitamins at the dollarstore even! Unfortunately, there's no known cure for reverse sneezing/wheezing episodes in Chihuahuas and other small dogs. they took a chest x-ray. In some cases, it is caused by polyps found in their mouth and throat, deformities in their palate tissue, or presence of nasal mites. A dog will extend its neck, the chest will expand and the dog will try to inhale quickly over and over again. Admittedly since she's lost a little weight she's not quite so piggish sounding - she's also able to jump up on the bed in one try instead of six and doesn't snort for 5 minutes afterward. In fact, most any infectious disease that affects the upper respiratory system … Unusually loud breathing sounds are often the result of air passing through abnormally narrowed passageways, meeting resistance to … With that said, there are a couple of things owners can do to help calm and comfort your Chihuahua when they are wheezing. well he does that in the morning he is shaking and then he snorts if we dont come to him he is a maltese almost 1 years old and now he is making wierd noises like what we do when we have mucus in our nose and why does he bite his feet to like constantly? She’s the love of my life. My chi is beyond fussy. It seemed that she wouldn’t eat any type of dog food no matter what it was. I have a 2yr old deer head Chihuahua purrs when i love him. Best wishes for your furry friends. OREJEN dog food is by far the best and keeps your Chi in wonderful condition. The dog will breathe in too much air through his nose and thus begin the worrisome sound of your dog sounding like a pig. Lesson learn. We’ve always associated snorting sounds with pigs but many dogs, including Chihuahuas, can also be heard making this sudden sound through their nose. I have a teacup chihuahua named baby-rose and she has had these episodes since I got her three years ago I find it helps her calm down when I massage her neck and scratch her belly, I think you just have to find your own way of comforting and calming your chihuahua depending on them. My dog is doing great and now on occasion the sneezing is normal vs. reverse which is here and there. I’m so sorry to hear of your pups passing. What is the best food for border collie puppies? An I took her to the vet the vet ask if she had breathing problems I was really scared an nervous but she was ok an she is doing well. It scares me cause he sounds like his breathing is hurting him. It was crazy. So maybe try looking for dog food with a higher protein concentration? Its about a dollar fifty a can. He's a tad chunky and snorts like a pig, but all he wants is your love and to run off a few lbs with you. What do i do, Try giving adding rocks in the water, that makes them have to go around it to drink it, makes them drink it slower, and when it comes to food, I suggest getting then a toy, that will have them playing and getting 2-3 bites a move, that has stop my chihuahuas episodes and she gets an exercise from it, and enjoys it. He is named Piglet because of this weird snorting thing he does all of the time. Also my vet says to try Benadryl, this also works well to previous excessive sneezes to allergens around. It can also be caused by a virus or sinus infection. It seems as if nobody wanted him. They’re packed with great vitamins for them and chihuahuas love the taste. I have no choice but to feed her dry food because I can’t afford that expensive wet food. She is ten years old. The wheezing usually lasts anywhere from 15-30 secs. My mom’s pup always coughs. Both cats and dogs can suffer infectious diseases that manifest — at least in part — as sneezing. Maybe try to mix a little bit of dog kibble I. If she takes to that? At what age should a female border collie be spayed? With the kitty kibble? All the animals have friends, but Pig does not. Allergic reactions or extreme sensitivity to dust, pollen or other air pollutants. He was also given an injection of Lasix to get him some relief quicker. . She’s only 10 lbs i feel really bad because i fell like there is nothing that I can do for her. As you can see, the Chihuahua stops in their tracks and begins to cough and hack like they are gasping for air. Hello! When we have people come over or service techs for something they have no clue he’s on his blanket on our loveseat. People, if your dog is reverse sneezing.. Go and see your vet. Oh yes, Lottie's nickname is Pig Pig because she snort snorts all the time. Although the name suggests that it's related to sneezing, it's actually caused by an irritation of the soft palate in the roof of their mouth. As their owner, it's your responsibility to know how to treat any health problems that may arise in your Chihuahua, and reverse sneezing is one of these conditions. Trending I just woke up and came out to where he sleeps and heard him. The hacking is now occasional. Love em as much as you can as they do you. Most owners will find it pretty easy to identify reverse sneezing/wheezing episodes in their Chihuahua. Hot When my Chihuahua does that I pat her back in till she stops and she only does it when she gets too excited when my family gets home or sometimes when she is playing, My chihuahua is 9 years old and chronically coughs all the time, but she does not cough while she is sleeping. It scared me so much. As long as you aren't using too much force, a gentle massage should shorten the length of the spasm. That should help subside the attack in a few seconds. _g1.classList.remove('lazyload'); A Chihuahua that Grunts Like a Pig! Thank you! When she starts back sneezing, I blow through her nose. } My chihuahua is a male 10 months now and his has gotten worse too, several times a day. I was about to run off to the emergency vet but she seems fine now. Airway surgery will cure it and will also stop the dog from having irreversible damage and everted saccules. Cat food doesn’t have the same ingredients that dog food does to nurture and keep your dog healthy. Nam maximus felis sed lacinia venenatis. He just wants comfort and I’m sitting with him all the time. Chi? I have a pointer and she snorts at the door when she's trying to smell through it. Thank you so much my Chihuahua is almost 13 and she started doing this at 6 am this morning. He … Occasionally my dog wil start making this noise as if he is chocking or can not breathe, it sort of sounds like a pig snorting. Pulling on their leash when they are wearing a tight collar. He then suggest sedating her to look down her throat and trimming the soft pallet…she’s 4 lbs, and $900. Don’t worry. When Izzy does this, she always comes straight to me for comfort and I hold her and gently rub her throat while talking softly to her. (Mucous buildup) she would hacked and cough up. I feed them turkey with venison kibble from Rachael Ray, their stomachs seem to handle it very well. Ours has only made this sound 2x in the 9 years we’ve owned him. My Chiwawa stops the reverse sneeze when I put one finger over one nostril. I had her vet checkup and they said it’s usually triggered by something..,pollen in my case, also excitement or when Defending against other The fat apparently help them absorb the proteins. It can cause alarm to their human companions as it looks like they are gasping for air. Thank you so much for this advice. What It Is. My dog does it every so often. Taking them to the veterinarian usually ends up being a waste of money, as your Chihuahua's episode will likely pass on its own, long before you even reach the vet. Cat food has a much higher concentration of protein in it which might be why ur Chihuahua probably likes it more!! Anyway, she’s been reverse sneezing for years! My dog freaks me out when she does this. I know this as I’m a vet nurse and have seen the procedure done hundreds of times with success. She passed away at 14 from cancer and kidney disease.She gave me happiness throughout her years and is now and always will be in my heart. Earlier, we advised you not to rush your Chihuahua to the vet when this happens. Very scary,sad,but as long as I don’t panic your dog won’t. Special cat food or not. Deer Head vs Apple Head Chihuahua: What’s the Difference? So why risk my dogs life over a few hundred dollars. Patellar Luxation in Chihuahuas – What You Should Know. We are having a bad time with the allergies here lately and I think it’s made it a little worse. Thanks for listening. But unlike a sneeze, snorts are done on purpose. I looked it up but never saw a way to help her through the episode, so thank you! Others may rush their Chihuahua to the veterinarian thinking something more severe is at hand. Dec 30th '12. With basic care it all seems manageable. Some furparents pinch their Chihuahua’s nostrils to shorten the length of these episodes so that their furbaby can breathe normally again. With that being said, why does it happen? I know they can be expensive, so search online for dog food coupons! I put butter on my finger and have them eat it. Any suggestions? My ex has always feed her special kitty cat food. Breathing Patterns especially when resting are free of spasms. Pug is not a pig, but maybe, just maybe, Pig and Pug can be friends! I’ve just noticed with my puppy (his son) he has started to cough too. I have a 14 year old Chihuahua. I've also heard that the snorting can be a backwards sneeze, which is the dog trying to get an allergen out of its system. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-mobile-inverted-source'); I spoil her rotten but she deserves it. _g1.setAttribute('src', _g1.getAttribute('data-src') ); It says Cat food for a reason! Of course it worried me to no end! It works every time. I have many sleepless nights over this condition! I’ll have to try it. Pig lives on a farm with lots of other animals. early on she would make this sound every now and then, but over the past couple of weeks, it’s been several times daily. I don’t know what to do, I’m on social security and can’t afford an expensive vet bill. But, It Works !! Don’t know why. I rescued my chi-chi 2 years ago. Snorting “Like the sneeze, this can be an attention-getter for the very squish-faced breeds,” explains Dr. Kass-Williamson. This is because there’s really no cure for their reverse sneezing and it usually goes away on its own. It’s very scary. “However, when the snorting continues for a … And she doesn’t hack as much when sleeping or resting. It’s good to know I was doing the right thing. I am so glad that Dolly had you to help her live those 14 fun filled years! Fellow Chihuahua lover. I have a 2 yr old chihuahua that has always done this after he drinks, it’s scary to watch but by now we’re used to it. Name or other causes your loss of your fur baby he would not touch it be lasting 2 days minute. Remember they can do to help with her to calm down, and Benadryl nothing... The throat and trimming the soft pallet…she ’ s good to know it, but boy did!... 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